Vulsimetra and Her Boss by immortalmina
A spotted Aisha jumped into a window. He was wearing a tan
trench coat and a brown Fedora hat. He looked around to see a Desert Aisha sitting
in the corner holding a brown Snowbunny. The female Aisha had on a white toga
and had a black crescent moon tattoo on her forehead.
"So, you are Clyde the Aisha Thief. I've been
looking for you," The female Aisha said as she placed the Snowbunny down.
Clyde thought quickly. "I'm not Clyde. I'm Emerald__Weapon
or EW."
The Desert Aisha snickered. "Really? Then why
are you wearing the coat and hat of Clyde. Also, you're holding an Essence of
Everlasting Apple potion. You stole it from the Water Faerie from the Healing
Clyde took off his hat and placed it and the
potion up on a self. "So, you don't think I could have bought it from her, Vulsimetra?"
"No. Okay, I won't tell your 'family' or owner
if you do something for my boss," Vulsimetra said with evil in her eyes.
Clyde shook his head. "Fine, what do you want?"
Vulsimetra stood she waved for him to follow
her out the window. Clyde did as she asked. He couldn't let the others know
who he really was. He grabbed his hat and placed it on his head before jumping
from the window.
* * *
Meanwhile on Kreludor:
Artemisluv the Desert Aisha, who looked just
like Vulsimetra only her moon tattoo was gold, sat on her throne bored. She
watched as a green Grundo came in. The Grundo had black hair in dreadlocks,
wore a messy red Zurroball tee, green uniform pants and a ripped biker jacket
with patches of Neopia's best bands.
Artemisluv smiled. "Hello, who are you?"
The Grundo was about to answer when another Grundo
came into the room. He was brown, had on a brown uniform on with gold crescent
moons on the brown tie and left arm. On his head was a white "H". This Grundo
had drunk a Swirly Rainbow potion and was not unable to touch things and be
touched. He called himself a "holopet".
"That's Lister. He was my bunk mate when I worked
for Dr. Sloth," _A_J_ Rimmer told his Lady.
Lister smiled and did a salute to Rimmer. "If
it isn't goal post head. I see you have gone up the ladder. Just like you said."
Soon Artemisluv's other Guardians joined the
two Grundos. Chaney_Talbot was a Halloween Lupe with a torn biker jacket and
a gold crescent moon scar on his palm. Zerendipity_ was a Christmas Zafara who
wore a white leather outfit like Koya the Korbat Huntress and had a gold crescent
moon birth mark on her wing. Lastly was Mordecia_ the brown Lenny. He wore Light
Footed Lenny Boots and had a gold crescent moon birth mark on his beak.
Rimmer beamed at Lister. He had a new job and
it was a great one. No longer having to obey Dr. Sloth's every order. Artemisluv
was a great leader and Goddess. "Yes, up the jig a roll lickety-split. Are you
still working for the evil one?"
Lister shrugged. "Yep, I'm here fixing the Neocola
Machine. If I do it right I'll get to move to Maraqua just like me dream. I
miss Zurroball." Lister didn't know why the cowardly Grundo now worked for the
Goddess of the Moon. Who did he fool?
* * *
Back on Neopia
Clyde followed Vulsimetra back to her boss's
lair in the Haunted Wood. Soon the two Aishas stood before a red chair. The
chair turned to reveal a Halloween Meerca holding a white Snowickle. The Meerca
had a red scar over his nose. He wore a black top hat, black cape and black
suite. He also had a black mustache that curled on the ends.
"The great Clyde the Aisha Thief, it's about
time we met. I'm sure you've heard of me. I'm Boris Von Evil," the Meerca said
as she petted the Snowickle.
Clyde had not heard of the Meerca, but decided
not to offend Boris. The spotted Aisha bowed with his hat off then smiled. "Yes,
of course. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"There is a Grundo on Kreludor that is known
as Lister. You will know him by his dirty clothes and dread locks. He has the
key to the Neocola Machine. I need you to get the key, or brake in yourself,
and get me something." The Meerca smiled to Clyde as he pulled out a diagram
of some gadget that was cup shaped.
