Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 110,063,541 Issue: 170 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y6
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Codename: Secret Conversation

The Neoboards; a place for people to meet and have a chat, ask questions, roleplay, advertise their items or just generally have fun. But, like all good things there’s something bad in the middle of it all. Shall I spell it out for you…?

by tambourine_chimp
Neopets TCG: Mystery Island

On the actual Neopets site, codestones allow you to train your Neopet to boost a stat. In the Neopets TCG, codestones serve a similar purpose.

by slickninja
The Kadoaties Are Restless

Am I the only one who recognizes this as an odd system? You have a continual stream of Kadoaties, changed approximately every hour, demanding anything they want and they’ll instantly have a herd of users coming to cater to their every whim?

by pk_fire14
Increasing Your Ten-streak Chances

Keeping a streak of wins is just difficult to do. Even some top avatar collectors have yet to get this avatar...

by xxtoyxx
Petpets: The Weewoo

Here you can learn a few facts and a few tales that have been said about Weewoos.

by neomaniac1603
60 Reasons We Love Donna!

Over my 1 year on Neopets, I’ve seen many lists on everything from avatars to Adam and Snowflake. But I’ve rarely seen anything honoring the one who keeps some level of sanity on the site, Donna.

by dexterslab13
Hand to Hand - Exchanging Gifts

Well, I am here to point out that a Neopet Christmas isn’t solely about the Advent Calendar. Friends can easily surprise their other friends in amazing ways.

by vasiloi2
Waltzing Neopia

Neopets from different parts of Neopia congregate each week and practise different types of graceful exercises combining both entertainment and workouts to the best effect, something that is generally classified as..."dancing".

by scarletrhapsody
How to Create the Perfect Faerie Cave

While Hannah and the Pirate Caves had its water, and Escape from Meridell Castle has its almost robotic-like enemies… Faerie Caves II has, well, balloons, boulders, and traps; and did I mention the spike traps?

by undeadfortune
A Runner Up's Guide To Running The Rink

All the action of the game takes place on the wondrous not too solid rink!

by springsteen0991
Why Having a Gallery is Great!

Items sitting in your shop priced at 250,000NPs that people could see, not buy. Sounds ridiculous to some of you? Well, galleries are wonderful and great for numerous reasons.

by stealth_commander
50 Excuses For When Your Homework Has Gone "Missing"

Homework, bleh!

by angeleyes123789
Santa Kaus's Naughty Neopian List

Not every Neopian has been nice this year. In fact, some have been quite naughty!

by o_apollo_o
So You Want To Be A Thief: The Burden Begins

So you want to be a thief? You want to enter the Thieves’ Guild? You want to lead a life of crime, pillage villages, loot the elite and pick pockets?

by precious_katuch14
The Sacred Art of Food Fighting

This is nothing more fun then starting a food fight right in the middle of lunch, especially on chilli day. BUT, do you know how to create a perfect food fight?

by jesse12_3
A Holiday Theme Deck

With the Hannah and the Ice Caves expansion of the Neopets Trading Card Game, there are a lot of possibilities for bringing some holiday cheer into the game. Here is a holiday theme deck for you to enjoy.

by neopian_queen_liana
A Guide to Mastering Those Ice Caves: Levels 11-15

This level caused me a lot of trouble because I made basic mistakes when I was trying to beat it. With this guide, you shouldn’t get as annoyed as I did.

by gkskis
A Chat and A Cup of Borovan With: The 2nd Chat

Most of you know our guest as an exemplary, intelligent, and adventurous soul—

by larenbeka
Search the Neopian Times


Move To The Groove

Upon my investigation and researching, I have discovered one of the most well kept secrets of Neopia. Neopets from different parts of Neopia congregate each week and practise different types of graceful exercises combining both entertainment and workouts to the best effect, something that is generally classified as..."dancing"...

Other Stories


Love, Mr. Scary
Little did Sally's parents know that Fluffy wasn't an imaginary friend. He was the creature Sally had found in their barn. The creature that had devoured the farmers' crops and produce. He was the creature Sally called "Mr. Scary."

by bitsy_dj


Christmas Never Came
It was so… peaceful then… so peaceful today, on Christmas day. So happy. Everybody was nice to each other, it seemed. Everybody was nice to everybody else, almost at least. Everybody was nice to everybody else… except for the street pets.

by chocolateisamust


The 18 Karat Gelert: Part One
Ever since he was a little Gelert puppy, people had cooed and squealed over him. Roger just had that quality-- that lovely, approachable quality that people love...

by battlesunn


Raider of the Sky: Part Two
I looked up from my work as I heard a sound from without my cell. I had given up trying to open the lock, and was now working the hinges on the door. I had already opened one, but the other two refused to budge...

by shimmer765


Snow Grapes
What's the diffrence?

by 13blackdragons


Lenny Sack - Santa's Cookies
Santa won't miss one or two...

by ickessler

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