The Quest to Rescue Baelia: Part One by leonieke
Part 1 - A Grey day in NeopiaAs the story goes, a long long time ago on the top of a cold dark mountain, there was a sad faerie who was trapped in a cage. She was robbed of her wings and her magical powers by the Darkest Faerie and caged like an animal, left to die there. One day, a hiker climbed up the mountain and came across this faerie. The hiker, Tavi, knew she needed to help the pitiful faerie so she did whatever she could to rescue her. Knowing that she needed to know the name of the lock to open the cage, she played a little game. The game tricked the lock and it revealed its name, Baelia, which was also the name of the faerie. Tavi and Baelia left the mountain top in search of a way to cure Baelia and to get her powers and wings back.
Years later, on a high mountain peak in Terror Mountain, there was a small hut peeking out through the snow. A thin line of smoke from the chimney rose up through the snowflakes gently falling from the grey sky above. Inside the hut sat two figures huddled together near the fire. Under the flames' soft light sat Baelia, the broken faerie and her pet, a grey Ixi named Alecienic. Baelia's sadness over having her powers and wings taken from her had made her grey, from head to toe. In her heart she felt she was a strong and powerful faerie, but she knew she was nothing more than a shell of a faerie that had no defences against those who were hunting her. She lived in this hut, secluded from the rest of Neopia with her loyal friend Alecienic. Alecienic had been Baelia's friend long before she had been captured by the Darkest Faerie, but continued to stay with Baelia through these times of hardship. When they first met, Alecienic was happy red Ixi, but now she had turned grey, like Baelia. So together these two grey friends sat in the dull fire awaiting the dawn.
"Baelia, I feel as if I need to do something to help you. This has gone on too long, and soon the Darkest Faerie will find you," Alecienic said as the fire slowly began to die.
"I cannot ask you to help me, Alec. You have already been such a great friend to me through all of this. I can't ask for anything more from you," said Baelia as she placed some more logs on the fire and stoked it back to life.
"I have a plan, my dear friend. It means I will need to leave you for quite some time, but I know I will be able to help you. If I start tomorrow when the sun rises, I should be able to make it to Shenkuu in a fortnight. There I will meet with my friend, who I have sent word to that I will be coming. She will help me in my journey to find a way to regain your powers." As she said this, Alecienic rose from her place in front of the fire and moved towards a suitcase by the doorway.
"Alec – no! You cannot face such a journey on your own! It is far too dangerous! At least visit my friend, Taelia the Snow faerie. She will surely find you a friend to accompany you on this trek if you must go," said Baelia as she moved to hug Alecienic. The two friends had said their goodbyes just as the sun rose over the mountain peak. Alecienic shouldered her pack and opened the door against the crisp mountain wind.
"Goodbye for now, Baelia! I will return with the answer of how to regain your powers so that you will be able to be free from the Darkest Faerie's grasp at last!"
Alecienic galloped down the snow-laden path and began her journey down the mountain. As the day went on, Alec was making very good time heading down the mountain side. She decided to stop in for the night at some friends from her past. Just as the sun was preparing to set, Alec saw the sign for the Igloo Garage Sale glowing in the distance. She knew Mika and Carassa would still be awake as she knocked on the door. "Coming, coming – hold your horses!" called a voice from the other side of the door.
"Who's there knockin' on my door this late in the day?" said Mika while slowly opening the door. "What? Alecienic, is that you? I haven't seen you in a Gelert's age! How've you been?"
Mika welcomed Alec into the cluttered home, which was full of items awaiting sale in their shop. "Oh Mika, it is so good to see you! It has been far too long; I was worried that you wouldn't recognize me with my new coloring," said Alecienic sheepishly. Mika studied Alecienic for some time before calling Carassa into the room.
"Look who's here, Carassa! An old friend, although she looks somewhat different, she still is the same old friend!"
Carassa bustled into the room, hurrying past the boxes and crates cluttering the floor.
"ALECIENIC! What happened to you, my dear? Where is that lovely red coat that I remember so well?"
Alecienic hugged Carassa and settled in for the night with her two friends. She told them the story of how she came to be grey and explained where she was headed now. The three friends talked long into the night, until Alecienic insisted that she must get some sleep if she hoped to make it to Taelia's tomorrow. As the sun rose the next morning, Alecienic prepared to continue her journey. She said goodbye to Mika and Carassa, and promised she would be back to visit them soon. The early morning sun shone brightly on the freshly fallen snow, as Alecienic trudged onward to Taelia's home. As the day neared noon, Alecienic saw the crystalline structure that was the home of the Snow faerie. It sparkled brightly in the noon sun as Alecienic trotted up to the doorway. As she knocked on the door, she wondered whether Taelia would be at home. It was customary for faeries to meet at the Faerie Festival around this time of year. It seemed as though her thoughts were correct as she knocked for a second time and there was no answer.
"Hello? Is anyone home? Taelia, are you there?" called out Alecienic.
Just as she was preparing to turn and continue on her journey, Alecienic heard some rustling from the inside of Taelia's house. Slowly the door creaked open. "Who's there?" called a voice from inside the house.
"Um... I'm Alecienic – a friend of Baelia's. She sent me to see Taelia in the hopes that she would be able to help me on my journey," explained Alecienic.
The door swung open, and inside stood a small, but mighty figure. "I've been hoping you would come! Taelia knew you would be coming, and told me to stay here and wait for you until you arrived. I am to accompany you on your trek," said the figure in the doorway. In the pale light from the inside of the house, Alecienic could see who was speaking. A grey Gruslen stood there with the mighty presence of the Snowager, but the small stature of a petpet. "My name is Grace, please come inside!" Alecienic followed the Gruslen into the house. She was not sure how Grace knew she would be coming, but hoped that it would all be explained soon.
"Taelia received a note carried by a quizzical Whoot from Baelia yesterday. Before she left for the Faerie Festival, she told me that she wanted me to accompany you on your journey. She did not explain what this journey was, though. But who am I to ask questions? I must do what Taelia asks!"
"Oh, Baelia – I knew she would be watching over me while I am making this trek. I am happy that Taelia has asked that you come with me. I think we will make a great pair! Let me tell you what my journey entails, perhaps you will not be so willing once you hear the tale," said Alecienic to Grace as they sat down at the kitchen table.
Alecienic began to explain to Grace what had happened to Baelia, and how important the journey that was before them was to both Baelia and Alecienic. She warned Grace that the journey would be very treacherous, and was not for the faint of heart. It would be a long tedious trek to get to Shenkuu on foot, and then by boat. Grace listed intently to everything that Alecienic was saying. She understood the importance of this quest, the Darkest Faerie was no meagre enemy – Baelia would need all the help she could get to be able to be free from her grasp. There was nothing to think about, Grace knew that her fate was written long ago – she was intended to journey along with this grey Ixi into the unknown. "Alecienic – I don't need to consider a thing. I knew I was destined to be by your side in this quest. It was written long ago that we would be set together to do this. However, we cannot do this alone. We will go to Shenkuu to meet your friend, but from there we must continue further. There is something you do not know, to help Baelia we must muster the power of three Neopets that have avatar powers. You now are the first of those pets – you were red, but you were changed to Grey so that you might be able to fulfill this prophecy. Your strength will enable us to prevail against the odds."
Alecienic stood aghast. How did this Gruslen know so much? It just did not make sense! Then again, it did not matter. Alecienic smiled as she said to Grace, "Well, my new friend, let's get this show on the road, shall we?"
To be continued...