Ice Cream Machine - So cool, it's freezing... by jazz_invincible
Jazz: "ICE CREAM!!"
Random nearby Neopian: "Umm.. you scream?
Jazz: Well, you would too if you had giant scoops of frozen Kau Kau
Milk flying at you at 100mph!
Everyone loves Ice Cream, right?
There's a flavour for everyone! It's sweet, it's tasty and oh so cool (you
might even say freezing cold!). But what
if you ate too much? What if the ice cream wanted revenge? What
if the ice cream scoops were as big as you? What if they were flying
at you at great speeds?
What if I keep "What if-ing?"
- Editor:- A very boring article will be created.
Not very likely, maybe.. but this is the problem that Adee the Chia is having.
She's having some nightmares involving all of the above! Some say it's because
she ate too much ice cream the day before, but we all know that you get nightmares
by checking out the Neocam!
The goal of the game is simple. Don't get hit by the ice cream! A simple concept,
but none the less challenging to play.
Quick Overview of the game
I'm sure you all know how to play, and if you don't.. well, there's a big button
when you load it that says, "Instructions". This will rather unsurprisingly,
instruct you on how to play.
You play the game using the mouse. The mouse pointer is Adee, and to move her
about, simply move the mouse around. Move her out of the way of oncoming ice
cream, and you can't go wrong. If you find you have a problem with a sticky
or jerky mouse, I suggest giving it a good clean before playing. You will need
to have good control of your mouse, since this is the only way you can
control her. You can't use the Right Mouse Button to "pause" Adee, then click
elsewhere to "teleport" her. Right clicking will END THE GAME. If you
have a twitchy middle finger, I suggest you disable that mouse button! ;)
There are 10 levels of ice cream dodging to get through. Each level
is a different colour and flavour, and as you progress through each, the ice
cream will fire at Adee at a faster rate, and at a faster speed.
The levels are as follows:
~Level 1 - Strawberry - Dodge 25 Scoops.
Speed similar to that of the Sleeping Turmaculus.
~Level 2 - Vanilla - Dodge 50 Scoops. Speed of a Slorg.
~Level 3 - Chocolate - Dodge 75 Scoops.
Speed of Tiki Shop selling out.
~Level 4 - Mint - Dodge 100 Scoops.
Speed of Cheeseroller Cheese on a hot day.
~Level 5 - Blueberry - Dodge 125 Scoops.
Speed of Cheeseroller Cheese on a warm day.
~Level 6 - Vanilla Chocolate Chip - Dodge
150 Scoops. Speed of Cheeseroller Cheese. (I did not run out
of ideas! *shifty eyes*)
~Level 7 - Strawberry Vanilla
Chocolate - Dodge 175 Scoops. Speed
of Neopians grabbing items from Money Tree.
~Level 8 - Peach - Dodge 200 Scoops.
Speed of Dr. Sloth running away when the Space Faerie appears.
~Level 9 - Vanilla Chocolate
Swirl - Dodge 225 Scoops. Speed of Meuka being sneezed out.
~Level 10 - Double Chocolate - Dodge 250
Scoops. Speed that Number 6 can eat his Asparagus! GAH!.
As you can see from my handy guide, levels 1 through 5 are pretty easy. Slow
moving ice cream doesn't pose too much of a threat. But look how the speeds
compare from 6 onwards. I hope you're dextrous!
Scoring & "Powerups"
The scoring is fairly simple. For every scoop successfully dodged, you get
5 points. With 1,375 scoops you must dodge in order to complete all 10
levels, that's 6,875 points.
But wait, some of the ice cream has toppings! Normally a yummy addition to
ice cream, this isn't something you want to be munching on. Just as deadly as
the other ice cream coming at you, except if you successfully dodge this
stuff, you get x2 the normal points. For those not too strong at mathematics,
that's 10 points for dodging them. They come in Caramel,
Chocolate and Strawberry flavours. Hooray
for variety! Sometimes you'll get a Multiple Topping Bonus which gets you
With that out of the way, I shall mention the "Powerups". I use this term loosely,
as to be honest.. not all of them are very good. I shall explain them below.
Speed Changing Ice Cream
~Green Plus Sign - The Speed Up Powerup.
There is no reason at all to want to collect this, unless you're either very
impatient and want the level to end quicker, or you're a little crazy and want
an extra challenge. This will increase the average speed of the scoops. These
scoops are cumulative. The more you collect, the faster the scoops will go.
~Red Minus Sign - The Slow Down Powerup.
