A Chat and A Cup of Borovan With: The 2nd Chat by larenbeka
Also by erileen
Erileen: Welcome back! Here we are for another wonderful chat with an interesting
Larenbeka: Who WILL NOT eat me! *shifty eyes*
Erileen: Most of you know our guest as an exemplary, intelligent, and adventurous
Larenbeka: Or is her bravery a flimsy façade to a misunderstood character?
We’re here to find out! The gossip plaguing Neopia these weeks is Hannah’s new
game; we wanted to be in on the “scoop” so here it is for all readers! Please
give a warm welcome to Hannah from her newly featured game, “Hannah and the
Ice Caves”!
Hannah: That is, like, sooooo nice of you! *girlish giggle* *flips hair*
Erileen: So what made you decide to save souls?
Hannah: At the time it was the like, “in” thing, you know? My peeps were doing
it, so I
was like, “Hannah, you should do it, too!” And, like…yeah. *smile so wide
it is sickening*
Larenbeka: *raises eyebrow* Mmm…my, my, my. I didn’t expect that answer!
Hannah: I’m a very surprising person. We should do lunch sometime and have
a “girls” day!
Erileen: We’re having lunch now!
Hannah: Ohhhhhhh!
Larenbeka: What was the most fearsome and revolting thing that happened to
you in the Caves?
Hannah: *shudders and dabs mascara* Well, once I was like, jumping from this
ledge and I missed and…and…*looks at freshly manicured nails* I broke a nail!
It took two weeks to grow back! *sobs pitifully and puts her head on Erileen’s
Erileen: *forces a smile and gives a face as if she just ate ten Chocolate
Fish Pops* There, there…all is well now!
Hannah: It was sooo tragic! Oh, the horror of the pure memory! *disdainfully
lets out a pathetic yelp and sags onto Larenbeka, a state to see (not our normal
hero, eh?)*
Larenbeka: So, Hannah, have you ever had to deal with betrayal?
Hannah: Well, speaking of, my ex-best friend, Yolanda the Cybunny (I’ve always
hated that name; who’d name their pet, Yolanda?) betrayed me at a very important
fashion show. I was totally going to win, but then she brought out this hand-sewn
sundress and WON! What a loser!
Erileen: Wait…you’re mad at her because she won?
Larenbeka: *mutters “Pathetic” under breath*
Hannah: *gazes at self in compact* Well, you know, friends don’t let friends
ruin their chances of winning!
Erileen: *roll eyes* Next question: I know most of our teen readers are dying
to know…what do you consider “in”, clothing-wise?
Hannah: Fluffy green skirts, blouses, vests…it’s all the rage in the Lost Desert!
Here’s another tip, some “don’ts” include: Kanrik. I mean, the whole thing is
just nasty looking! Torn cloak? What is with that robe? And the hood covering
the eyes…sooo Year Three! I mean, honestly, how can he go out in public like
that? And black is completely, like, not the new pink! He has to keep up!
Larenbeka: *chuckles incredulously and desperately tries to disguise as coughing
(the observant Hannah takes no notice)*
Erileen: Now, most Usuls don’t have hair, are we correct?
Hannah: Like, totally! I told you I was special! *preens*
Larenbeka: How did you end up with hair?
Hannah: Well, I was in the Pirate Caves and I was frantically running from
skeletons when I tripped and my bag split open and out fell my Hair-Growing
Potion. It shattered and trickled down my hairline. Brown locks sprouted wildly!
And, like, yeah!
Erileen: What is your biggest dream?
Hannah: I want to be a Usuki Girl! *sings* I’m Usuki Girl, in Usuki world,
I’m covered in glitt-er, and never bitter! You can put my makeup on, and dress
me for the prommmm! Then we’ll have a great time, just you and meeee! Imagination
it’s our inspiration!
Both: *mouths open in disgust and shock and horror*
Hannah: *Hums the Usuki song*
Larenbeka: Although that was entirely interesting, we must move on! So, which
is your favorite? The Pirate Caves or the Ice Caves?
Hannah: Well, I looked better in my stylish skirt in the Pirate Caves, and
I didn’t have to do much “action”. Plus, I grew my lovely hair there…how can
I not love it?
Erileen: I know you have collected a lot of rivalries over the years…who do
you consider your “arch-nemesis?”
Hannah: Well, you know that game, “Coconut Shy?” That ugly old thing that runs
it? Yeah? Totally him! I mean, those pants and that wart…it makes a girl want
to shriek in horror! *shrieks in horror*
Larenbeka: You can’t just judge people by their looks! *stares in outrage*
Haven’t you met any other terrible people in your adventurous experiences?
Hannah: Umm…no!
Larenbeka: *sighs* Next question…what is your deepest, darkest secret?
Hannah: *Puts hand over mouth and looking from girl to girl* Well…I’ve never
told anyone this and personally…I think it’s quite shameful.*presses lips together
and rolls eyes upward as if to block the memory* But if you insist…
Larenbeka: Do we?
