Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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A Proverbial Nightmare: Real Rock Cakes

What's all this mess?

by funandgames999
Rainbow Swimming Pool

Not for non-swimmers.

by plushie_patches
The Chronicles of Rohane: Which Glitch?

Who knew that Mipsy was into Cartesian philosophy?

by ledsrevenge2
Insane Sanity

Kind of deating the purpose...

by im_yy_4_u
It's all about ME


by detective_edogawa
Major Malfunction #17

Oh, the agony of life!

by moonxtal
Trip To Faerieland

A trip gone bad!

by kalaelou
I Thought You Were the Normal One!

Is that supposed to be a joke?

by kuroneka_sama
Neopia Acres

Honest, that's how I read it, too.

by wyomingslim
Slightly Insane

Some pets just weren't meant to smile...

by penguizon
If They Only Knew...

Get the Vernax, Spinx.

by dream_y3k
Green's Days

I wish the Hidden Tower is not hidden...

by megawolf77

Wrong meaning of Punchline.

by wicked_dragonite
The Realm of Meridell


by void_walker
Complete Randomness

That'll teach me to leave markers lying around...

by lilkittie080
Too Literal

Where did you get that weapon?

Art by starcaw

by hottamale0774

What So Ever

Welcome to the crazy house...

by rubia_flame
New Game

Mootix Rescue Team?

by confuzerated
Virtu Agents

"The Briefing"

by agentsaepenon
Grundo Stix

"Sloth's Laundry"

by anikajinn
Celebrity Slip-Up


Coloring by agentsaepenon

by del_somebody

Petpet Drolleries

Look ma, no hands!!

by linnipooh
Castle Battle Craziness

Good as new!

Written by tdyans

by cosmicfire918

All Ears

"Beware of Ghosts"

by tdyans
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"Warbler Vocabulary" by blubblub317
The Grarrl cocked his head around a few times to try and find anything that looked remotely yummy and edible...

Other Stories


Warbler Vocabulary
Warbler couldn't resist the urge. He snatched the book and stuffed it entirely into his mouth, all in one piece. But that wasn't the case for long, as Warbler began tearing through it with his pointy canines.

by blubblub317


The Strange Glazed Bowl
It wasn't just a normal bowl: it was brightly polished and had been pieced together form bits of broken stained glass windows. As a whole, the bowl was simply breath taking and unique.

by ticketytock2kay


Extreme Devaluation of the Neopoint
If I told you I was going to give you something worth one million Neopoints right now, what would you pick: pure Neopoints, an item worth one million, or one million in various stocks?

by sensei_fuzzy


Game Review: Meepit Juice Break
Why review this game of all the games in the world of Neopia?

by gritely


The Tale of Tadric's Time: Part Three
He had his orders and was eager to be about the business of what would no doubt be the most glorious moment of his career, but his squire was still absent. No matter - Am'ae was out scouting on Tadric's command, and would return shortly.

by sharakh


The Great Gelert Hype: Part Five
Everyone turned their heads. Even Bones couldn't help but turn away. "This ain't good. I can't watch!"

by the_wanderer128

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