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Aishas In Neopia

by 124456789xxzc


Have you ever noticed just how many Aishas there are in Neopia versus other pets? Sure, you do see other pets, but almost everywhere you go, you see an Aisha or two. I certainly noticed this, and traveled Neopia to find out how many Aishas there really are.

Terror Mountain and Tyrannia

My first stop was Happy Valley. My strategy was to comb the shops and see how many Aishas were running them. I decided to start with the slushie shop.

Shop Eyrie: Whad'ya want?

Me (Elle): I would like to know if you know any Aishas that run shops in Happy Valley.

Shop Eyrie: What are you talking about? GET OUT OF MY SHOP!

I got out of there as fast as I could. So much for *Happy* Valley. Maybe it was the sour slushie he had been drinking.

My next stop was Wintery Petpets. The Bruce that owned the shop was very helpful, telling me that an Aisha ran the Advent Calendar, that there was an Aisha sitting on a snowball in the Ice Caves, and that he had not seen any Aishas on the peak of Terror Mountain. He also reminded me that there was an Aisha on Terror Mountain's Altador Cup Team, Prytariel. For counting Aishas, the first number is the number of Aishas for that world, and the second number is all of the possible PETS that could be Aishas.

Terror Mountain's count: 2/32

My next world to explore was Tyrannia. As I traveled around, I was surprised to find that there were no Aishas. I thought about this for a while, then realized that it was because Aishas could not be painted Tyrannian.

Tyrannia's count: 0/12

Roo Island, Kiko Lake, Neopia Central

I didn't think that there would be any Aishas on Roo Island, and I was correct. Let's just leave it at that.

Roo Island's Count: 0/3

I didn't think that there would be any Aishas at Kiko Lake, either, but I saw one on the Glass Bottom Boat Tours. My Peophin, Nala, begged me to let her stay and meet Helmo Timm, the Peophin on Kiko Lake's Altador Cup team , but we had work to do, so I dragged an unhappy Nala to Neopia Central.

Kiko Lake's count: 1/3

Armed with a few thousand Neopoints, a pair of cool shades, and a crying baby Peophin, I made my way into crowded Neopia Central. I decided to start with the Art Centre. I saw four Aishas sitting around a campfire at Story Telling, but that was it. Next, I made my way to the Book Shop to ask if there were any Aishas in the main shops.

Shop Nimmo: Greetings. What can I do for you today?

Well, at least *somebody* is being helpful today.

Elle: Do you know of any Aishas in the main shops?

Shop Nimmo: I am sorry, I do not. Will that be all?

Elle: Yes, thank you.

My next stop was the Bazaar. Hopefully, I could find something to quiet Nala down. I stopped at the bakery to buy her some chocolate chip biscuits, then made my way around. I found that an Aisha ran the defence magic shop, that there was an Aisha by the ticket booth at Movie Mountain and THREE Aishas in the cafeteria. I mean, out of all of the pets to choose from, they put three AISHAS in there. Then I was off to the Plaza.

There was a big plushie Aisha at Plushie Palace, and then I came across the Alien Aisha Vending Machine. Why should they get their own vending machine? I didn't think that that was fair, and neither did Nala.

Neopia Central's count: 11/92

Meridell, Brightvale, Darigan Citadel

I saw only one Aisha: Lisha, Jeran's sister.

Meridell/ Brightvale count: 1/15

Next was the Citadel. I decided to try Cellblock. When I entered, only one prisoner was available, and that was Number Five. Oh boy, this was going to be good.

Elle: Do you know any Aishas in the Citadel?

Number Five: Jelly World! Aishas in JELLY WORLD!

Elle: Jelly World? *cough* Why that's absurd! Everyone knows Jelly World doesn't exist!

Thankfully, Master Vex came in at that moment.

Elle: Do you know of any Aishas in the Citadel?

Master Vex: Sorry, no.

I thanked him and got away from the Darigan Citadel as fast as I could.

Darigan Citadel's count: 0/9

Haunted Woods and Lost Desert

Next up, Haunted Woods. I didn't really want to ask anybody there about Aishas, so I toured by myself (well besides with Nala) about the Woods, finding an Aisha at the coloring pages. I then moved on to the Deserted Fairground, where *something* drove everyone away. My guess is that it was the fact that there was yet another Aisha in Neopia, running the Cork Gun Gallery.

Haunted Woods' count: 2/15

Now, the Lost Desert. I didn't bother counting the Aishas in the streets of Sakhmet because they were sooo tiny, and there were a lot of them.

I found one at Pyramids, the Fruit Machine, and of course there was Osiri at Osiri's pottery. There was also Remnok, who ran the battle supplies, and Princess Amira, on the steps of the palace.

I also toured Qasala and found no Aishas.

The Lost Desert's count: 5/16

Wow... lots of Aishas in the Lost Desert!

Krawk Island, Mystery Island, Maraqua

*I did not include Faerieland because there are just faeries!

On Krawk Island, having no luck and a hungry Peophin, I made my way into the Golden Dubloon, where I happened upon two Aishas: the Fontaine sisters.

Krawk Island's count: 2/6

On Mystery Island, I won a bottled faerie and some gross food from the Tombola and Geraptiku punch from the Deserted Tomb, and had my fortune told by the Island Mystic, but found no Aishas. Nala begged me to go on a Tiki Tour, and I am glad we went, because we saw FIVE Aishas on the tour.

Mystery Island's count: 5/22

In Maraqua, I saw only one Aisha, running the Sea Shell Shop.

Maraqua's count: 1/9 * Please note that I counted all of the pets in the fishing cavern, too.

Virtupets Space Station, Kreludor, Altador

My search is coming to an end as I explore the last three Neopian worlds that I can access: the Space Station, Kreludor, and Altador.

In the Space Station, I found no Aishas, but just as I was leaving, I saw Farvin III playing Gormball.

Space Station's count: 1/29

On Kreludor, there were only Grundos.

Kreludor's count: 0/3

In Altador, my last stop, I found only one Aisha, but a very important one: the statue of Jerdana. I guess she shouldn't really count, because she is a statue, but I am counting her.

Altador's count: 1/20

If you are thinking, Hey, what about Isca and Caylis and Kyishi and Princess Sankara and the Court Dancer and Mrs. Prendergast and all the others, do not worry; they are out there somewhere.

Now, folks, that I have finished my exploration, it is time for the total tally. The total number of Aishas in Neopia is...


295 divided by 54 (which is the number of Neopets) is around 5.5, so we could have 5 or 6 of every Neopet running shops or running around on the maps and it would be even, but it is very lopsided... there are 32 total Aishas on the maps!

In conclusion, people, there are way too many Aishas on the maps, and don't be surprised if when the next plot comes out, it is about Aishas taking over Neopia... because they already started.

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