The Gracklebug and the Grarrl by shadowcristal
"Aren't we lucky?" the girl said, delicately picking up
the black-greenish item that was in front of her and her pet. "Coltzan has generously
given us a..."
"Gracklebug," the Grarrl said, rolling her eyes.
She would never admit that she liked those things, though it was obvious that
both she and her owner knew.
"How typical of you to use that word..." the
girl named Stephanie said. "It's your favorite word, isn't it?" She shook her
head and continued, "I suppose you were infatuated with it at first sight...
Remember when we came here two years ago? The first thing Coltzan gave us was
this, and that word stuck." She smiled and waved the item around.
"It looks gross though," Beth said, picking up
the Gracklebug with her large yellow Grarrl paws.
"And then you thought of your second favorite
word... Grossickles." Stephanie grinned. "Well, I'll have to compliment you
on your creativity."
"Gracklebug," the Grarrl said again. "I'd never
dream of eating one of those."
"How many do we have? Hmm... This would make
the 107th, wouldn't it?" Stephanie looked at her pet. "And this will be our
100th philosophical discussion about the Gracklebug, wouldn't it?"
"I guess," Beth muttered as she shuffled the
Gracklebug around in her hands.
The owner shook her head. "I've never quite really
understood why you like those things... They're so repulsive!" She smiled as
her pet opened her big Grarrl jaws. This was usually how they started it off.
Some other pets and owners were already staring at the two people who got a
simple Gracklebug from Coltzan. Stephanie turned around and blew a raspberry
while she waited for Beth's reply.
"That's why I like it," the Grarrl said. "It
kind of looks scary and gross and all that... Kind of like me, right?" Beth's
voice had a hint of melancholy in it.
"But you're nice," Stephanie protested. "We don't
know about the Gracklebug, it's not like it can tell us what it feels..."
"Not really," Beth said and poked the legs of
the item, which moved a little bit. "They released a petpet called Gracklebug
recently. It's kind of sad... To imagine those cute petpets being stomped on,
dipped in grossickly green sauce and pierced with a wooden stick."
"That's really..." the owner said, searching
for the proper word. "...horrible."
"That was just a fragment of my imagination,"
the Grarrl said and raised the bug. Several pets around scurried away, fearing
the tiny little item. "Gracklebug!" Beth exclaimed and shook her head while
grinning mischievously. "The psychological reaction is the best."
"Don't go too far," Stephanie said warningly.
A sudden wind ended the discussion, grasping
the precious Gracklebug out of the Grarrl's paws and carrying it out of sight.
"Gracklebug!" the Grarrl exclaimed.
"That was a mighty powerful wind," Stephanie
commented. "So, are you going to go and get it?"
"I suppose so," Beth replied. "It's not like
I have anything to do." She looked at her owner, who looked back at her with
ambiguous eyes. "Go and restock, Steph. I'll be okay."
"Thank you," the owner said, "You'd better be
okay!" Stephanie waved, and owner and pet took off in different directions.
"Where are you, little Gracklebug?" Beth muttered
as she stooped down and looked at the sand. She had been wandering at least
twenty minutes in the Lost Desert, and she was already sweating her head off.
The Grarrl looked up. Sand everywhere... She
had this feeling that she was lost in the Lost Desert. (How funny.)
"Beth?" a clear voice jerked the Grarrl back
to reality. "What are you doing here?"
"I should ask you the same," Beth muttered sarcastically
and turned around to face the Faerie Shoyru. "Eliza, what are you doing here?"
"This is not a good time for jokes," the pet
named Eliza said. "I got a new petpet today, a Gracklebug... I named it Grackly,
and after my routine morning flight I noticed that Grackly wasn't where I had
left it. It's awful... You know those Gracklebugs Coltzan gives out..." The
Shoyru gulped. "Poor little Grackly..."
Beth looked at her distressed friend, tempted
to tell Eliza that she was also looking for a Gracklebug. She refrained from
doing that, knowing that the Shoyru would just get more upset.
"Oh well..." the Grarrl said, feeling that she
had to say something. "I guess I can help you look."
"Thank you!" Eliza exclaimed gratefully.
"I'll limit myself to Lost Desert though, this
area is big enough... So, how does Grackly look?"
