"Rain" by shadowcristal The bleak sky hung over the whole area, cutting off every ray from the sun as it left drips and drops drumming on the ground. Heavy rain was falling, and far away the thunder rumbled like a hungry Symol's stomach. With her paws on the window, the young Eyrie stared...
Quill's Travelogue: the Maiden of Evercopse Hill A warm breeze wafted through the hollows and among the branches and ancient
trunks, stirring up the forest floor with a light crackle of swirling leaves...
Starlight Invasion: Mianne's Normality To the majority of Faerieland's inhabitants, she was
simply "that silly girl from the library," or worse still, "the book-freak with
the spectacles."
Once Upon a Time in Pet Central The Story Telling Competition is a competition in which a member of TNT begins
a story with a single paragraph. Each day, 1-2 new paragraphs are chosen that
best continue the story...
Inexorable: Part One And although he knew there was small chance
of it, Ryddle was driven by a desire to impress Phantom on the rare occasions
that he was home. Stupid really...
Ghostchasers: Part Six The Eyrie's feathers ruffled, his tail twitched.
It was as if he were waiting for the Shoyru to make a move before he pounced...