Hannah: *ignores and continues* Once…it was early in the morning. I had to
go to the Pirate Caves at, like, three AM! So I wanted to read my fashion magazine,
Teen Usuls, first. I did my hair and make-up and I went outside and then I realized…I
had forgotten to put on mascara! *sobs*
Erileen: *sarcastically* You poor, poor soul…*rolls eyes*
Larenbeka: Well, what is your favorite thing to do….please try to be serious!
Hannah: Oh! This is such a dilemma! I’m torn between singing my favorite Usuki
Girl song and going to the Salon…*ponders with fretful indecisiveness*
Erileen: *mocking* Oh my good golly gosh! We should totally meet at the salon
some time! Seriously Hannah, do you ever think of anything besides your hair?
Hannah: What else is there to think of?
Larenbeka: What is your pet peeve, Hannah?
Hannah: *without thinking* Cowlicks, split ends, and drippy mascara!
Erileen: *falls over laughing*
Larenbeka: That’s your pet peeve? Honestly, you of all people, have had to
endure bitter people, cold dank caverns, dungeons and flying skulls and your
pet peeve is drippy mascara? * roll eyes with sheer abhorrence*
Hannah: Have you ever tried to chase evil villains with drippy mascara? It
is so distracting!
Erileen: On to the next question…what’s your favorite color that Neopets can
be painted?
Hannah: Pink! Pink is, like, totally the new red! What other color is worth
being painted…honestly?
Larenbeka: * gives Hannah a perplexed look* What goes on in your girlish mind?!
Hannah: Well, sometimes I think about clothes, and sometimes I think about
music…oh, yeah, and occasionally I think about catching those villains…but I
always think about my hair!
Erileen: Are you familiar with the concept of sarcasm?
Hannah: Like, oh my gosh! I’m totally not! Can you explain it to me? It would
be ever so nice of you. * nods and smiles expectantly*
Erileen: Let’s not and say we did.
Larenbeka: Is it possible that you have a motto not concerning something….let’s
shoot for the impossible here, hair and makeup?
Hannah: When shoe shopping, always go with a size smaller than what you need…big
shoes make you look fat! And personal days and shopping sprees are medicine
for the soul!
Erileen: I wear a size nine shoe, does that make me fat?
Hannah: Why, no, dear! You are as slim as Snorkle!
Erileen: *sarcasm* I appreciate the compliment.
Larenbeka: *laughing like there’s no tomorrow* If my soul doesn’t require that
prescription than does that mean I’m not quite as “together” as you?
Erileen: *laughs hysterically*
Hannah: I don’t see what’s so funny….*concerned look* does that mean I’m…GASP!
I’m missing an inside joke?!!!!
Erileen: There’s a first time for everything.
Larenbeka: Alright, alright, next question…how does it feel to be so popular
among Neopians? I mean, you’re a role model for a lot of young pets! Is it ever
hard on you?
Hannah: Well…no! I’ve always been able to handle a lot at once…I’m just that
kind of exceptional person! And having people adore me, and that makes me feel
special, and when I feel special—
Erileen: Okay, okay, we get it. But does the knowledge that one wrong move
can slip up an entire ego ever make you feel pressured or stressed?
Hannah: Stress gives me bad hair days, and I never have bad hair days, so that’s
a no!
Larenbeka: What about when you didn’t have hair?
Hannah: *glares at her with revulsion and a set look*
*An aging green Moehog comes in, shifts her eyes towards all three, and warily
puts down a tray of cookies and borovan*
Hannah: Oh, that’s so sweet of you! Give me a hug, you big sweetie! *chases
the Moehog desperately for a hug while the Moehog runs*
Larenbeka: *puts her feet up on the ottoman and sips Borovan* Well, that’s
all. Until next time—
Hannah: *cuts in* I’m Usuki Girl, in Usuki world, I’m covered in glitter, and
never bitter! You can put my makeup on, and dress me for the—
Larenbeka and Erileen: Enough already!
Larenbeka: *weary* That’s our show. Please join us next time, because our “Chat
and a Cup of Borovan” will be with—
*gets knocked over by the Moehog who is still being pursued by Hannah who is
dragging a disheveled Erileen by her size-nine shoes*
Authors’ Note:
Eri: *sobs* I am not fat!
Larey: No one said you were, deary.
Eri: Hannah did!
Larey: Since when have you started listening to Hannah?
Eri: Since she said I was fat! *gulps* We would like to take this opportunity
to tell you that I do wear a size nine shoe and you can’t believe everything
that you hear. AND THAT I’M NOT FAT!
Larey: *sighs* Sometimes you can’t just judge people from their popular side,
you have to actually inspect it yourself and then make your own opinion.
Eri: I’m going to inspect Hannah with a chainsaw. See ya!
Larey: Wait for me…I have a leaf blower in my shed...!
Neomails appreciated. Not fire resistant, child resistant or stain proof.