Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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Aisha Goes Cold

by cyberthread


Pable a blue Aisha, an ethical, knowledgeable young Neopet whose name was known all over Neopia for her series of self encountered adventure books that had always seemed to debut at the No. 1 spot of the Bestseller List. Her daring and courageous exploration throughout the Neopian terrain always left readers with a magical tingling feeling at the paws or toes or talons - depending on your species - that made them want to shrug on a coat, and do a bit of travelling around themselves.

     Leaving behind the city buzz of Neopia Central and of the success of her latest book, Desert: An Aisha's Outlook, she set off for her next site, Terror Mountain. Having only visited the icy cold peak once, when she met up with her old friend Taelia years ago, her memory of the winter wonderland was vague but it still made her senses itch for the sight of that beautiful backdrop of snow, harmony and fresh wind that Neopia Central somehow lacked. She had heard rumours too! Stories of alien creatures that thrilled her and ignited her excitement! With steady determination, Pable set off without a glance back at the fast food stores, clothing boutiques and number of Neopets hurrying to and fro.

     Days had past since she left and though the journey was thoroughly exhausting and at times had moments of desperate boredom, it was extremely worth it. Her breath was taken away as she stepped off the pier and let her eyes to feast on the delightful scenery. The trees, rocks, houses, everything, was frosted with snow. The scent of warm Borovan wafted through the air and settled on her keen nose as she made her way to a dainty café.

     The mellow warmth that greeted her was pleasing and she scoped out her surroundings. There they were; the inhabitants of Happy Valley and Terror Mountain. They all looked like normal Neopets - she could even pick out that the cashier was a Bruce, the group huddled by the fireplace was made up of Shoyrus and Chias and there were petpets all about, roaming in and out of nooks and crannies but they all had something different. They were made up of Snow! Still a bit awed to move, she hobbled over to the service counter and ordered a non-fat latte. Easing her backpack off and loosening the buttons of her coat, she found herself in pleasant conversation with the Lupe making her drink.

      "So yeah, it's my first time here and I'm awfully eager to know more about this place. What I've seen so far, is just … Wow!" Pable gushed and this provoked a small chuckle from the Lupe. He passed over her order and wiped the counter.

      "I'm glad you find Terror Mountain so interesting. Us folks get so much of it every 365 days that we get a bit bored, you see. Where did you say you're from?" his voice was kind and inquisitive.

      "Neopia Central," she replied.

      "Wow … Now that's where I'd rather be than here. I've heard many stories of the place. It sounds so different from what we have here. They say you have four seasons - now that's something to experience. Just the other day, I was reading a book about Neopia Central, many have recommended the book to me and if I dare say, I'm not disappointed. It told of such wonderful things like that marketplace you have … what's it called … the Neopian Bazaar! Where you could get anything ranging from garden supplies to toys to collectable cards. The book's by this Aisha who travels all over the place and… Hang on a minute. What's your name again?" Pable laughed lightly at his sudden realisation and offered her paw.

      "I'm Pable," she smiled as he firmly shook it.

      "Pable! I knew it was you! I'm Maxell," he replied, grinning from ear to ear, "I must say, I'm a huge fan of your books. I guess this place's your next best seller, huh?" Pable blushed humbly. "Well since I know a thing or two about Terror Mountain, I'm wondering, do you need a guide?" The question came out of the blue but Pable was more than happy to accept.

      Three weeks and Pable had more than enough information for her book. Three weeks and Pable had explored every corner of Terror Mountain. Three weeks and Pable sworn that she would never forget the time spent here for it was the best in her life! She had once again made a stopover at Taelia and caught up with her good friend. She bought many things especially those Chia pops which the local food store at Neopia Central hardly restocked and of course, made many friends. She even had her go at trying to steal something from the Snowager and came out with a Poisonous Snowball which she would keep for life.

      Abashed at the tears welling up in her eyes, she hugged all of her new friends and gave Maxell an extremely long tight one.

      "Thank you for everything you've done for me, all of you!" she said sincerely, waving as she made her way to the boat.

      "Pable! Hey! Wait up! Pable!" Pable turned at the sudden calling of her name and saw Maxell running towards her at full speed with a package in his hand. Coming to a stop dangerously close to the edge of the jetty, he threw her the package. "A present from all of us!" He cried. Pable stared wide eyed at the package in her hands and at the cheery Lupe which got smaller and smaller as the boat gained speed for its journey back down south. Unwrapping the package with shaky fingers her eyes widened even more, if it were possible, as she took in the sight of a Snow Paint Brush! An idea popped into her head as she ran her fingers across the smooth white wood of the handle. Pable the Aisha was going to take a visit to the Rainbow Pool when she got back home.


      A loud knock echoed throughout the apartment. Pable, tad bit grumpy due to the interruption of her blissful sleep stalked out of the bedroom and to the door. She didn't care what the paparazzi thought of her disordered look, she just wanted to go back to sleep! Yes, sleep, that hazy warmth which would ease those eye bags away. Since her latest hit, Aisha Goes Cold, Pable had become the centre of the media attention in a matter of seconds. Grumbling, she yanked opened the door and eyed her visitor. Her expression of fatigue immediately changed when she realised who stood before her. Without a minute to waste, she pounced on the beaming Lupe and screamed giddily as they both landed on the floor with a distinctive thud.

      "I'm glad to see that I've been missed," he joked, "And I'm equally glad to see you used your gift." Pable grinned a toothy grin, got off him and helped him to get up.

      "I can't thank you enough for it! I just love my new look!" she squealed and twirled around. Maxell nodded with approval. "So what brings you here! Oh my, I can't even believe you're here! Never mind, don't say anything, just wait here." Pable rushed back into the house leaving a rather shocked Lupe with a stupendous look on his face. In record time Pable was groomed, clothed and ready to take on the world.

      "My good friend Maxell, I have still to repay you for your excellent guiding skills," she said and with that led the still wordless Lupe out of the building and into the sunny atmosphere of Neopia Central.

The End

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