Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 176,434,869 Issue: 339 | 18th day of Eating, Y10
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The Class of '08 Part Five

Careful, Tombstones! She's strong...

by _dead_meat_x_
Shoyru Adventures: Kyu Catches Neomonia pt.4

Restockers beware...

by lawrence_189
Sloth's Plan

The paper, the wind and the destiny of Neopia.

by ladyxzeus
To Train Or Not To Train?

But it's good for you!

by konayukii
Medical Tree: As long as there is food

So where does the jelly come from? Ah, who cares. Pets these days would rather eat it than study it.

by leetmango
Dreams of Kiko Lake

Sometimes we all get a little carried away.

by whitewind
Poor Turmac

Prepare for a bumpy ride...

by ebily
Shopping is a Messy Sport

I don't know...

Concept by tinymoose

by m3rcuri

Size Matters

I am SO taller than you!

by rezolu
Motley Crew

Found it!

by stuckinspace
The Valley of Spam

Not a word.

by chichikokoyamma
Sketches: Chapter Two

And you'd think the chemicals flying from Jhudora's Cloud might concern him a little more...

by prince_vincs5000
Kacheek Tails

Be careful what you wish for!!!

by kittyshootingstar
Dear Neopets Team...

A special guest letter from Grey's sister, _Seashore_Angel_

by featherwingedangel
Just Crazy

He he... I'm funny! :D

by empoleon07
Who Needs Logic?

Today marks the day of a great discovery.

by jumpsticks
Fiendly Fyre


by b_katt_500
Misleading Angelicacy

But you're already...

by pokemon_dragon203

Jordac WAS hungry.

by mouse_trap_34
Gummi Needs A Hobby - Pt 1

It says here that...

by silverskink
Bug Brother Revenge

Another crazy revenge-seeking neopet...

by ghgjjuy8
Mischief #1: Perfume

Just an opinion of Abigail's...

by ecw321
AZS #1 - Wheels of Doom

Your Neopets don't speak their minds, and for good reason, too.

by johnredds
The Hero Society

...In which a certain Bori talks like a lunatic.

by bearcatt
Yamisai 1

The wonders of Neopia

by yoru_yamisai

Why I can't feed my pets glowing jelly anymore.

by akakoneko
No Apparent Significance

It's rather amazing what the Lab Ray can do...

by reikosay
Just Filler

Ice cream IS delicious...

by katopia12
Wheel of Excitement

But nothing happens.

by hehehaha76180
T3h Praedius

All you need is love.

by arttimo
Islands Tales

Some games can be dangerous to petpets...

by juliaduarte
Dungeon Dash Days

When video games take their revenge...

by hidden_0_o
NeoQuest II Madness

You are attacked by four Haunted Butlers!

Art by yoyote

by rest_in_boredom

Double Wammy

The added disadvantages to cardboard petpets...

by mello__mihael_keehl
Cannot Compute - #1

Looks like Sloth may have taken his defeat a little too hard...

by battlenegg

A warning would have been nice.

by cables
Items 101!

Ever wonder what our Neopets think about the items of Neopia? Find out here!

by neodragonangel
Search the Neopian Times


Conspiracy Revealed

You may think, "That must be a spin-off of Parlax, Sloth's spy in The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot." In fact, it's the other way around. He'll be the first to tell you TNT isn't nearly as imaginative as people think; they mostly base characters off of real pets. As interesting as that all is, he's not the subject of our story. More like a source. In fact, everything you're about to read is based on the facts he gave (Some dramatizations may occur) about one of the few conspiracy theories TNT hasn't started themselves. That's right. I'm about to reveal to you the real reason why the Return of Dr. Sloth Plot wasn't released until five years after its original air date. It all started thanks to a TCG set and an elite Usuki convention...

Other Stories


Leaves of Wisdom
He did not... no, he could not know everything!

by starlight_dancer7


Water Faerie Wishes
If a Water Faerie wished for something, what would a Water Faerie wish for?

by cool_girl2002224


Conspiracy! Why Hannah Took Over For Sloth
I'm about to reveal to you the real reason why the Return of Dr. Sloth Plot wasn't released until five years after its original air date.

by goalkeeper50


The Perfect Pet
How to make your pets really your pets. How to make them live like no pixels ever have before!

by writingkid


The Road to Pyramid Parade: Part Four
Desi floated upside-down in white space, not that there was an "up" or "down" to begin with. There was nobody around her, except for a Pteri that didn't seem to notice her...

by kirsche474


The Mistaken Identity: Part One
"Now that you mention it," he said with an angered tone, "I would like to know where I am..."

by lemonlovingcutie

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