Hidden Treasures: Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe by blackcairn
DEEP CATACOMBS - Tucked away in a small corner of Neopia, lies the quiet Coffee
Shop, accompanied by the much quieter Coin Shop. At some point in Neopian history,
coffee fell out of favor with the masses and soft drinks arose. Perhaps it was
the location; no one could have known it was within the Art Gallery. Now, it’s
more popular relative the past when it was nearly lost to all of Neopia from neglect
Well, now there’s no excuse of not knowing where it is!
I came upon this shop by accident, as I loved exploring all the places of Neopia
when I was new to this great world. Along with it, I found the coin shop (which
I discovered rarely ever stocks since all the coins are of rarity greater than
90), the Neopian Times, Poetry Contest, Art Gallery, and How to Draw. It was
a nice quiet place to go to with my Scorchio, greenpyre (He was my only pet
at the time.), to get away from the hectic Neopia Central. This all changed
when the Coin Shop opened up another shop in the Neopian Bazaar, only to be
bought by Petpet Supplies. With the search for the original Coin Shop, and influx
of new restockers began hanging around the Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe, while waiting
for the latest delivery of coins straight from the Neopian Mint and restockers
in search of new shops to restock at.
The coffee shop wasn’t a great place to restock however as it barely had anything
that was worth making a bigger profit. I admit that I have bought some items
from the Coffee Shop and resold it in my shop, but that was purely only to allow
people to experience what they never had before. Things have quieted down in
that coffee shop since the failure of the second Coin Shop, and now it rarely
ever sells out all of it’s stock. The only frequenters now are coin collectors
(Those cheapskates. Just kidding.), Neopian Times writers (which I aspire to
become), other writers, artists, poets, and a few dreaded restockers.
Coin Collectors just stroll in casually as it is casually referred to as “the
nice little shop around the corner.” They grab a House Blend Coffee and perhaps
a Tigersquash Cake for their pets while waiting for the next armored truck and
guards to delivered the highly valued coins.
Writers often stroll in before, after, or even during their writing process.
I have often met some renowned Neopian Times article writers in there, taking
a bite out of a Snowberry Delight and brushing the crumbs off their work in
progress. Their pets quietly sip their tea or coffee while looking over their
owner’s shoulders. I never approached them and respected their space in the
quaint little shop. The coffee shop’s famous blends of fruit with tea or coffee
gives a zing varying from a slight tingle on your taste buds to a full-blown
bomberry explosion in your mouth that will wake you up or give you inspiration
to continue writing.
Artists often stare into the their blends or Tigersquash Cakes or whatever
they bought from the coffee shop to give them a little inspiration. It doesn’t
hurt to have a little blairnut frolicking on your tongue to get those creative
juices flowing. After all, the flavors are inspiration enough.
I have nothing against poets, but they usually fill the small coffee shop on
Fridays. They have their own place not far from the shop, but once in a while,
they like to share poetry over a nice cappuccino or two. I’ve heard my share
of good and bad poetry and it’s easy to tell when a new poet has entered the
Coffee Shop and tried to write one about their blend or whatever they might
have bought for their pet.
Restockers are a dread. The bring their Neopian Checkbooks and write out large
sums to buy all the uncommon exotic blends and coffee and tea complements, like
Thornberry Jelly. No, not Whole or Half Thornberry Jelly from the make-believe
of children about a world of jelly. Who denies the pets the privilege of a good
blend or even a nice relaxing Mint Tea? It’s a good thing that the shop is almost
restocked free. After all, if you’ve never heard of it, how are you going to
know to buy it?
Now you may wonder what I’m ranting about, but in truth, I’m not ranting. I
am presenting to you the environment and what to expect when you go over there.
Yes, I said “when” you go over there. This Coffee Shop isn’t that exotic, as
it mostly has blends and no special roasts and a few good teas with no added
juices. Now some of you might say, “How is a drink suppose to help me in the
Battledome? It’s not like the caffeine will super invigorate my pet for pounding
on my opponents.” It’s not suppose to. Others may say, “Why should I waste my
NP and listen to this n00b, when I’m going for a Royal Paint Brush?” Stop and
enjoy the little things and don’t stare up at the stars all the time and say,
“Some day I’ll reach them.”
Here are some of the drinks and other foods that I have come across in the
shop. Perhaps there are ones that I don’t even know about reserved for the elite!
The shopkeeper always seems nice enough, so I doubt that. Did someone just think
that there is nothing above rarity 90? Banish the thought! This coffee is good
enough to be gourmet! Now onto the ones that I do know exist.
Earl Grey Tea, Breakfast Tea, Mint Tea, Blairnut Tea
These are some pretty good teas for anytime of the day. When your pet have
just woken and still feel a little sleepy, the Breakfast Tea will wake your
pet up in no time. The have less of at kick than the stronger teas and tastes
great if you aren’t the type that likes exotic berries. Their made from 100%
natural ingredients whether it be mint leaves or the skin of a blairnut.
