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Game Syndrome: An Epidemic

by mheetu


Neopia has long been plagued with a common yet misunderstood disease. It has largely been ignored among the Neopian community, but almost two million suffer from it: "Neopets is a game" syndrome, abbreviated as Game Syndrome. Those diagnosed with Game Syndrome are afflicted with an irrational psychosis that makes them believe Neopia and all its inhabitants are not real, but rather a game created for their pleasure and amusement. The cause of this disease is currently unknown. While it is not directly contagious, more and more otherwise normal Neopians have started to find merit in Game Syndrome patients' delusions. Doctors and scientists are currently working together to find a cure, but in the meantime, you can watch for symptoms in Neopians.

The effects of Game Syndrome can range from moderate to severe depending on the number and type of symptoms experienced. Those who are in the first stage of Game Syndrome can often be treated, and their symptoms are not debilitating. Sufferers of First-Stage Game Syndrome often exhibit one or more of these symptoms:

Unusual Date-keeping: Many people afflicted with Game Syndrome seem to be on a different calendar. While it has the same number of months and days as the Neopian calendar, the months have strange, outlandish names. Common examples are "October", "February", and the use of the ordinary word "May" as a month. They also use a largely inflated number of years, claiming that there are thousands of years, and in some cases, billions. A normal day might be "5th day of Sleeping, Y16", but those suffering from Game Syndrome might call it "5 January, 2014". This can be used as a subtle way to see if someone is suffering or at risk by casually asking them the date.

Belief in Hyper-technologies: Despite the incredible progress made by the Virtupets Space Station, there are still technologies that are undiscovered or impossible. Those who suffer from Game Syndrome may believe in technologies that do not exist. For example: the "cellular telephone", a communication system sending signals through between two Neopians who are far away from each other, even in other lands; the "automobile", a tar-fueled machine used for transportation with no manual labor; and the "personal computer", a mechanical device that runs on codes, similar to Dr. Sloth's Neopet v2, which can perform multiple functions such as playing music, playing games, and sending messages. (See "Simulation Fantasy" for more on personal computers). This is a common symptom, and although it is not inherently dangerous, it is a clear sign of the psychosis.

Jelly World: Those with Game Syndrome will tend to believe in and spread conspiracies about Jelly World. This symptom is not exclusive to Game Syndrome, but it is a good sign that a Neopian is unwell.

New Species Psychosis: Some Neopians who suffer from Game Syndrome will start to see themselves as an entirely different and unknown species. The concocted species goes by many names, including "humans", "homo-sapiens", "people", and "users". According to patient studies, members of this species look somewhat like Neopian Faeries, but they have no wings, rounder ears, and duller hair colors. They have no magical powers and cannot fly. There are also male humans, though there are no male Faeries. There have not been any debilitating traits shown of these "humans". This symptom is more severe, but so far, it has not proven to be dangerous.

As more serious symptoms arise, the level of Game Syndrome afflicting a patient may rise to Second-Stage. Symptoms presented in Second-Stage Game Syndrome will significantly affect the afflicted Neopians and those around them. If you observe any of these symptoms, seek help immediately:

Prolonged Absences: In certain cases, a patient may disappear for a significant amount of time. This symptom is known in clinical terms as a "hiatus". This can be anything from a few weeks to many years. Many Neopians with Game Syndrome will recognize their absences, even preparing other Neopians for them; for example, they may say "I am going on hiatus" or "What did I miss? I was on hiatus." It is unknown where patients disappear to, so if someone mentions an upcoming hiatus or absence, please report it to a doctor immediately.

Perceived Immortality: One particularly dangerous symptom for Neopian families is the idea that Neopets cannot die. It is usually caused by the thought that Neopets are simulations (see "Simulation Fantasy"). Subjects ignore the countless Neopians who have passed, such as King Coltzan III, Lord Darigan, Hubrid Nox, and many others. This belief can lead to over-fighting in the Battledome, extreme hunger, and other forms of neglect; it is very serious.

Simulation Fantasy: The most telling and serious symptom is the belief that Neopia is a computer simulation. Sufferers will believe that Neopia, Neopets, and all other parts of the world are part of a "website" accessed via personal computer (see "Belief in Hyper-technologies"). A typical day might include waking up and opening an internet webpage on a personal computer, then navigating to a webpage and logging in to the Neopian website. What sounds like nonsense to most rational Neopians is very real to those with Game Syndrome.

Patients may also mention jobs, families, and activities that are part of "Real Life", referring to an imaginary second world outside of Neopia. The delusion is remarkably complex, as those exhibiting simulation fantasy tend to mention the same places that are part of Real Life, for example, countries (believed to be similar to lands) such as "USA" and "Australia". In rare cases, the afflicted may even believe parts of Neopia and even Neopets themselves are a reflection of Real Life. Lupes have been compared to creatures called "wolves", and the Lost Desert has been compared to "the Sahara desert". In severe cases, Real Life has become more important to the afflicted than Neopia, and hiatuses become more frequent. It is advised that you ignore any of these delusions and take the afflicted to a doctor.

Keep an eye out for these symptoms and any other suspicious behavior. If you believe you or a friend is suffering from Game Syndrome, please consult a doctor and treat the symptoms as best as you can. What else can you do to help? Spread the word about Game Syndrome so Neopians can take preventative measures or seek help for their illness. With heightened awareness about Game Syndrome, we can help many afflicted Neopians start to live a normal life.

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