Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part Four by diamond_rox
"I-swear," gasped Matt in exhaustion, "we've-passed-that
tree-before." He pointed at an unmistakable tree that bent right back onto itself
in a full 180 degrees.
Trev flopped down on the grass. "We are getting
NOWHERE. You see that small yellow square in the distance? That's Balthazar's
house. It's less than 150 meters away and anyone can run that far in a minute,"
he snapped. "Some guide," he added, muttering, and flashed dark looks at Nara.
Carrie and Nara sat down beside him. "Yeah, but
we'd better get going before Balthazar opens the cupboard and realize we're
gone," said Carrie, starting to get up.
Nara pulled Carrie back down. "No point, I already
told you, he shuts you in the cupboard and doe--" Trev silenced the faerie by
shoving his paw over Nara's mouth.
"Shh, there's something over there," he said,
jerking his head in the direction of a bush ten paces away from them.
All too soon, a sweeping figure in a cloak burst
into the clearing on a rearing black Uni. The cloaked figure leaned back to
stay balanced on the enormous Uni and the hood blew off its head. Matt, Trev
and Carrie gasped as green and purple hair flew out of the hood, but Nara snarled
and inched backwards.
An evil smirk appeared on the Dark Faerie's purple
tinged face as it's hand went into a small silver pouch tied to her belt and
drew it out along with a handful of glittering black powder and threw it skillfully
at her prey; the powder caught the wind and scattered over them all, Trev and
Nara promptly covered their noses and mouths but Carrie and Matt gasped, inhaling
the powder and dropping almost instantly into unconsciousness. However, the
powder was so fine that it seeped through Nara's fingers and Trev's thick mane…something
burnt at the back of Trev's throat and as the burning sensation worked its way
up to his brain, a soft thump next to her notified Trev that Nara had just gone
out…his brain burnt and throbbed and finally threw Trev into unconsciousness.
Screams of anger sounded through the corridors.
juicy thuds rang between the pause of each word. The doors to the throne room
burst open and six faeries came in (four dark, two space), surrounding a white
Zafara draped in a long brown traveling cloak. Two of the faeries were supporting
bloody noses, another one was limping and the faerie supporting her was ripping
off the hem of her cloak and binding it tightly on her bleeding arm.
"Milady, this is the girl from the village,"
the same messenger as before said.
The Space Faerie on the throne grinned-but it
was more like bearing her teeth. She had long navy blue hair and huge navy blue
eyes, along with a glittering navy blue gown that, in space, would make the
faerie invisible in her surroundings. Her wings, however, were small and weak,
but they too were navy blue-though semitransparent.
"What is your name?" the Space Faerie asked.
Her voice echoed around the room eerily, it reminded the Zafara of void and
"What does it mean to you," the white Zafara
snapped. The newly-elected queen snarled.
"Tell me, NOW!" As the queen shouted, the last
word the Zafara felt as if her head had split open and her thoughts were pouring
out. A voice hissed in her head, tell me, tell me your name…tell me... the Zafara
heard her own voice.
"Ravin," but the Space Faerie hardly seemed to
be listening.
"So, you collect faerie weapons?"
"Yes," Ravin couldn't seem to stop herself.
"And you have all the Amulets?" Navy eyes grew
You're not nosing into that, Ravin thought. "No,"
she said, fighting the empty feeling in her head.
The navy eyes narrowed. "ANSWER ME TRUTHFULLY!
I SHALL KNOW WHEN YOU LIE!!!" she bellowed. It was incredible how her voice
could still sound like an echo when she was shouting.
Ravin started to fight the horrible feeling in
her head again. "Shut your conk," she snapped back, and started to run to the
door. Purple and navy skinned arms tried to stop her but thinking fast, Ravin
seized a black pouch off the belt of the faerie closest to her. Pulling at the
bag's opening, she tipped the familiar black powder into her hand. Remembering
how the faeries had used it on her, she scattered the powder into the air over
her shoulder, still running, and jumped out the nearest window. Unfortunately,
she didn't look before she jumped.
The Space Faerie bit her lip as she watched her
useless troops fall unconscious to the ground. Turning to the table beside her
throne, the Queen looked into a (brace yourself) navy crystal ball not unlike
Jhudora's. Putting her hand over the crystal ball, she called, "Jhudora! Have
you a moment?"