A Very handy powerup that is invaluable on later levels. This will decrease
the average speed of the scoops, giving you more time to dodge them. These are
doubly handy, because they don't decrease the rate at which the ice cream
is fired. When you reach the total number of scoops that need to be dodged,
the game will continue until the remaining scoops have left the screen. The
slower they're moving, the more there will be on screen, and as a result you
will get more points for the level since there are more to dodge! These scoops
are cumulative. The more you collect, the slower the scoops will go. WARNING:
As with all things in life, excessive use of anything tends to be bad for you.
If you collect too many of these on later levels, you will decrease the average
speed of the scoops, but NOT the rate at which they fire. Because they're
moving slower, they'll be closer together, and you may find yourself trapped
with no space to dodge them all.
Size Changing Ice Cream
~Light Blue "Large" Chia - The Grow
Up Powerup. You may think this a useful scoop to throw at n00bs in the hopes
that they "grow up", but I don't recommend touching it. This will increase Adee's
size meaning she will become a larger target for the ice cream to hit. It will
be more difficult to dodge oncoming scoops. Avoid! These scoops are cumulative.
The more you collect, the bigger Adee will get.
~Purple "Small" Chia - The Shrink Powerup.
In a similar way to shouting abuse at Adee (which I don't recommend since that's
against the Terms and Conditions!), this will "belittle" Adee and make
her feel (and look) just a few inches tall. This makes Adee a much smaller target
for the oncoming scoops, and makes it much easier to dodge them. These scoops
are cumulative. The more you collect, the smaller Adee will get.
Protective Ice Cream
~Silver Shield - This powerup will make you
INVINCIBLE!! You will be unstoppable, an all powerful Chia who can stand
up against anything..... for 3 or so seconds. *sigh* This is a
bit of a let down. This will give you a protective shield. After a second or
so, it will beep and turn red.. then a second later.. *poof*.. gone. This will
also get rid of ALL size and speed powerups in effect. Unless you accidentally
made Adee too big, or made the scoops faster, I don't really recommend getting
this at all. It's only really good for getting rid of all negative effects in
play. However, if you're good.. You won't have collected any negative powerups
in the first place! ;)
~Pink Heart - This is the Extra Life
Powerup. This... well, it gives you an extra life. Duh! I always recommend getting
this, as it'll give you more chances to continue if you're hit. However, remember
that collecting this will get rid of any size or speed effects you have collected.
But it is an extra life, and isn't to be sniffed at. (After all - how
do we know this ice cream isn't out of date? - I certainly wouldn't risk sniffing
anything deadly, which used to be edible!)
~Strawberry Bomb - Like
Strawberries? Of course you do! Like bombs thrown at you? Of course you don't!
This is a tasty strawberry scoop with a small helping of KABLAM!!
Sounds painful? Well, only for onscreen ice cream! (Say that 10 times fast!)
It clears the screen of all ice cream. It doesn't go towards your "dodged" total,
and it does nothing for you score. It will clear any speed or size effects that
you have collected. To be honest, it's not much use unless you want to shrink
Adee back to her original size, or get rid of a Speed Up Powerup you accidentally
collected. This is only really useful if you happen to be trapped, and by a
stroke of luck... this is one of the scoops trapping you.
Scoring Ice Cream
~Yellow Ice Cream with
Cherry - Collect this for an
Instant 100 bonus points. That's the equivalent of dodging 20 non-topping scoops.
It will remove any speed or size effects, but almost definitely worth it if
you're going for a trophy. Plus it's Cherry. CHERRY PEOPLE! *licks lips*
~Blue Fish Ice Cream - It's fish flavoured
ice cream! It's... disgusting. *glares at Alien Aisha* That wasn't what I was
hoping for when I said "Surprise me." However, ignore the taste... UGH, and
that smell... because collecting this will get you 250 Bonus points! That's
the same as dodging 50 non-topping scoops! As with the Cherry ice cream, this
will remove all size and speed effects.
Remember! No powerup will continue on to the next level, with the obvious
exception of the Extra Life. Providing you don't get hit, all remaining lives
are carried over!
That's everything you need to know about Ice Cream Factory. Remember, practice
makes perfect!
Still reading? What more do you want? Go away!
Umm... you're still here, aren't you?
FINE! OK, stop staring at me, I'll tell you! There is a hidden Easter
Negg (Fun surprise) that the programmer hid. When you have completed a level,
and the next starts.. do NOT click to continue. Leave it for about 3-5
minutes and you will eventually here a SPLAT sound. Adee has turned into a Member
of Staff! If you're a big gaming fan, you may recognise him as one of the many
great programmers of the games you play. See if you can find him in other games
like "Snowmuncher", "Meepit Juice Break" and "Hannah and the Ice Caves"!
Thank you to Brennaa for keeping me entertained whilst I was
typing this up!