Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 175,957,813 Issue: 355 | 15th day of Hiding, Y10
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The Neopets Issues

by atalia

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Great stories!


The Ultimate Guide to Unreleased Attack Peas
There’s still a place where you can get an unlimited supply of Attack Peas. It is in a place filled with lush vegetation such as gigantic turnips and cabbages, twenty-foot string beans, and a rich variety of never-before seen fruits and berries that even Jake the Explorer hasn’t seen yet...

by alvin8arnold


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Lost Lizark - Part Eight
"The spirits are angry! They don't want their home excavated by a bunch of nosy, stuck up, greedy archaeologists! Don't you see? Geraptiku is supposed to be the Lost City!"

by playmobil_is_my_life


The Perils of a New Brother: Part Four
Jaeger plummeted down the snowy slope on the river board, and the only thing to stop him from screaming was the fact that he couldn't breathe.

by steelseatimber


Bashed Kass
Just when he thought Neopia was his...

by bxm

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