Top Ten "Essential" Wigs for Your Closet by auraichadora
There's all kinds of wigs out there. Some are long and others are short. They come in the typical blonde, brunette, red and black, but also come in crazy shades like purple, blue, green and pink. Some are wild and crazy while some are tamed and demure. However, no matter what your personal taste is, I believe we all have the same two questions when it comes to picking out one for our pets: does it look amazing on them and does it fit my customisation?There's hundreds of wigs out there, ranging from species-specific NP ones to animated NC ones, and every one of them have a uniqueness to them that makes them fit well on a certain pet or with certain customisation styles. However, there's a number of them that work so well on almost every species and blend well with nearly every outfit idea that I would consider them "essential" pieces in my closet. This list is counting down my top ten essential wigs that should be in your closet. Of course, these are all based on my personal opinions. Some are better fitted for certain genders of pets, and not every wig on this list will fit every pet perfectly (some wigs made sit awkwardly on some pets' heads, or may not cover their manes all of the way). I'm not including any species-specific or special customisation wigs, such as for Babies or Maraquans, and focusing more on wigs that can fit all normally-customised colors. Let's get started now, shall we?
10. Curled Blonde Wig – NP – Approximate price at time of writing: 4,000NP
If you want something elegant and a little bit Victorian, then look no more! This wig fits the bill, and made complete with a blue pearl and red rose accent. It's perfect with many fancy customisations, so if you're trying to make your pet the belle of the ball, this may be the last perfect piece to complete their look. It's also relatively inexpensive, making it easier to obtain than some of the other wigs on this list.
9. Fashionable Holiday Wig – NC – Prize from Trendsetter Holiday Snowglobe (currently retired)
This is one of the few wigs that's boy-cut short, and it's super bright and cheerful to boot. The bright red with a little green highlight fits in a lot more outfits than just holiday themes, but those are where the wig truly shines. However, this wig is retired from the mall and it may be awhile before it's re-released either via another snowglobe or a mystery capsule of some sort. But it did retire only a few months ago, and it may be easier to trade for as there's a lot less demand for Christmas and holiday related items.
8. Bagel Hat Wig – NP – Approximate price at time of writing: 10,000NP
Yes, the accent is a little weird, but only if you actually think about the idea of your pet wearing a bagel on their head. This blonde-highlighted wig sports cute bangs and shoulder-length short hair with a ribbon headband tied around an interesting head ornament. It's rather simple, but fits great, albeit on female pets versus male pets.
7. Flowery Multicolour Spring Wig – NP – Approximate price at time of writing: 11,800NP
This is probably the craziest wigs on this list, but it's also one of the cutest. With its streaks of purple, green and blue, mixed with a poofy flower headband, it definitely says spring has arrived, albeit just on your pets' heads. Since it has multiple colors in it, it can fit a lot of different customisations, especially spring and pastel outfits.
6. Emo Hair Wig – NC – Prize from Gothic Wonderclaw Machine (currently retired)
It's dark and broody, boy-cut short and highlighted with green streaks. Like the Boo-ffant Wig, this is great for gothic and Halloween style outfits, but it's definitely made more for boys than girls, which is already rare to have on wigs that aren't species-specific. A downside is that the wig was a prize from a now retired Wonderclaw machine, which may not be re-released until TNT decides to retire the game and re-release the items via suitcases like JubJub Power Bounce and Blumaroll. However, you may still be able to find it on traders' one cap sale tradelists.
5. Zylphio Inspired Wig – NC – Bonus prize from the Twisted Histories Capsule Adventure
It has the same boy-cut like Emo Hair Wig and Fashionable Holiday Wig, but this time black with dark purple bangs. Unlike the other two, I can see this being used on girls just as much as boys due to the purple color, which fits in a lot more girly outfits than just the standard gothic or Halloween outfit. This item was given out as a bonus for getting one of the four Limited Edition items in each of the seven Mystery Capsules featured in the Twisted History Capsule Adventure, so it wasn't given out quite as much as the bonus for just buying one of each capsule. However, there were many people participating on their sides, so the wig should be rather easy to find and trade for.
4. Boo-ffant Wig – NC – Prize from 13 Days of Trick or Treat 2010
Nicknamed the "Snooki Wig" and "Elvira Wig" upon release, this pure black wig sports a large bump on top and long hair going down your pets' back. At first, I admit the big bump deterred me from using this wig but after seeing it look so well on many pets and in many outfits – especially Halloween and gothic outfits – it grew on me and now I use it in several of my customisations. While the original event has long since come and gone, the wig is a possible prize from spinning a NC Archives Fortune Cookie, so it's a little easier to obtain.
3. Snarkie Pigtail Wig – NC – Limited Edition item from the TNT Mystery Capsule (currently retired)
For how simple this wig is, it's very fashionable. The brunette wig has short pigtails bound by pink ponytail holders with a little wisp of a bang going in front of your pet's face. Plus it's named and modeled after one of everyone's favorite TNT members; what else could be better? The capsule it originally came from is retired, however, but because it's a Limited Edition item it's likely to be re-released in this year's NC Mall Birthday Mystery Capsule.
2. Copper Blonde Wig with Headband – NC – 150NC; currently available in the NC Mall
While there's many blonde wigs available, I can't recall any of them being this lovely shade. Its style is playful yet elegant, and like the Altadorian Wig with Gold Ribbon, there's so many blue-centric and blue-accented items that the headband could match with. Also, unlike many of the other NC-related wigs on this list, it's readily available from the NC Mall with no current retirement date. Hey, remember that free 150NC you received a few weeks back? Perhaps this can be an inspiration for you to spend it?
1. Altadorian Wig with Gold Ribbon – NC – Prize from AC V NC Challenge/AC VIII NC Collector's Corner
This was, and still is, considered one of the most desirable wigs available from the NC Mall. The brunette color is beautiful and its accent is elegantly tied throughout its long braid. With so many items that are yellow or gold in color or have similarly colored accents this wig fits in with almost every customisation. This wig was once extremely hard to obtain; originally you could only obtain it on your main account due to having to play games for the AC in order to win it and going for as high as 100 caps at one point (translated into NC value: 20,000NC). However, it was re-released through last year's AC NC Collector's Corner event, which people were able to do on their mains and their sides, allowing for more to enter the market and is now a lot easier to trade for.
Honorary Mention: Games Master Challenge NC Challenge 2010 Lulu Wig – NC – Bonus prize from NC Games Master Challenge event 2010
I admit, I do like this wig. It has a great bob style, a very vibrant red color with a simple ribbon headband, and fits almost every pet very well. However, it's practically impossible to obtain. It was a bonus prize from the NC part of the GMC 2010, and at that time it was limited to only being able to obtain on main accounts due to the games you had to place to earn it. Because of that limited release, plus how amazing it is in customisations, people aren't too keen on letting it go. While there's a chance of the item being re-released one day, it's a very small chance and if you're really dead set on getting one, you may have to shell over 100+ cap equivalent (NC translation: 20,000NC or more) in custom or other NC items in a trade to another user. So that's it, my top ten list of essential wigs for your closet. Of course, it's always up to you what you think will fit best for your pets' personality and customisations, but I do hope my guide can help you out if you're needing help trying to find the right wig. Happy Customising!