Clyde nodded. "Why should I do this?"
"You'll do it or I'll tell them who you really
are. That or I'm sure the Aisha Avenger would love to put you away," Vulsimetra
said as she took her mask off to show that she really was a Darigan Aisha with
a black crescent moon tattoo. Clyde looked at her wide eyed and nodded.
Clyde then found himself in a space ship headed
from Kreludor Neopia's moon with the drawing in paw. He wanted so much to see
Artemisluv, his crush and Goddess of the Moon, but he was on a mission.
Once on the moon Clyde found his way to the Neocola
Machine. He took out a few of his thief gadgets and fiddled with the lock. After
a bit the door of the Machine popped open. Clyde smiled and then looked inside.
There weren't any Neocolas just odd weapons. The spotted Aisha looked for the
one in the drawing and soon found it. It was made of steal with a lid and had
buttons and lights on it. Clyde shut the door and put the plunder in his jacket.
"It can't hurt to visit." Clyde told himself
as she headed for the Palace. Only those pure of heart could find it.
Inside the Palace Clyde found all the Moon Goddess
Guardians in front of Artemisluv. He also saw a green Grundo that had dirty
clothes and dread locks. He tried to hide the gadget in his jacket better.
Artemisluv saw through her guardians to see a
spotted Aisha in a tan trench coat and brown Fedora. She squealed and ran over
to him. She couldn't help but give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "How have
you been Clyde?"
Clyde blushed and smiled. "I'm good. How have
you been, My Lady?" Clyde bowed to her with his hat removed. He placed the hat
back on his head and pulled it a bit down. He didn't want her to figure out
that he was EW.
"I've been good. It's very beautiful up here.
I miss you, my house mates and Immortalmina, though," Artemsiluv said with a
nod. "So, what brings you up here?" She hoped it was her, but she didn't say
Clyde smiled and chuckled. "You of course." He
couldn't tell her the truth. Clyde, of course, wanted nothing more then to stay
with her, but they lived in two different worlds. He couldn't leave his life
of crime and he knew she had to stay on Kreludor.
Artemisluv giggled. "Do you want a tour of the
Palace?" She pulled him by the collar. Clyde fixed the gadget in his jacket
and off they went up the stairs. Chaney followed close behind them.
Lister took out a Strawberry Wiggle Cake and
began to eat it very messily. He spilled it down the front of his shirt then
used his fingers to lick it up. Rimmer watched with a horrified look.
"Still eating those? They cannot be good for
Lister shrugged. "Yes, ah I'm sure they're fine."
Lister laughed.
"If you don't want taste buds that is," Rimmer
said as he shook his head.
Clyde enjoyed his tour and so did Artemisluv.
Once back in the throne room he bowed to her. "I must be off. Sorry for the
short visit. I hope to stay longer next time." The spotted Aisha kissed her
paw and left. Artemisluv cried a few tears as Chaney hugged her.
Clyde got into the space ship and soon he was
in the Haunted Woods. Clyde took the gadget into Boris. Boris smiled and grabbed
it. "Thank you!" With that he opened the lid of the gadget. Boris then placed
inside a can of Achyfi. "It keeps them cold!"
The spotted Aisha looked astonished. All of that
work for an Achyfi cooler? What kind of weapon what that? Was Boris insane?
Vulsimetra showed Clyde out.
Clyde now looked to the fake Artemisluv. Vulsimetra
said, "He is a bit off. Anyway, that was a good job. Such a good job that Boris
would like to use you from time to time." She began to laugh.
"Fine," Clyde said and began to walk home. How
could this have happened? Why didn't he just leave Immortalmina and the others
after Artemisluv left? This would have been avoided. Or would it? They would
have figured it out had he left. Clyde was lost and confused.
Once back home he hid his coat and hat. He sat
on his bunk with Bonnie, the brown Snowbunny, in his lap. "Are you going to
tell the others that Vulsimetra is bad?" Bonnie asked.
Clyde shook his head. "I can't. I have to keep
myself secret. You know that." Clyde sighed as did Bonnie. This had been a bad
day, even if Clyde did get to see the beautiful Artemisluv.
The End