Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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Major Malfunction

by moonxtal

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The Three of Us
Clouds aren't cheap...

by fading_tranquility


Constant Stupidity
You're abnormal!

by _darkthief_


"Your Hands Glow Blue For A Moment...": Part One
"You've heard the stories! Amazing things happen to people who visit the shrine! We might get a Paintbrush, or a million Neopoints, or buried pirate treasure, or..."

by silvormoon


Pages of a Lost Past: Part Seven
I positioned myself against the pillow and slowly opened the journal to the last entry I had read. Kachie curled up on my stomach so she could read along with me...

by sibertiger9

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