For an easier life Circulation: 130,067,293 Issue: 259 | 29th day of Gathering, Y8
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Define Idiocy

by darkness1300

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Fiesty Freaks
"Homework Assignment"

by eevilbirdiezuh


The Mysteries of Ultimate Bullseye
Ever wonder why poor Punchbag Bob participated in the cruel game of Ultimate Bullseye?

Idea by pineapple_apple

by xo_madison_ox


Pirates Don't Take Bubble Baths
"I know you've only been a pirate for a couple *sneeze* weeks, but pirates are tough. Not *cough* girly..."

by kougra_helper_9157


Out Of Whack - Aww, Poor Ukali
Why you shouldn't ask your petpets serious questions... or something.

by bluepen

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