"The Sinister Stamp" by twocents RAWR! I stomp my *cough* dainty *cough* I mean, ferocious and fearsome hooves of impending doom, sure to crush all of Neopian kind! Mwahaha! Or so I wish. *sigh* It is hard to be a scary creature sure to wreak unnatural fear upon unsuspecting Neopians when you are on a tiny piece of paper...
When "Boo" Isn't Enough Do you dread Halloween parties, knowing you're an awful conversationalist? Does the thought of brushing shoulders with the wretched and famous make you want to hide under your blankets and whimper?
Marketplace of Memories: Part Three I was already halfway up the stairs, and beating my wings like I'd never flown before. I knew I had to get out. I could almost feel my time trickling away, second by second...