"How My Best Friend And I Saved Neopia" by lemmykoopa300 Miles was my friend since we were itty bitty babies in the nursery. But when our Literature teacher paired us up for our psychological story studies, I knew I was, as Miles put it, DOOMED. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Mumbling to myself words of gratitude for this interruption, I answered it. You'd never guess...
A True Hero "Yes, it is I! O foul Count von Roo, release
this maiden from your captivity or you shall feel the wrath of my blade!" Sir
Chester unsheathed his sword and prepared to smite the evil villain if he did
not comply...
How (Not) to Eat Gross Food like a Champion It is time that these less-than-edible
"foods" were addressed. Why are they here? Who invented them? Why, oh, why,
in the name of all that is good, does my owner want me to eat them?
Past Reflections: Part Nine I hated MirrorEyes, at that moment. He had abandoned
me at the crucial time, when he could have made himself useful instead of vanishing...