Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 128,614,511 Issue: 257 | 15th day of Gathering, Y8
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Continued Series

The Peophin Incident: Part Eight

"Kaerhas! Chaelian!" Teirryn called, suddenly recognizing his two companions. If they heard him, they didn't respond. Teirryn sped up, fear lending him strength...

by kyrinn
Hannah and the Pirate Boy: Curse of the Medallion - Part Six

"I don't care what you do to me, Scarblade!" Garin spat. "I'm leaving your stinking crew!"

by lldff
The Search for the Golden Dice: Part Five

"Kidnapped!?" he spluttered. "When? Why? By whom? Where is she? Is she all right?"

by corr2000
Needed Adventure: Part Four

"Yes," the boy responded to the Techo's question without even bothering to look at him. "And I want that one there-- the Gelert..."

by tdyans
They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Four

"Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise. We are going to be friends until the end of Neopia..."

by sytra
The Pianist's Quandary: Part Three

"I cannot recall if I was truly a princess or not, but my father always called me his little princess. After I became a ghost, when I woke up here, he was nowhere to be seen..."

by micrody
Petpet Adventures: Petpetnapped - Part Three

"This is a long way from the suburbs," Ellen commented gloomily, echoing his thoughts...

by rachelindea
Nyla's Embroidery: Part Two

"I'm NOT a visitor! I'm telling you, Fyora asked me to come!" exclaimed Nyla...

by 124456789xxzc
Sol Dreaming: Part Two

Days have passed since she received the letter. Aquamarine does her best to take care of her Maroon and Sunshine. Soon, though, the food runs out...

by 30pets
The Protecter Chronicles: The Beginning of the End - Part Two

He opened his eyes as wide as they would go, and willed them to get teary and shiny. It didn't work. Fire glared at him...

by angelfire_from_above
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"The Terrors of a Neohome" by mystify8888
"Uh, I think it's where the bathroom used to be, no, wait, that's the living room! Hang on," I said, and scratched my head. The construction workers had told me that they had to move the door to... I took out the detailed map. It was so detailed, in fact, that it was near impossible to read...

Other Stories


I thought she would be someone I could look up to, though only a year older than myself. She had traveled all of Neopia. I pictured her as worldly and chic...

by literalluau


The Great Bicycle Race
The fact that the Mynci's older sister, Brianna, had been the champ for the past two years was both inspiring and intimidating to Casey...

by sweetie_me274


The Band For You: A Guide to the Bands of Neopia
Here I will give you a small critique of each band, which will hopefully steer you in the right direction of picking a band to see. Never again will you have to face that annoying yet nagging question: Will I even like this band?

by ginelga


The Most Famous Beards in Neopia
I have compiled a list of the most famous beards ever to grace Neopia with their presence, and just how they changed Neopian history.

Yes, I am obsessive.

by iamskot


Not-so-perfect Petpet
I love my cardboard Petpet...

by toffee_pup


Feed Me!
What the kadoaties do...

Idea by faerieskater2

by hikarru

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