"Like a normal Gracklebug. Grackly is medium-sized,
though its eyes are really sad... It just looks like a plain Gracklebug. I didn't
have the time to paint Grackly, if that's what you're wondering." The Shoyru
looked around. "I'll have to fly over to Meridell and see if I can find Grackly
there. Anyway, I'm really glad that you are helping me!" Eliza smiled and flew
off. Her magnificent faerie wings cut through the air like a razor, and she
looked truly beautiful.
I wish I could look so pretty, Beth thought.
No... Nevermind. Wings don't suit Grarrls. I'd probably end up looking stupid.
It was back to searching for Gracklebugs, one alive and one food item.
The heat was getting to Beth as the sun rose
higher and higher in the sky. It was soon noon, and the Grarrl's stomach begun
to growl. She shook her head and muttered 'gracklebugs' as she looked for them.
Beth was feeling dizzy. She remembered that she
hadn't had a large breakfast, since Stephanie had promised to get her hot dogs
for lunch. The Grarrl shook her head. So much for lunch! She would have to find
the Gracklebugs first, and fast.
It was getting way too hot. The Grarrl stopped
at a large stone and sat down in the shade as she pondered. Quickly Beth calculated
the areas she had covered. It wasn't a lot.
"Lost in Lost Desert?" a familiar voice asked.
The Grarrl turned around, and the sun temporarily blinded her.
"Tsk... Tactless, aren't you?" the Bruce said,
sitting on top of the rock. Beth let out a groan, not from hunger but from annoyance.
She just had to meet Joker the joker, who just loved to tease pets, right here
and now?
"Leave me alone. I'm looking for Gracklebugs."
The Grarrl glared at the Bruce, and he ignored it.
"Gracklebugs, hmm..." a malicious grin appeared
on Joker's face.
"Yes. Eliza lost her Gracklebug, and I'm helping
her. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll keep looking." Beth got up and raised her
left paw. Joker managed to get out of the way before it landed on the rock.
"And in case you're wondering, I'm not lost. I'm merely looking."
"You look like you're hallucinating," the Bruce
muttered. "Well, I'll leave now since you wish for it so much. See you around!"
He grinned again, and a heavy item hit the Grarrl's head.
"Joker!" Beth yelled, but it was too late. She
took a look at the item. It was a bottle of water. Feeling a tad bit grateful,
the Grarrl took a gulp. Then she put it away, saving it for worse times.
Beth kept searching around that area for a while,
but her mind wasn't really set on the task. Instead, the Grarrl was analyzing
Joker's behavior. He had acted kind of odd, actually giving her something and
being nice to her. It was weird...
She couldn't help but to imagine some scenarios.
After a few rounds of elimination, Beth decided that the Bruce probably had
something to do with Eliza's Gracklebug. Unfortunately Joker was gone, so she
couldn't ask him.
Soon the Grarrl had gulped down all the water
after entering a very hot area. Her vision was kind of getting blurry, so now
and then Beth occasionally stumbled. She couldn't imagine how far she had walked
to search for a plain Gracklebug, but the Grarrl knew it was a long way home.
With a loud thump, the Grarrl dropped her left
leg on the ground. One, two, one, two... Despite the fact that Beth was tired,
she kept marching.
A squishing noise made the Grarrl stop. She could
feel something soft under her right foot. Maybe it was...
"Gracklebug!" Beth exclaimed in horror, hoping
that she hadn't squished the thing she had just uttered. What if... The Grarrl
gulped. What would Eliza say when she found her dear Grackly squashed and mashed?
The few last bits of her energy had gone to moving
forward and thinking. Utterly exhausted, Beth fell on the ground. She closed
her eyes and prayed that she hadn't stepped on a Gracklebug.
With a determined face, Beth opened her eyes
and looked at the thing she had stepped on. The sun blinded her at first, and
when she properly saw it the Grarrl stared.
"Gracklebug..." Beth whispered. "Thank you, Lady
Luck. It wasn't a Gracklebug after all."
No. It was a mashed Pyramibread.
The Grarrl just lied there and let the soft breeze
brush across her face. She would have to be careful in the future. It took a
while for Beth to regain her energy, but finally she got up. She had promised,
and now she'd have to continue looking for gracklebugs...
...or would she?
"Gracklebug!" the Grarrl exclaimed and ran towards
the little petpet she had seen in front of her. A wrong step made Beth fall,
but she kept her eyes on the prize. That Gracklebug... it wasn't her imagination!
"Grackly," Beth whispered, and the little creature
took a careful jump forward. It looked at the Grarrl and touched her with its
tiny legs. The Gracklebug decided that Beth wasn't dangerous and positioned
itself on the Grarrl's head.