The smoke in the crystal ball swirled and cleared
to show Jhudora with her hand over her own crystal ball. "You called, Milady?"
"Yes, I'll need the antidote to that drought
powder, and could you call someone to head that Zafara off before she hits the
Meridell Sea? And Send 10 Riders back to the village to search for the Amulets,
they must not return without them. Oh, by the way, she fell off the East Tower,
you might want to look under there," she added.
"Of course, Milady. Is there anything else?"
asked Jhudora, her voice dripping with oil.
"Take your time, she still has twenty minutes
before she'll hit the sea."
Trev groaned and awakened from unconsciousness
for the third time that day. Carrie Nara and Matt were already awake, seeing
as they blacked out before Trev did.
"W-where are we?" the Yurble asked, yawning slightly.
"Already in Faerieland," answered Carrie. "So
much for training to Rohane standard,"
Trev looked at their surroundings. Seeing as
Fyora never believed in prisoners, her castle didn't have any cells. They were
locked in a normal bedroom. Trev went over to the door and put his weight against
it. It didn't budge.
"Someone probably put something heavy against
the door," said Nara, who was looking less grey now that she was back in Faerieland.
Trev hopped over to the window. No one would
be stupid enough to escape that way, he thought, out of the frying pan and into
the fire. It would be either hordes of evil Space Faeries or a huge drop from
the Faerieland Cloud. Trev sighed. Neither looked too good for them. Suddenly,
a thought clicked in Trev's mind.
"Hey Nara? Do you think that you could…you know,
enchant us to make us fly?" asked Trev.
Oh my god, Trev's probably seen too much Peter
Pan, thought Carrie, rolling her eyes. But to her surprise, Nara creased her
brow and concentrated on something in her hand. A white flame burst from her
palm, illuminating Nara's smile.
"Why, yes, I should think so."
"Oh no…oh no I don't like this! I don't like
this at all!" said Matt to himself, who was flying through mid-air and frequently
losing concentration and plummeting down several feet.
"Hey, what's that?" Carrie asked, pointing at
a dot around 50 feet under them. Matt recognized the brown cloak, even from
so far away.
"Ravin!" Matt cried.
"A raven? Hmm, it could be, but I thought ravens
were black?" enquired Trev, whilst flying through the air with expertise.
"No, my sister, Ravin! Come on, we have to save
her before she hits the sea! Nara, we'll need you to help us enchant her, she
can't fly!" and with that, Matt plummeted down to help his sister. The rest
shrugged at each other and followed.
Ravin was trying in vain to make a parachute
with her billowing cloak. Finally, she managed to get a grip on the corners
of her cloak and floated slowly downwards. She was still so high up that she
couldn't make out the landmass properly due to a few low clouds in her way.
"Ravin! Ravin!" The white Zafara turned her head
up and saw a baby Zafara falling through the air at her. Matt caught himself
in time and managed to hover next to his sister.
"Matt!" Ravin gasped. "What are you doing here?
And who are they?" she asked as she saw Trev, Carrie and Nara flying towards
Nara hovered in front of Ravin and made the white
flame appear in her hand again. "Hold still," she said, and drove the flame
into the top of Ravin's head. She felt like someone had dumped a bucket of lukewarm
water on her head. The warmness gathered in her back and she felt as if she
had wings. She tried flapping them and she shot up, her parachute forgotten.
"You must concentrate, when you don't then you
will fall. It will wear off after a while, so we must hurry." And with that,
Nara flew back up to Faerieland, her orange wings fluttering gracefully.
the Space Faerie Queen. She was talking to Jhudora in her crystal ball again,
and Jhudora didn't seem ecstatic to be.
"I don't know how they did it, we checked the
whole room but the windows were sealed tight, the door was guarded since they
arrived, and all the floor stones were in place. A Dragon Rider searched the
sky for Ravin, but she was nowhere to be seen," Jhudora added rather meekly.
A RECORD!" Jhudora longed to plug her pointy ears but the Queen would see. "Listen
up, Jhudora, your skin depends on it. You will stand guard at the entrance to
Faerie City on your cloud. Anyone entering or leaving must pass your examination.
If you find them-" Her lips curled into a smirk. "Send them to me."
To be continued...