Shades of Darkness: Shadow is Arising - Part Five by jesse12_3
Inside Information
We called an emergency meeting in Nfc's living room.
Nfc sent out frantic Neomail's telling Bananagirl and Dykred to get down to
his place fast and to watch out for unusual things on the way there.
Dykred arrived first, and he was soaking wet
because it had started to rain. Dykred is about half an inch taller then me
with blonde highlights on top of his brown hair. His pet was a red Shoyru, named
Leader428, otherwise known as Leader.
Bananagirl arrived a bit later. Our meeting then
started. Hop was still curled up on Nfc's couch, shaking, so we had the meeting
in the kitchen so he could rest.
I started to explain what happened during the
shopping trip, and then stopped when I got to the Shade-pets part. Nfc showed
them the book. We sat in silence for a few moments, but then Dykred spoke up:
"I think we should get the faeries to help us
on this one. We don't know where there base is, or anything else about them
except what's in that book. And if these things can possess people, it's dangerous
to be around them."
Hop and I where going to the faeries since we
were the ones who encountered the Shades and the faeries were more likely to
believe us. I wrapped Hop up in a blanket for the journey (he still was shaking).
It was raining hard, which meant the Uni Taxi was down. I took Nevony instead.
We didn't impress the queen the moment we walked
in through the palace doors. We were wet, muddy, and cold.
"We need to see the Faerie Queen! It's urgent!"
I cried to one of the faerie guards in the hall.
"Do you have an appointment?" said the earth
faerie guard in a sweet, innocent voice.
"No appointment, no seeing the queen."
"Would any sane person trudge up here in that
rain if it wasn't important?" I yelled, pointing to the window.
"I can give her a message."
"Just tell Fyora that it's about The Shades."
The Faerie walked up the stairs to Fyora's office
while we waited. Some Faeries brought us towels, which we greatly accepted.
The Faerie came back a few minutes later.
"Fyora wishes to see you," and she signaled for
us to follow her.
We trudged up the stairs and into Fyora's office,
which was decorated in pink Faerie Furniture. Fyora sat behind a pink desk in
front of a large window. A large pink quill sat on her desk, along with paper
bearing the queens signature.
"Thank you Celia," she said to the earth faerie.
"You may leave, but stand outside and close the door," Celia walked out.
"Lets see, your names are?" asked Fyora.
"I'm Mackenzie, the Uni is Nevony, and this is
Hop the Kacheek."
"And what about the Shades?"
We told our story, describing the Shades with
great detail, but Fyora didn't seam that interested.
"Okay, let me tell you something. These 'pets'
you saw couldn't have been Shades. The faeries and The Guardian of Neopia made
a Barrier long ago to keep them out of Neopia. If the Barrier had broken, I
would know."
"Look at Hop," I said holding Hop up, who was
still shaking, but not as much. "He was almost kidnapped by them. He's still
suffering some aftershock!"
"You flew over here in freezing rain, no wonder
he's shivering. Listen, I have no clue who those pets were, but they weren't
Shades. Now, if we could please end this, I need to write a report." We left;
we knew she didn't believe us.
"Well, how did it go?" asked Nfc eagerly as we
arrived back at his Neohome.
"Terribly," I said. "She didn't believe one bit
of our story. She just went on about some barrier that the Faeries and some
Guardian made that keeps them away and refuses to believe that it's broken.
I even showed her Hop and she just insisted that his shivering was only from
the ride over there!"
The evening Neopian Times thudded against the
door, which Nfc grabbed. Written in large, bold letters on the front page was
"Torono_Darkshadow takes over Tyrannia" along with a picture of a starry Shoyru
with a sword in the air. Torono's eyes were a lifeless grey.
"He's a Shade," I mumbled and read the rest of
the article, but stopped and nearly fell over when a came across this; Torono_Darkshadow
also currently rules south Meridell, which came along with a picture of Torono
standing on his tower balcony.
"Hey guys! Come look at this!"
I showed them the article.
"So?" asked Bananagirl.
"We can send one of us in to that tower and spy.
They can sketch pictures and write down what ever those Shade pets say." I said.
"Then the Faerie Queen will have to believe us!"
"How is one of us going to move through that
tower without being seen?" asked Dykred.
"Wait, I know!" said Nfc. He ran into the kitchen
and came back with a green Invisihat. "This will keep the user Invisible for
two hours, so they can move about the tower without anybody noticing, unless
someone runs into you."
"Good! But who should be the person to go?"
There was a long silent period.