Thornberry Tea, Snowberry Tea, Strongberry Tea, Fundus Fruit Tea
You may find yourself asking, “What’s a Strongberry or a Fundus Fruit?” Well,
I don’t know either, but they give these teas great flavors! Don’t let it’s
appearance scare you away from trying their wonderful flavors. (The Fundus Fruit
Tea may look like it came from the evil swamp lair of some evil villain plotting
some evil plot against Neopia in his evil mind with his evil minions. Okay,
I’ll stop using EVIL!) Let your pet experience some of the wonderful flavors
infused in the liquid by fruits from all over Neopia. They tend to have a stronger
kick than normal teas made with only leaves, so don’t be surprised if your pet
is up and running quickly after he or she was down after losing in the Battledome.
The fruit-infused teas may taste a bit funny at first, but the familiarity of
two flavors will ensure enjoyment of this new drink.
Ummagine Tea, Strawberry Butter Tea, Flaming Bomberry Tea, Super Sour Melon
Tea, Lemon Meringue Tea
A daredevil, I see? Well, even if you’re not, you can always close your eyes
and pinch your nose when you drink these teas. These teas have the greatest
aromas of all teas and the most exotic flavors. Be warned, they pack quite a
punch in each sip. Don’t be afraid to pucker when you try the Super Sour Melon
Tea. After all, the coffee shop owner expects this, and it was made this way.
Take quite a lot of care when drinking a Flaming Bomberry Tea. You may get knocked
out of your chair by the strong flavor itself! My favorites, the Strawberry
Butter Tea and the Ummagine Tea, are not as strong but just the right flavor
to make it a drink worth ten times it’s weight in Neopoints, or Dubloons if
ye be a pirate. Yarr!
House Blend Coffee, Coffee and Marshmallows, Cobrall Coffee
Even though ‘Coffee’ is sold in the Food Shop, it’s no compare to these special
coffee. (Besides, the food shop coffee is made from instant. Bleh!) The House
Blend is a special one you can only find here. Actually, all the coffees here
are only found here. A nice strong caffeine boost for your pet. Plus it comes
with the Coffee Shop’s famous amaretto cookies. Cobrall Coffee, however does
not come with amaretto cookies, but a cool mug! Coin collectors often buy these
because they are relatively cheap and gives a nice caffeine boost.
House Blend Coffee with Cream, Spironut with Cream, Thornberry Java with
How would your pet like a nice warm robust-flavored coffee topped with just
as much cream? These will warm him or her up from the inside out and also come
with amaretto cookies! These coffees may cause your pet to gain weight, but
they won’t mind once they take one sip or even one whiff of these brown liquids.
Cappuccinos and Mochas
If you want a sweet, robust, fruity, high energy drink, then the Cappucinos
and Mochas are for you. These are the favorites of Neopian Times Writers. You
probably never even heard of the Puplum, Karakuberry, or even the Kabuggle,
but they all tastes great in the Mocha. The more famous Pinanna, Zeenana, and
Tigersquash blend well with Cappucino. I would not feed any Mochas and Cappucinos
to my pets, but that’s only because they get a bit too energetic. If your pet
is sluggish, why not perk him or her up with a Cappucino or Mocha?
Phear Coffee, Weevil Coffee
If you’re watching you pets weight, you should try these coffees with no added
sugar or cream. Don’t be daunted by the names, even though Weevil Coffee is
made from weevils. Phear Coffee is made with Phear Juice and WILL NOT induce
fear in your pets.
Marshmallow Roast Coffee, Banana Cream Coffee, Orange and Mango Coffee
Just hearing the names will make your pet’s mouth water. Then again, you might
think that their just fruit drinks with a little bit of coffee in them. I assure
that they are at least 95% coffee. These coffees are ideal for pets who have
a sweet tooth. Too much sugar will cause your pet to burn out quickly and don’t
force your pet to drink these high sugar coffees only to get the Tooth Faerie
to give you an avatar.
Strong Berry Java, Purple Juppie Java, Sludge Frappucino, Festering Coffee
Expect a nice energy boost from these wonderful blends. Sure, they may not
be the best tasting ones but they give a really big jolt that can carry any
pet though the whole day! However, you should never try challenging anyone to
a contest to see who can handle more of these blends or drink it down the fastest.
All I need to say is this: The Art Centre is devoid of REAL toilets.
Sourmelon Brew, Gracklebug Brew
Now I can’t discern whether this is a brew of tea or brew of coffee, so I’ll
classify it as other. Both off these drinks are revolting, but they pack the
greatest zing. Gracklebug Brew is even rumored to be able to clear up your Neopet’s
sinuses! If you find a Gracklebug in your Brew, it’s only and added bonus!
Tigersquash Swirly Cake, Snowberry Delight, Tigersquash Iced Bun, Sour Melon
These baked foods can be found right inside the Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe and are
great complements to the plethora of wonderful drinks that you can find there
as well. Tigersquash and coffee may not go well together, but products made
from tigersquash increases the Coffee Shop experience tenfold!
Tigersquash Ice Cream, Thornberry Jelly
These foods, which may be considered desserts at any other time, are wonderful
sweet foods that may cover a disgusting after taste from on of the drinks. Promise
one of these and your pet is sure to quaff down a Sludge Frappucino.
Drop your Achyfi or Neocola (in a trash can of course. You don‘t want to be
a litterbug.) and stop by Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe to grab a blend or two for your
Neopet. Be a responsible owner or your pet may end up like the ones in the Old
Coffee cartoons Perhaps you may even run into a famous Neopian Times Writer.