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Bug Brothers Attack!

by hypno_the_cat


Annoyed by these little neopoints stealers lurking around you and your pets? So, Smug Bug Smite is a game for you! Now you can make your revenge and win some neopoints at the end of the journey.


There are three different weapons in this game such as a net, a repellent or a flytrap. Choose whatever you think is better and here we go.

The Game

There are only three levels in this game. In each level, two bugs will appear and you have to shoot them as quickly as possible. First, one of them jumps out of somewhere, and after him, the next one appears. In each level, the first and the second bug can appear in four different places.


Alright, now when you know the basics we can move on to the next part. For shooting a bug you will get a reward. In the first level, you can get 50 points for each bug. In the second, you'll be given 75 points for shooting one of these little Bug Brothers. And in the third level, you'll get 100 points for each bug. That makes a total of 450 points for defeating the Bug Brothers.


I also should mention that you are limited in time. When the bug appears, the level timer turns on (however, you can't see how much time left). If you don't shoot the bug in time, he'll get away with the stolen neopoints and the game will be over for you.

Each level has different timing. In the first level, you have a few seconds to shoot every bug. If you are fast enough, you'll get Time Bonus Points at the end of the level. You can get a maximum of 15 points for one bug and 30 points for two of them.

In the second level you have less time to shoot the bugs, but every bug now can give you a maximum of 20 Time Bonus Points. So that makes 40 Time Bonus Points for this level. In the third level these bug brothers become very fast! You have a very little amount of time to shoot them now. This level is the most important for you if you're going for a trophy, because each bug now can give you a maximum of 100 Time Bonus Points and 200 points for both of them if you are fast enough.


There are evening or daylight levels. Their only difference is the colour theme, but sometimes it is harder to see these bugs lurking in the dark.

You may ask if it's possible to get the maximum Time Bonus in each level. My answer would be: "Yes, it is." But how? Then I'll tell you: It's simple. You only have to guess correctly where all the bugs will appear. OK, maybe it's not that simple, but you can always try your luck. If you are going for a trophy, you may need to start the game over and over until you get a trophy score. The average amount of points at the end of each level is from 125 to 130 in the first level, from 300 to 320 in the second and from 680 to 720 in the last one. I think that 720 is the maximum amount of points you can get at the end of the game, but that means you have to guess correctly all places where the bugs will appear. It's hard, but I think it's possible.

The Positions of the Bugs

As I said before, each bug has four different places to jump from. I’ll try to describe the places where they can appear.

Level 1. First bug. This pest can be found:

a) Jumping in front of the stairs

b) Walking from behind the rock

c) Walking from behind the wall at the left of the screen

d) Jumping on the lying bucket

Level 1. Second Bug can be found:

a) Jumping behind the railing

b) Jumping above the stairs

c) Walking between the stairs and rock

d) Walking between the bucket and the rock

Level 2. First bug can be usually found:

a) Jumping on the fence

b) Walking from behind the cart

c) Jumping on the mailbox

d) Walking between the bucket and the mushroom

Level 2. Second bug can be found:

a) Jumping from behind the mushrooms to the right

b) Jumping from behind the mushrooms to the left

c) Jumping above the boxes

d) Jumping from the lying bucket

Level 3. First bug can be found:

a) Jumping above the rock

b) Jumping from behind the post at the right upper corner of the screen

c) Jumping from the front of the boxes to the right

d) Walking from the lying bucket

Level 3. Second bug can be found:

a) Jumping out of the lying bucket

b) Walking from behind the post at the right upper corner of the screen

c) Jumping from behind the post to the boxes

d) Jumping behind the grass at the right side of the screen

Also, you can see there are some positions that look very similar to each other for the first and the second bugs in some levels. And that means that there is one complexity because if you shot the first bug and you are not fast enough to shoot the second, he may jump out of somewhere near and he now is hidden behind the first bug! So try to be as fast as possible because most of the time this situation means game over for you, especially in the third level where you even don’t have any extra time to waste to find a way to shoot one of the bugs.

So, basically, in order to get the highest score you need to guess all six places where the bugs will appear. So, since the bugs can appear in four locations in each level, the probability of guessing the first bug in each level is 1/4, and the probability of guessing the second location correctly is 1/4 too. Thus, the probability of guessing both bugs' locations is 1/16, and the probability of guessing all six is (1/16)^3=1/4096. Seems impossible, eh? But I want to mention that there are locations where the bugs appear more often, so you can always choose them to increase the probability of guessing correctly.

Enjoy this guide. I hope it helps you to understand the game and to try your best not to let the Bug Brothers to steal anyone's neopoints anymore!

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