Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 127,331,912 Issue: 258 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y8
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It's Raining Mortogs!!

by lydiatjfly

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Aisha Magic
I know that she's just teasing me back, but I hate when she does that. I try to stay calm...

by anna946


Needed Adventure: Part Five
His eyes opened wide and he shot to his feet, quickly surveying the room. But there was no sign of Whooter anywhere...

by tdyans


How To Get Away From Troubles
Ouch, guess that didn't turn out right...

by sky_wonder


Walking with the Shadows
I was setting up my huge Usuki collection at a large, pink booth, when a hunched, cloaked figure came up to me...

by dana64817

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