Employment Agency: Annoying Profit by s57v58
FAERIELAND - Are you one of those Neopians who always used to do thousands of
NPs just by doing jobs? However, after the system ‘changed’ you stopped doing
them, because instead of having 200 jobs, there are only 10?
Let me tell you, that if you used to do jobs or wish to start, this is not
as an easy task as it was before. Applying successfully to jobs is a science,
an art, a way to live… nah, just kidding. It’s an activity that requires a lot
of patience and constant practice, but once you get the hang of it, it’s as
easy as eating pie. Mmm, pie.
Here are a couple of tips that might be helpful when you’re starting out.
1. Get a Job Coupon (abb. JC). When searching for a job coupon, be aware that
there are normal job coupons and Brightvale (abb. BV) job coupons. Taken from
the employment agency, here’s a list of all the JCs currently available:
“Job Coupons come in seven colours, from lowest to highest:
Green Job Coupon (lowest!)
Blue Job Coupon
Red Job Coupon
Silver Job Coupon
Gold Job Coupon
Purple Job Coupon
Pink Job Coupon
Green Brightvale Job Coupon
Bronze Brightvale Job Coupon
Silver Brightvale Job Coupon
Gold Brightvale Job Coupon (highest!)”
I think that’s pretty self-explanatory. Starting from the bottom of the list
(highest denomination JCS) to the top of the list (lowest denomination JCS)
they start downgrading as you use them. This will be explained further down.
So if you wish to get a job coupon, I would suggest getting either a Pink JC
or any Brightvale JC. You don’t have to spend thousands of NPs buying JCS; Pink
JCS are now buyable at the wiz (OMG LYKE NO WAY!!! *giggles*)
2. Now the colors of the JCS were only briefly explained above, so I’ll expand
on this a bit more. If you have, for example, a Pink Job Coupon, you can do
only pink or lower jobs. I suggest going no lower than purple, since those have
the best payout. If you are desperate for quick NP, you can go as low as silver.
Pink jobs pay around 100k, Purple jobs around 90k; Gold jobs pay from 60k to
70k, and Silver jobs range from 30k to almost 40k. As you use your coupons,
they will be “downgraded” to the next lowest coupon color. Once you finish using
your Silver JC, it turns Red, which you can then sell for around 50K in your
3. When the ‘old system’ was working, jobs refreshes used to be constant,
ALWAYS stocking on the minute :00, :10, :20, :30, :40, and :50. However there
is a new reality. In this ‘new system’ jobs are replaced as they are taken.
So bear in mind that there are ‘dead’ times where there won't be a new job for
a long while. With this you build up patience, which is very useful for doing
4. It is very helpful to have the Employment Agency open at the end of the
page. This way you can refresh constantly and while checking Job #10. New jobs
appear at the end the page.
5. So now you have your Job Coupon, and you know how they work and how they
pay, huh? And the Job refresh is NOW… what to do? Be quick. Once the refresh
happens, check out the last job of the page. The Employment Agency helps you
by stating the color of the JC required next to each task.
Once you see the job you want, click on the link that says "Apply for this
job" and afterwards on the picture of the appropriate JC. Be aware that if you
are applying for a job that requires a higher denomination JC than you have,
you won't have a JC option available and you’ll lose out on the opportunity.
So keep in mind the color of your JC!
The next step is luck, based on your quickness. If you get a 'You got the job!'
search the Wiz for the items you are asked for and go back to turn them in at
the Employment Agency. You’ll be awarded the base NPs, which is the original
pay for the job, plus a bonus for quickness. Be aware, however, that you SHOULD
have 44 items or less in your inventory when you take a job. This is because
the maximum amount of items per task is six; if you have a full inventory, you'll
lose time making space, and your bonus will be smaller or none, if you take
too long.
6. Keep a page open for the Wiz as well as a window for The Employment
Agency to ensure a quicker response. This way, when you get a job, you only
have to click on the other window and search for the item, instead of wasting
time opening a browser. Be fully aware that in the Agency, they ask you for
the plural form of items - ‘3 Kasuki Lus,’ for example. When you go to search
for those items, make sure you don’t search in plural (*cough* like I did on
my first job), or you won't be able to find anything.
7. Unfortunately, there is a limit of 5 jobs per day. To a certain extent
I'm grateful for this, because when somebody 'maxes out' on their jobs for the
day, there’s a greater opportunity for the rest of us to get a job. ;)
8. Don't give up!!! Pink and Purple jobs, though rare to come across, are
both attainable and lucrative! It just takes time and lots of practice. ;)
Oh, *bangs head against the wall* I almost forget to mention the most important
part of it all! (Mwahahaha!) There are MANY THOUSANDS of people doing jobs (considering
that Neopets is a "community of over 70 million virtual pet owners across the
world", that’s probably an understatement). Keep trying, and don't get too frustrated
if you miss a couple of pink/purple/gold jobs. Once someone takes a job, another
one replaces it, so keep smiling and keep trying. :)
One last bit of advice: don’t go playing Dice a Roo with a job coupon at hand,
especially if you plan to get to the Silver Dice, or are lucky enough to get
there. :D