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How to Master Snowball Fight

by ace_0959


It is such a hot day today. Why don't we go to Terror Mountain to cool down for a while? There is nothing better to do at Terror Mountain than a good old snowball fight. When you hear a phrase like snowball fight, it sounds easy, right? You just have to throw a snowball and score points, but that's it. Wrong! It gets a little more complicated than that and there are times when you will be frustrated and flustered. So do you want a trophy for this game? Sure, I will a present you a guide on how to get a high score and if your score is a high enough, a trophy.

What is the aim of the game?

The aim of the game is to score as many points as possible. At the start of the game, you are supplied with 50 snowballs and that is the maximum amount of snowballs you can have at any one time. There will be neopets, petpets and even the Phantom Orange Shirt Guy that is waiting to be hit by a snowball.

What are the controls for this game?

The controls for this game are very simple. To move the Kougra around, you just have to use your mouse to control him. Move your mouse to the left if you want to move the Kougra to the left hand side of the screen or move your mouse to the right hand side if you want to move the Kougra to the right hand side of the screen. Click on the mouse to throw the snowball.

Scoring system

If you hit a neopet such as the Aisha, Kyrii and the Scorchio, you get 5 points for a body hit. If you produced a headshot to a neopet, you get 10 points.

If you hit the Meepit, you get 10 points for a body hit. If you produced a headshot to the Meepit, you get 20 points. The reason that you score more points for a Meepit is basically because the Meepit is a smaller target to hit hence more difficult to do so than the neopets.

If you hit Dieter the Polarchuck, you get an extra 10 snowballs. He will only show up if you have less than 40 snowballs at any one time. He will parachute down in the background at random times.

If you hit a faerie, you lose 10 snowballs, so avoid them at all costs. The faeries will be the most frustrating part of the game, especially when they get in the way of the other targets, especially Dieter the Polarchuck (The faeries are tall enough to block your throw).

On rare occasions, the Phantom Orange Shirt Guy shows up. You get 25 points, yes 25 points for a body hit and a whopping 50 points for a headshot.

Leveling up

Basically, the more points you score, the higher the level. Every time you score 50 points, you go up by 1 level and the higher the level, the faster your targets (neopets, petpets, faeries, Phantom Orange Shirt Guy, Dieter the Polarchuck) moves around. And if your targets are moving very fast, then it will become a lot harder to fit; thus, you might become frustrated when you get to the higher levels.


Always have at least 10 snowballs in hand. Thankfully the amount of snowballs are indicated at the right of screen and one whole snowball on the snowball meter represents 10 snowballs you can throw. The snowball color in the snowball meter turns red once you have reached 1 snowball left out of that 10. If you have 10 snowballs or less, just aim for the Polarchuck so you have 10 extra snowballs. Keep hitting the Polarchuck until you have 40 or more snowballs that you can throw in supply, unless the targets are moving so fast that you cannot hit Dieter the Polarchuck anymore. The last thing you want to see is that your game has ended prematurely.

On the first few levels, headshots are always key. Make sure you are efficient with your snowballs, as they will become more valuable later on. Again, watch the snowball meter to see if you are running short on snowballs. At the higher levels, though, this is almost impossible to do, since the targets are moving so fast and they only stay up for a short time period. In this situation, it is almost a complete guess, but you still have some control of the situation. Do not get frustrated and flustered; patience is the key here. Sometimes the neopets and petpets are bunched up in a group - hit that group.

Take caution to the wind. You will know there is wind by the direction the snow is falling. If the snow is falling towards the left hand side of the screen, then there is a westerly wind. If the snow is falling towards the right hand side of the screen, then there is an easterly wind. There are 4 wind patterns in this game: strong westerly, weak westerly, weak easterly and strong easterly. Of course, there are some occasions when there is no wind at all. The wind will obviously affect your throw, especially when it comes to throwing the snowball at Dieter the Polarchuck. If there is a westerly wind, the snowball will obviously stray to the left. If there is an easterly wind, the snowball will stray to the right. How much it strays depends on the strength of the wind. The stronger the wind, the further it will stray towards a particular direction whether if it is left or right.

There are 5 situations you must consider when it comes to wind speed:

(1) if there is no wind at all (i.e. the snow is falling straight down), then try to be inline with your target.

(2) If there is a weak easterly , move a little bit to the left of your target.

(3) If there is a weak westerly, move a little bit to the right of your target.

(4) If there is strong easterly, move a bit more to the left of your target.

(5) If there is a strong westerly, move a bit more to the right of your target.

Of course, there are situations where the wind suddenly changes direction when the snowball is up in the air but it is impossible to predict that. Just my luck, I guess.

Aim well towards Dieter the Polarchuck. The higher the levels, the faster Dieter the Polarchuck will fall. Hence, adjustments need to be made on how to aim for him depending on which level you are on. For the lower levels, just click your mouse just above the parachute. For medium levels, aim it at the Polarchuck. And finally, at higher levels, aim just below the Polarchuck,

So what is my personal strategy for this game?

I have developed my very own 3 stage strategy for this game.

Stage 1: This is the stage where the score goes from 0 to 500. There should be no problems hitting the right targets (neopets, petpets, Polarchuck, Phantom Orange Shirt Guy) with headshots. Sure, the faeries might annoy you at times when you are trying to aim for the Polarchuck, but this stage should be a breeze.

Stage 2: This is the stage where the score goes from 500 to 700. Now that your targets have moved faster, you start to get flustered. Do not panic. You might not be able to get headshots easily, so just aim for the right targets. Faeries will start to become more annoying and they might pop out of nowhere. The faeries sometimes will be in the Polarchuck's way, hence you will not be able to throw the snowball towards the Polarchuck. Of course, you might hit the desired targets by accident whilst throwing the snowball towards the Polarchuck, but it's still 5 points added to your score. Overall, there will be less chances for an open wide target to hit the Polarchuck, so patience is the key here. Once you get to a score of 670 or so, increase the amount of snowballs in reserve by carefully aiming for the Polarchuck repeatedly until you have 40 or more snowballs coming into stage 3.

Stage 3: This is the stage where the score is 700 or more. Now go for that high score. Since the targets will move very fast. This stage will take a lot of patience and you have to find the right targets (see tips above). Do not aim for the Polarchuck anymore, as the faerie can easily get in the way at this stage. At this stage, just use up all the snowballs you have. If there is a group of neopets and petpets, hit that group and you will get 5 points, 10 points or even 20 points. However, if a faerie is in that group as well, do not throw a snowball at it. There are times when a neopet or a petpet is isolated and you are tempted to throw a snowball at it. However, the target can disappear very quickly thus you might end up throwing an airball. Execute this stage smoothly and you might get a score of 850 or more. If you score 850 or more, you might take home a shiny new trophy when you play it at the beginning of the month.


This is a complete guide to Snowball Fight. With a lot of practice and patience, you might be able to get a new trophy. This isn't one of the most popular games on Neopets, so getting a trophy in this game is a bit easier compared to the other ones.

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