"I'll go," said a quiet voice behind them.
I turned around. Behind me was Leader, who was
apparently eavesdropping on our entire conversation.
"Are you sure?" asked Dykred. "You know what
you're facing?"
The Shoyru nodded. "Besides, I'm the smallest,
and the quietest. And don't forget that I have wings."
"Alright, Leader will spy on the Shades tomorrow.
Now let's round up our pets and let's go home. We'll meet at my place at ten
A.M. NST."
We arrived at Dykred's place the next day to
bid Leader good luck. The rain still hadn't stopped. Leader was already ready
when arrived, wearing a backpack containing paper and pencil, bottle of water,
and the Invisihat.
"Don't put it on until you reach the tower. I
um, got you a map," said Nfc.
I let out a snigger. Nfc had said that he went
to the Space Station last night and hacked the map of somewhere that I didn't
want to know about.
"Good Luck!" I said as Leader left.
To Leader, it seemed as if he had walked through
the forest twice before he finally reached the tower. It loomed over him, as
if trying to frighten him out of entering, but Leader knew what he had to do,
and he wasn't going to quit. He put on his Invisihat and walked across the grounds,
expecting to be attacked, but he wasn't. He looked at Nfc's map, which had a
red x marked where he could enter without using the front door. He flew over
to the marked spot, which looked like a pipe.
"Oh great," murmured Leader. He knew where he
was going. Up the toilet. Well, at least he could just fly up.
Leader was finally inside the tower. A half an
hour of his time was up, so he decided he better get to work. He pulled out
some paper. He'd
sketch pictures now, and if a good conversation
came up, then he'd pull out his notebook.
Leader flew up the stairs, sketching pictures
of random Shades that were going up or down. He peaked in a few rooms and sketched
more pictures, but most of the conversations were just idle chatter. But once
in a while he got a whiff of Torono's next spot for takeover, which was going
to be Terror Mountain.
Leader had only a half hour left, so he decided
to go to the top of the tower and spy on Torono_Darkshadow himself.
Leader approached the large black doors. Two
guards stood on each side. He looked through his pack and pulled out his water
bottle, which was now empty. He threw it at one of the guards, who responded
with an "Ow! Who did that?"
"What? There's nobody there," said the other
"Something threw this bottle at me!" The guards
started to feel around for an attacker. Leader opened the door silently and
slipped inside while the guards where looking for an invisible person.
Torono sat at his desk with the back of the chair
toward Leader. He was just staring out the window and mumbling inaudibly under
his breath.
There was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" yelled Torono.
A yellow Acara entered. He was also a Shade,
Leader noted as he saw the eyes. Leader side-stepped and went to stand over
by a life size portrait of Torono himself. Torono swiveled around in his chair.
"Have you found out how to break that Barrier
yet?" asked Torono.
"No My Lord, but-"
"I NEED that Barrier broken Acara! I need my
magic back! When are you going to do what I've asked you to! GUARDS! GUARDS!
"Um Sir, when I came up here they were on their
way down the steps mumbling something about a water bottle hitting one of them
in the face and that they're going to find the person responsible," said the
Acara, now very scared.
Torono stopped screaming in mid sentence. Leader
wondered why... until he found out that he could see his own hand.
Leader had to think fast. He grabbed his pack
and threw it in Darkshadow's face. He took flight and shot out the door like
a bullet. He soared down the stairs, dodging random Shades as Torono flew after
him. Torono was catching up.
Torono and Leader were now neck and neck. Torono
rammed his body into Leader's, causing him to fall. Leader hit the wall and
slumped over. He wouldn't make it out. He was just going to die here. Or worse.
He looked at the floor as Torono landed. The water bottle that he had thrown
earlier was lying there. The guard must have dropped it when he was looking
for him. Leader had an idea. He grabbed the bottle and whacked Darkshadow on
the head, then took flight.
Leader soared out the door and onto the grounds.
He didn't stop flying till he was over the Meridell-Neopia Central boarder.
He swooped down and sat down to rest once he was in Neopia Central. Well...it
hadn't been a total waste of time. At least he could tell the others the info.
Leader reached his home just as darkness was
settling in. He opened the door to a bunch of relieved sighs.
"Show us what you found!" asked Dykred.
"The Invisihat wore off when I was in Torono's
office. He saw me and I had to throw my stuff at him so I could escape. But
I do know that he is planning to take over Terror Mountain next and he is trying
to break this Barrier thing. If it breaks, they will be able to use their magic."
And then Leader sat down on the couch to rest.
To be continued...