You may’ve noticed something new and wonderful happening. Perhaps you’re on your way to your shop for the day, or maybe you’re off to catch that first plane to Faerieland. Whatever the case, you can sense, and see, that holiday spirit is making its way through Neopia...
I Hate Christmas I hated the Christmas rush, it never seemed
to end. I could probably get by without getting my 'family' anything, that plushie
they got me last year wasn't that great and the Shop Wizard price was only about
a hundred NP.
So You Want To Be A Thief: The Burden Begins So you want to be a thief? You want to enter the Thieves’ Guild?
You want to lead a life of crime, pillage villages, loot the elite and pick pockets?
Waltzing Neopia Neopets from different parts of Neopia congregate each week
and practise different types of graceful exercises combining both entertainment
and workouts to the best effect, something that is generally classified as..."dancing".
Princess of Erodaire IV: Part Two "My corner..." I whispered softly to myself.
As I stared longingly at it, my heart ached to be within it's walls once more.
I could still remember the soft cushions that lined the inside, and how gloriously
the windows caught the rays of the sun.
Mickey and Laden: Part Two "Hello!" the Usul exclaimed, once seeing Laden.
She held out her paw, and said, "My name's Chrissy and I think I may have some
information about your Meepit."