Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 192,989,660 Issue: 674 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y16
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A Holiday Heist: Part 3

A Slight Miscalculation

Also by 0llyness

by paws265

Chiavore: Christmas Edition

You all look so cute!

Idea and dialogue by abductee

by frozenicicles


Don't get excited.

Also by frazeocity

by ssjelitegirl

The Winter Starlight Celebration

Such a wonderful place for all to enjoy!

by toffeedatepudding
That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles on the Holidays

Moptrais receives a gift!

by pikemaster1
Be Careful What You Wish For

Snow for the holidays, anyone?

by vilvery

The price of a good month's rest.

by the_hoshi_pixi
Spreading Some Holiday Cheer

Everyone needs a friend for the holidays! :)

by kristofferson

Every single year...

by amelia_124
The Perfect Gift

Sometimes the perfect gift isn't what it seems.

Written by parody_ham

by fhujmasterofhedgehog

Gears for Fears - A Christmas Carol(ing)

I mean, their singing couldn't have been THAT bad, right?

by kreaturepheture
Aisha Soup: Christmas Time

Make the best of any bad situation! And Happy Holidays!

by the_shii
The Goofers - Holiday Special

Season's greetings to everyone!

by lintsuf
The Finest Carolers

Time for carols!

by linework
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"A Not-So-Stealthy Christmas Tale" by opossumman
"Sir, I'm afraid I need to see another form of identification. This quarry worker's license expired several months ago, and your... signed head shot... does not fulfill the qualifications needed," said the Tonu...

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I'm Here For You
"You still haven't told us your story yet." Ami yawned as she placed one of her small paws atop her sister's large one.

by dragonusagi


Super Secret Club: Festive Follies
Today, the Super Secret Club has temporarily relocated to Al's living room. Vyla is untangling a string of colourful lights. Taros is draping glittery tinsel over every surface. Al himself is keeping a watchful eye over the plate of cookies...

by xpninja


11 Recommended Backgrounds this Winter Season
Here is a list of some of the best winter backgrounds that would look great on any pet (if used right), and would even make perfect gifts for that special friend who needs to get into the winter spirit!

by ccr153lucky2


Around Neopia in 80 Days - Part Three
It is now time to enjoy the tropical paradise of Mystery Island, which is a feast of fun and games for tourists.

by burning_shadows_79


Worth Searching For: Part Twelve
Gwyneth banked overhead, a familiar Disco Zafara on her back, slingshot loaded. "Thought I'd find you here!" Blynn shouted...

by cosmicfire918


Agent of the Sway: Rogue - Part One
Clayton Moore was currently enjoying his cell, and had been for a number of days since his arrest.

by herdygerdy

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