Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 155,374,198 Issue: 220 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y7
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Sugary Evil

by pocky_of_doom

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Revenge of the Disgruntled Neopians
What you’re about to delve into is a guide that has developed as the result of many hours of frustration taken out on poor pixel caricatures of certain staff members that run Neopets.

by sum41girl2k


The Buzzer Game - BUZZ!
This guide should give you the basics and all that other stuff for you to become the buzzer game champ!

by littlej001


I wouldn't recommend that...

by starsparkler


Your Friendly Gift Giving Guide
The main thing for you to remember is this simple fact: it isn’t about the cost of the gift, but the effort you put into it.

by uggazew

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