Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 145,521,815 Issue: 253 | 18th day of Hiding, Y8
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Continued Series

Behind the Forbidden Door: Part Eleven

Flingon's head snapped up and he stared in shock at the children, completely overcome. No one had ever said anything like that to him before...

by sarahleeadvent
The Price of Faith: Part Ten

I kept my eye on the Crystal during our ride, all the while wondering just where in this endless ocean what I was looking for might be lurking...

by mutedsanity
True Sisters: Part Six

Cinpate decided it was time for us to be trained. He began, not surprisingly, with a lecture. Sitting on the grass in a glade not far from Illusen's, we listened as he explained...

by im_smarter_then_you
Past Reflections: Part Seven

I staggered over to the mirror standing lazily against my wall and stared blandly into it for a moment. At first, I expected to see a regular Shoyru staring back...

by smurfafied1800
Shades of Darkness: Lights in the Shadows - Part Six

"You are the stupidest pet I've ever met," exclaimed Celestra. "Do you even know what this is?"

by jesse12_3
Encountering Resistance: Part Six

The second thing he noticed was that all four of his paws and both of his mouth-tipped tentacles were tied up with some sort of metal cable. The Aisha strained against it...

by moosuem
The Peophin Incident: Part Four

To the right of him, he heard another voice screaming, Run, you fool! But he couldn't run. All he could do was stand there, terrified, his eyes shut tightly, waiting for the Snowager to come and devour him...

by kyrinn
In the Nightmares: Part Two

"The real reason for this, the one I wanted to talk to you about, is that I think the thing that's most important for us to do now is to figure out what your dreams mean..."

by lavendergoddess79
The Kougra Klan: Part Three

The smile on Riyita's face sank, and the blood drained from her face, as she looked over the home she had spent so many years repairing. The front door had been completely ripped off its hinges...

by ikea_sale
Hannah and the Pirate Boy: Curse of the Medallion - Part Two

Garin tightened a fist around a bunch of wet sand. "Oh, no," he gasped. "I fell overboard! No! Jacques, my crew, the Black Pawkeet!"

by lldff
Racing to Glory: Part Two

Since early childhood Esmé had adored her mother. Skorda Midnight Halifax had been her hero, a legend incarnate...

by ee365
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"Soup's Up!" by bellababy265
The Wheel of Wonder seemed to be popular. There was a queue that stretched all the way from the wheel to Happy Valley. The pets at the end of the queue were able to buy slushies at the Slushie Shop for their wait. Not that they seemed to be bored; everyone was bursting with anticipation. Kela and Ali joined the end of the queue and bought some Jelly Slushies...

Other Stories


Lessons for Sparkie
Just then, I spotted Sparkie. The Shoyru was outside, listlessly bouncing a basketball along the garden path. I sighed...

by shroomsrock101


The Wish for Warmth
"I wish I was someplace warm," I said quietly to myself...

by allisonlevon


Teach Your Pet to Wiggle Jiggle
Does your pet long to dance but has two left feet? Well, here's all the answers you've been looking for!

by chickenburrito96


On the Impossibility of a Jelly World
Yet, even a mind most muddled by a strong blow from a Faerie Slingshot should be able to recognize the impossibility of such a locale. It simply does not hold up to scrutiny.

by mats77


Chia Chronicles ~ Gooseberry!
I just LOVE the Gooseberry Chia!!!

by sharie366


Another Comic Without a Name
Resources, huh..? o_O

by hedesku

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