teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 185,672,359 Issue: 380 | 20th day of Awakening, Y11
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Darigan Diaries

by tanyawebber


Dearest Diary,

     I'm writing to you from the depths of my sorrow. Surely all Neopets were destined to be welcomed into a loving family? It appears Lord Darigan has failed me in giving me the cherished home I deserve.

     I came across a tall mirror in my mother's room today. It had a beautiful golden frame, adorned with glistening gems. I gazed upon my reflection within the extraordinary border. I saw my scaly yet sleek figure, and my deep violet skin. I noted my beady, painfully crimson eyes, and my half-chewed ears. I looked down at my worn down claws, and my slithering tail. I realised, for the first time, I did not belong within the family I'd been assigned to.

     Yours evermore,


     * * *


     I've been trying to think of at least a creative name for you. I love meaningful names. Would you like to know about my name? The first part, Rin, means ‘cold'. Presumably, because I'm Darigan, everyone would think I have no heart or something, that I'm just an emotionless statue – what a false accusation! The second part, Asima, means ‘protector or guardian'. I think, because I am a petpet, I'm meant to defend the Neopet I am given to or something.

     Well, that's my deal. I don't have anyone to protect, or follow, or admire, or anything! I used to... back when I was a normal, unpainted Kimbi. And then my owner decided to paint me, and everything went downhill from there... you know, I don't really want to talk about it... never mind.

     ~ Rinasima

     * * *

     Dearest Diary,

     My supposed mother, or, more accurately, my chef and my guardian, is a breathtakingly gorgeous Neopet. An Aisha, like myself, only a thousand times more elegant. She cares for me, I guess. She feeds me when I'm hungry, she plays with me when I'm bored.

     She caught me looking in her mirror again earlier. She asked me if there was something wrong; she could obviously see that I was uncomfortable.

     I looked up at her, and for one second, I was lost for words. In contrast to my scaly, grim self, she was glowing. She had a warm smile, and shining blonde curls framing her face. Her royal outfit was astounding and faultless. She was beauty, and I was a beast.

     I stammered, "Mother, am I pretty?" It seemed laughable to ask such a question. I swear she almost smirked, holding back a laugh. She seemed to struggle for words before answering, "Darling... you're Darigan. You're not meant to be pretty."

     It hurt. But deep down, I knew she was right.

     Yours evermore,


     * * *


     Do you like your name? I do – I think it's very apt. It means ‘quiet'. It goes well with a diary, because I will write secrets here, and you will inevitably be quiet about them...

     So, I've decided to tell you my story anyway, since no one's going to read this. It all started one day, when I was merely just a newborn, awaiting a cheery Neopian to buy me from the Faerieland Petpet Shop. I loved it there; the shopkeeper was delightfully friendly – she let us out to frolic in the clouds and play with Fyora when she wasn't full of business up in the Hidden Tower.

     One day, a young Neopian called Polly came in, and specifically asked for a Kimbi. I, being the only one there, was whisked off to her Neohome shortly after. I was sad to leave, but excited all the same at the idea of finally having a Neopet to idolise and befriend.

     His name was Athore, a simple Green Skeith. He was a pleasant chap, he amused me with his goofy ways and his all-round jolly personality. Polly initially named me Heather, which was a nice enough, simple name. Life was good. And then it went wrong.

     ~ Rinasima

     * * *

     Dearest Diary,

     Living here is doing me no good. I'm considering breaking away somehow. I'm not sure how to go about doing that, what with my whole ‘royal family' having several guards around the Neohome, but I'll find out a way if it comes to that.

     I have an ‘adoptive' brother called Hernan. A royal, of course. He's a Flotsam, and a rather handsome one at that. He has too much pride, and belittles me to up his self-esteem. It's something I've grown to be used to – the constant teasing about my bumpy skin, whereas he has flawless, smooth scales on his interior. Or the mocking when I pass him in the morning, about my croaky voice, when his gleams and sings throughout the hallways. He sneers as I pass him, laughs when I walk out the door.

     He left a note with ‘BUMPY' written on, stuck to the mirror in my mother's room. I didn't bother looking at myself in the reflection.