This presented quite a dilemma to Beth. She wanted
to get up, but she was afraid that the Gracklebug would fall off if she did.
The next step was obvious to the Grarrl. She had to find Eliza and give the
Gracklebug back.
Eliza will be happy, the Grarrl thought as she
tried to move her head. The Gracklebug seemed to stay there, though it shuffled
its tiny feet. With slow and careful movements, Beth quietly stood up. The poor
little thing wobbled once or twice, but it stayed put.
"Enjoy the view," Beth said. She could feel a
shiver from the petpet, who bravely stood on her head. The Grarrl shook her
head, and started walking. What had she expected, after all? She was a Grarrl,
and most people were afraid of her.
The Gracklebug quickly got used to being so high
up. Beth smiled a wry smile. At least it wasn't being as picky or prejudiced
as some of the pets at Art Class... It was quite a surprise that the Gracklebug
was still with her.
Well, it was operation find Eliza now. With each
step, she could feel the warmth of the little petpet. Slowly the Grarrl grew
envious of Eliza, who had such a wonderful petpet that could even like someone
as ugly as Beth. She sighed. If only I... Beth considered for a second to keep
it, but she knew that her conscience wouldn't stop nagging if she did. Eliza
was sure lucky!
"Beth!" Speaking of the devil... The Grarrl turned
around just in time to see the Faerie Shoyru land gracefully on the dune behind
"Here you go," Beth said, taking the little guest
from her head and handing it to her friend. "Here's Grackly."
"Umm..." Eliza said, and the Grarrl spied something
move in her hands. "I already have Grackly."
"W-what?" the Grarrl said, utterly confused but
somewhat happy. "Y-you... But it's right here!"
"No," the Shoyru said. "Joker apparently thinks
that fooling pets shouldn't just be limited to one day in the whole year, so
he played a joke on me. He took Grackly away and watched me run around in distress.
Thank gracious he gave Grackly back!" Eliza held up the little petpet and hugged
it tightly.
"Yes," the Shoyru said. "That isn't Grackly.
By the looks of it, I don't think that Gracklebug has ever been equipped to
a pet."
Beth could feel the rush of joy inside her. She
looked at the little petpet whom she had only known for a short time and smiled
at it. The Gracklebug jumped twice and looked at her with big eyes, as if it
was smiling back.
"Finders keepers," Eliza said and smiled when
she saw the two of them. "I think you'd better keep it. It really likes you."
She looked down at Grackly and hugged it. "Well, I've got to go home for dinner
now. You should do that too, or Stephanie will get mad at you for being late."
The Shoyru took off, waving at her friend.
Beth was too euphoric to take notice of how the
faerie wings fluttered and reflected the last rays of the setting sun. She held
her new friend tightly as she started walking home.
"Gracklebug," she muttered. "Your name will be
Gracklebug..." The little petpet tickled her large paw with its legs, and Beth
got the feeling that Gracklebug accepted the name.
The way home didn't seem so long now, though
Beth had imagined it to never end when she was alone in the desert, searching
for a Gracklebug or two.
"Gracklebug!" the Grarrl exclaimed, remembering
something. "I didn't even find that Gracklebug!" The petpet looked up at her,
and Beth patted it. "Well, that doesn't matter now. You're the best of them
all, Grackle." She smiled. "That's your nickname."
Soon she was out of the large desert, and her
home was in sight. Feeling hopeful, Beth started running. Gracklebug could sense
the Grarrl's emotions, and got excited too.
Squish. The Grarrl stopped, horrified. What had
she stepped on this time? She had been too overjoyed to be careful. Beth prayed
that she hadn't stepped on a living thing, and took a few steps forward.
It was something green... something black...
something awfully familiar. With a gulp, Beth realized that she had stepped
on a Gracklebug. She grasped her leg and took a look at the thing she had stepped
"Gracklebug!" the Grarrl exclaimed. It was the
Gracklebug she had been looking for all along, the one she and Steph had gotten
from Coltzan's. Well, it didn't matter now, since she had the real deal with
her. Beth rubbed most of the remains of the gross food item off before she continued,
still pretty happy with her new petpet. It had certainly been a very interesting
Suddenly Grackle moved, and Beth turned around.
They both took a last look at that sad, squished Gracklebug before continuing.
It was no use to dwelling on the past; there were lots of great things to come!
It had only begun, the story of the Gracklebug and the Grarrl.
The End