Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Life with Sparkalar

by nestly2552chi

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Adventures of Hannah and Armin
Hey! That tickles!

by spuddie_hang


A Trio of Evil - The Leak
It was as if there was this tiny little rainstorm right above my chair.

by aminionofevil


The Saga of Two Pirates
Wendy pouted and turned away. Nevertheless, escape was useless due to the fact that they were bound tightly next to each other inside a boat that could barely fit a loaf of bread....

by cheopspyramid


Secret Worries of the Tooth Faerie
I was walking on a beautiful summer day trying to find a poison snowball for my older brother when I saw an ad taped to the front of a store...

by august_chic

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