     Yours evermore,


     * * *


     Polly took part in the Meridell vs. Darigan war. No guesses as to who she sided with, right? She bought Darigan paint brushes and painted both Athore and me in her new trademark colour. She got all clever and looked up some names, and changed mine to Rinasima.

     For the whole part, I liked my name. But as I said, I don't think the 'cold' suited me so well. I was not the heartless petpet she expected me to be. And she didn't like that.

     She unattached me from Athore. Or more like, she tore me away from him. Even in his new, horribly-suited colour, I still adored him as a master and a companion. It broke me to be parted with such an important part of my life. Polly didn't care, however. She just wanted to be victorious against Meridell, and threw me away into Neopia Central.

     That's where I'm writing to you from now. Thankfully, the Food shopkeeper will feed me remains of stock at the end of each working day. I've become accustomed to loneliness. And sometimes, I still wonder if Polly won, or if Athore ever escaped. But I know I won't see them again.

     ~ Rinasima

     * * *

     Dearest Diary,

     I couldn't take it anymore. My mother and brother went out to the Clothes shop today to buy themselves some enchanting new robes for their royal selves. I was left alone at home, to keep myself entertained.

     The guards were taking patrol in the front garden, so I took the opportunity to clamber out of my bedroom window. It's lucky I'm an Aisha; with my fast reflexes, I was able to land perfectly on the ground after jumping four storeys. I stealthily sneaked over the back garden fence, and into what can only be described as... freedom.

     I'm not sure why escaping had never occurred to me before. Perhaps the security of a home, food and company – albeit, terrible company. In the long term though, it was all a bit too much. The hatred, the ignorance...

     I'm not sure where to turn now, but maybe now I'll find the peace I've yearned for all these years.

     * * *


     The most extraordinary thing happened today.

     I was feasting upon a leftover Cheeseburger behind the Food shop, when I noticed a suspicious character lurking around the corner, hovering outside the bank door. He or she was dark and mysterious, as if they didn't belong amongst the apparent colourful Neopets that frequent Neopia Central. As I looked closer, they seemed to be a shade of... dark purple. Like myself, almost. What a peculiar sight indeed!

     I ventured a bit closer as my curiosity took over. I could see now it had eyelashes, so I presumed it was female. She had bumps on her back, and claws, and twisting ears and a tail. She was fabulous – a definite Darigan species, exactly what I had been hoping for!

     After all this time waiting, and the thing I have wanted more than anything literally falls out of the sky! Now to just sum up the courage to talk to her before she decides to leave...

     ~ Rinasima

     * * *

     Dearest Diary,

     I've found happiness already.

     In a mist of confusion and terror when I'd left my Neohome, I ran to the first place I thought would be the most advisable for a homeless Neopet – the Neopian Pound. However, the screams of Neopians fighting over painted pets quickly changed my opinion of the idea, so I left for the bank in Neopia Central. As much as my family appeared to loathe me, I did have some neopoints from them left in my account. With that withdrawn, maybe I could find a new way of life – find a new Neohome, invest in the stock market, or something.

     I was reading the notice board outside – the usual news about Neopia, advertisements for shops, lost Neopet posters – when I got that distinct feeling that I was being watched. And, rightly so, I turned around to find a small petpet gazing up at me from the ground.

     The most odd thing was that she looked precisely like a miniature version of myself. Purple bumpy skin, half-chewed ears, piercing red eyes, pointing tail... it was almost like looking in the mirror again. She glared up and gave a heart-warming smile.

     And it was that moment where I knew someone understood how I felt. I smiled back, and it was the first smile I'd made in years.

     I had found my real family.

     Yours evermore,


     * * *


     Calista is now my companion for life. She still felt a bit down, because of her family not thinking she was the stunning Neopet that she is. But after opening up to me, she seems to have eased back into life again.

     I can't talk back to her about my life, because, of course - petpets don't talk. But I know she would understand how I felt all the same. We don't need my words; my company is enough.

     I know she'll be okay, and that she'll feel better about herself in time. After all, the name Calista – it means 'the most beautiful'.

     ~ Rinasima

The End

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