Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 187,548,815 Issue: 522 | 23rd day of Storing, Y13
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10 Things to Remember When on Vacation from Neopets

It is getting close to the Holiday season! We all know what this means. No, not presents. Well, yes, presents, but it also means...

by uni_32497
Taking Care of your Chocolate Pet

What with the dangers of melting, the difficulties of grooming, and the fear of being eaten, you really have a lot to think about when you have a chocolate pet.

by chestnuttiger787
10 Top Last Minute Bargains for the Gifting Season

You've still got 10 gifts to buy! Happily, we have done our research, and we'd like to come to your aid with the 10 Best Bargains (Under 1 million Neopoints!) for your last minute shopping.

Also by lute248

by fireairshadow

The Top NP Wearables

What NP wearables do you really need?

by mondaybear21
Life as a JubJub - Hygiene

Hygiene is EXTREMELY important for JubJubs.

by loba_negra
The Ultimate Guide to Creating the Ultimate Neohome

Neohome spotlight winners have put a huge amount of hard work and dedication into their homes, but it certainly pays off in the long run.

by _hotpinkdiamonds_
An Interview With Marina, The Healing Springs Faerie

A closer look into the life of The Healing Springs faerie, one of Neopia's lesser-known everyday heroes!

by cookiez101
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Sandwich Edition

Happy sandwich making / eating / ordering!

by poogleluver345
Your Usul's Closet

Now I know what you're thinking. Bows? What's so special about those?

by pinkpaint
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"An Interview with The Space Faerie" by starling91361
The last minute shuttle I caught was jam packed full of Grundos and the random tourists who were no doubt going to try the lever of doom or whatever it was tourists went to Virtupets for. I shoved my way through the slow, bustling crowd onto the unloading deck. The smell of metal, exhaust fumes and whatever Grundo was cooking up for the day hit me and I grimaced. I try to avoid Virtupets when I can, but I needed to get to the Battledome...

Other Stories


An Interview with The Space Faerie
"I need an interview. Got some questions here about Neopia's origins," I said, pulling out my small notepad...

by starling91361


Family Portrait
"What is a family?" was a question I would always ask myself when I think about my own family. Because you see, my family is sort of bizarre and strange.

by agentflorence


Visions III: Revealed - Part Seven
"It's hard to believe we were so wrong," Altador said, coming to sit beside him. He shook his head. "I can't believe I ever trusted..."

by yotoll


Treasure Lost: Part Four
Spirit lazily strolled aft from where she had been standing in the bow. She wasn't worried that Jojo would fall. He had been climbing in the rigging almost every day since they set to sea...

by vampiroteuthus


Side Effects
Nothing looks different...

by killable


The Off Season: Signature
I guess it qualifies as one.

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5

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