Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,073,899 Issue: 333 | 7th day of Running, Y10
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Continued Series

Tales of Cadmium, Athena, and Saffron: The Fight - Part Nine

"What's the matter? You're not, like, totally scared, are you?" Tansy asked. The Plushie Cybunny gave a tinkling laugh...

by rainpaint
Shay Peters and the Frivolous Fashionista: Part Five

I needed to get somewhere safe, somewhere I could plan how I was going to get myself out of this...

Also by chocolateisamust

by sirussblack

Karina, the Math Wiz: Part Seven

She couldn't help but smile. As pathetic as it seemed, the math test was doing a fantastic job of cheering her up...

by sweetie_me274
Ghostfighters: Part Six

Tyra gave a small smile. "I'm sorry I tried to kill you," she said. Then she frowned. "Listen, Kiyoshi --"

by tamia_silverwing
Strange Cases: Behemoth - Part Four

"Huh," Steele repeated, although his 'huh' was a mix of admiration, disbelief and – oddly enough – disappointment. "I think I'm beginning to see why Fuller chose you to join me..."

by tambourine_chimp
How do you solve a problem like Neovia?: Part Four

The factory did not explode. Balthazar delivered in captured Faeries at the start of the night, Herman and his men bottled them, and Balthazar returned to pick them up at dawn...

by herdygerdy
Masquerades: Part Eight

"Have you ever known what it's like to be faced with poverty, Mr Trix? No? Let me enlighten you..."

by punctuation_ninja
We Are Meepit: Part Three

"We storm the staircase to bring out the guards. Then we fight them," he said casually, as though announcing what was for breakfast. I didn't understand how Rayd could be so calm, when I was so jittery I thought I'd faint...

by champ100543
Brain of Neopia: Part Three

Brilliant, he thought, as he got up. I've only been awake for a few seconds, and that's the second cliché I've used. I need to be careful...

by spoonguardonline
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Missing Miamouse - Part Three

Charlie shrugged. "Maybe it was an invisible ghost who can walk through walls." He and Damien laughed...

by playmobil_is_my_life
Lupe Pack Detectives - Case of the Missing Statue: Part Two

"My instincts told me that we were dealing with an imitator. While I was in the living room, I did not see any glass fragments on the floor..."

by lupe_hunter_7
A Tiki Tale: Color or Companion? - Part Two

It was a gorgeous day; the storm from the previous day seemed to have passed. It was definitely a perfect day to begin the plan...

by mzkimmi
Superhero Sister: Part Two

The guilt was hard to live with. Whenever Rayon was complimented, I tried my best to smile and feel happy for him- but I never was. It felt...

by sunsetneversetting
The Return of Dr. Sloth: Behind the Scenes - Part Four

But it wasn't because she was a coward, she told herself, of course not! She was just being smart. No intelligent person would walk blindly into a potentially dangerous place...

by silent_snow
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"Malin" by magicstephanie
Three young neopets climbed out of the Pool, each sparkling gold, to hug their owners. Malin watched them, then stared down at her drab green color. Cali knew her Acara longed to be painted. Now, Malin wasn't greedy. She loved Cali, and never asked to be painted, but Cali could tell. Each time they passed the Rainbow Pool, Malin was mesmerized. She hopefully waited for Boochi to come, and neared tears when she saw her friend...

Other Stories


The Toy
What can you do when you have a pet who wants everything and a toy who wants to destroy the peace of a quite life...

by homicidal_muffin_


Kitty and Ambry: The Usuki Interviews
It was then that my brilliant thought struck me. I would interview some of the many Neopians who had Usuki dolls made for them...

by ilovetoread_247


Neopian Fashion Guide to Backgrounds
You've customized your pet to perfection... but now what? You can't leave that pet floating in a white void!

by soaringeagle25


That Piper is Distracting!
The main goal of the game is to collect all the baskets within the timeframe, and more importantly, collect the star baskets last...

by vrankovic40


Always check the forecast, even if you live in the tropics. (Because swim trunks and frostbite don't mix.)

by meepitluver


Pet Kicks Club
1) Where does Dr. Sloth come from?

by gelert548

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