Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 190,612,197 Issue: 577 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y15
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The Beginning

by moon_flash

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Holy Kau!

by fluffy_bumbkin


Interview with a Minion... of Sloth
Looking back, there really was no excuse. From the time I walked up to the cottage I should have known that my day would not unfold even close to the way I expected.

by jadianne


Unbreakable: Part Three
Brynn sucked in a heavy breath and forced herself to ignore the pain from her harsh landing. She scrambled up and, before the intruder could catch his bearings and run off again, grabbed him by the collar...

by sporty2443


A Guide to Freaky Factory: Working for Krelufun Ind.
So, Krelufun Industries has seen it fit to hire you, eh? The job assigned to you here is to produce Neopets miniatures for the company, and you better do it quickly!

by faeriequeenoffire

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