Super Affordable Festive Holiday Clothes by rock_star_megs
Well, Christmas is just around the corner, so I hope you've managed to finish all of your Christmas shopping. But wait – have you spent too much on gifts for the holidays and now you've just realized your pet doesn't have anything festive to wear? Then this guide is for you! I've compiled a list of super affordable festive, holiday-ish Christmas items for your last minute outfitting needs. And all 10 items for under 10,000 NP! All you need to do to earn that is to get 1,000 NP from 3 game-plays of your favourite 4 easy-to-play games... and you'll even have 2,000 NP left over (that could be put towards replenishing what you spent on Christmas gifts this year). How awesome is that? Onwards with the list!
(Note: prices are current as of this writing, and were the lowest seen on the Shop Wizard.) Ugly Christmas Sweater (est. 1,800 NP)

The first affordable item is this lovely sweater. To some people, this might be an ugly sweater, but to others (like myself), it's the perfect holiday sweater that your pet will love. And really, it's the only festive sweater that's currently available. So how can you say no to it? It's red and green, and even has hand-stitched raindorfs on the front. A definite Christmas must-have. Holiday Mystery Island Shirt (est. 1,800 NP)

Not a fan of the sweater? Or are you taking your pets on a vacation to escape the cold? (I hear Mystery Island and the Lost Desert have nice warm weather at this time of year.) Well then, you'll want to pick up the Holiday Mystery Island Shirt for something more casual – yet festive – this holiday season. It's got everything you could ask for in a holiday shirt – it's red, and has Christmas trees, snowflakes and candy canes on it. You could even be doubly festive by pairing it with the Ugly Christmas Sweater! Tacky Lighted Holiday Shoes (est. 500 NP)
You certainly can't go wrong with the Tacky Lighted Holiday Shoes. Not only will they make your pet stand out, but they're also one of the cheapest shoes on the market. Plus, as an added bonus, you'll be able to see your pet in the dark. Your pet will be the coolest one on the block for wearing such multi-functional shoes. Holiday Bow Tie (est. 1,000 NP)
If you want some holiday wear that is, well, low-key and not as flashy as the above items, then give your pet a lovely Holiday Bow Tie. It is a very inexpensive way to add some holiday spirit to your pet. And I think it would look nice on both boys and girls. After all, it is a lot cheaper than the Decorative Holiday Hair Bow (est. 3,000 NP – eep!). And how cute would your pets look in matching Bow Ties? Think of how cute they would look together in a holiday picture! Festive Slushie Slinger Cap (est. 390 NP)
For something rather out-of-the-box this holiday, why not outfit your pet with the Festive Slushie Slinger Cap? It's a fun and a rather unique look for your pet. I have to admit, I haven't seen many pets sporting this cap, but who knows, maybe your pet could start a new trend! This cap would also be good for a pet who loves drinking slushies – just be mindful of brain freeze! Gingerbread Background (est. 1,000 NP)

Does your pet love to eat gingerbread? Have they dreamed of owning a gingerbread house? Well, make that dream come true by giving them the Gingerbread Background. Sure, it's modestly decorated with candy treats, but you don't want your pet eating too many sweets after all. And yes, it pales in comparison to the Gingerbread Dream House Background (that is one sweet gingerbread house), but unless you are lucky enough to own it (it was a NC Mall Stocking Stufftacular prize in 2009), you'll have to make do with this Gingerbread Background. Holiday Gift Wrap Background (est. 1,990 NP)
If you want a background that is more holiday-ish, then consider purchasing the Holiday Gift Wrap Background. It is a much cheaper alternative to the Holiday Home Background, but unless you want to spend 25,000+ NP on it, I would recommend going with this option. I mean, the Holiday Home Background does look a lot cosier -- there are stockings hung in front of a fireplace and there are milk and cookies laid out for Santa. But still, with the Holiday Gift Wrap Background, you almost get two looks in one: on the days leading up to Christmas, it looks as if your pet is diligently wrapping presents, and on Christmas Day and beyond, it looks as if they had oodles of fun unwrapping presents (and let's hope in both cases they clean up after themselves). Two looks in one – what else could you want in a background? Fancy Mug of Neggnog (est. 300 NP)
Mmm. Nothing compares to a yummy glass of Neggnog at Christmas. So think about buying this nifty Fancy Mug of Neggnog for your pet as a nice treat. Think of how happy they will be sipping Neggnog while opening presents on Christmas Day! And for around 300 NP, you can't go wrong with this accessory. Holiday Shopping List (est. 425 NP)
Is your pet super organized? Does he or she love to make lists? Well then, make sure to add the Holiday Shopping List to his or her Christmas wardrobe! They'll be super thrilled to help you make a list for any last minute holiday shopping, and they can even use it to help organize the distribution of presents on Christmas Day. Festive Flower Arrangement (est. 500 NP)

The last accessory that you should consider buying is the Festive Flower Arrangement. Nothing says the holidays like poinsettias and holly, both of which you'll find in abundance in this arrangement. It's certainly much more appealing and colourful than the Pile of Drenched Gifts (soggy gifts? No thanks!), and will do in a pinch for those without the Giant Gift Boxes (released through an NC Mall goodie bag). So there you have it, a list of affordable clothes that will make your pet festive in no time, and without putting a dent in your bank account. Happy shopping and happy holidays!