For an easier life Circulation: 192,587,585 Issue: 654 | 18th day of Swimming, Y16
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Continued Series

Those Left Behind: Part Seven

"You'll be asked to do more now," he said after a pause. "Especially after demonstrating your talent like that. Some of it's dangerous."

by frazeocity
Where the Wind Blows Wild: Part Six

Corbin didn't like the idea of going back to Marius's house. That hadn't gone well the last two times...

by saphira_27
Faerie Wings II: Rosia's Revenge - Part Eight

Kira waited nervously outside the door of Fyora's office later that afternoon. She looked down the long hallways...

by downrightdude
Saving the National Neopian Bank: Part Five

"Skyfire, scum, and you better remember it if you don't want to be on the receiving end of my blaster," she said.

by rider_galbatorix
The Persecution: Part Six

Soft music played as Villia mingled with the other vampires casually strewn around Hayden's drawing room.

by racerfishy
And His Companion: Part Three

Solarin landed daintily on the cobblestones before the hall of heroes. Swinging himself off the Uni, Tor gave a theatrical bow and held out a hand. "My lady?"

by shinkoryu14
Runaway: Part Five

He sat down on a rock, huffed a sigh, and put his face in his paws. His stomach growled so he tore one of the bananas free and devoured it. May had left no sign of where she had gone.

by catchinglights
Treasure Hunters: Part Five

"You know, we probably could have found this easily enough by ourselves," Archie mumbled gloomily as he looked up at the magnificent dome-shaped roof of the scrollery above him.

by meganhilty
Stargazer: Part Four

Whether she realised it or not, Azurabel held out hope that something could be done towards the problem plaguing her...

by fairyxhearts
One Route to Altador: Part Four

Abernathe almost fell off the top bunk in surprise. She looked down to find her roguish baby sister, Climene, rolling on Abernathe's bunk, squeaking with laughter.

by _torchic__
Hannah, Brynn, and Nabile and We Hate Hanso Club 2: Part Two

Nabile and Brynn looked around with wide eyes, taking in everything. Hannah watched them with a grin...

by kristykimmy
Moltara's Winter: Part Two

Jon forced himself to keep on walking, even though everything he wanted to was sit and cry. He had no idea why he didn't turn Magma.

Also by saltsman

by saudadesdagripe

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Seven Heroic Petpets

Every hero needs a sidekick and every Neopet needs a Petpet. If you have a Neopet that wants to be a vanquisher of evil or an upholder of justice, it stands to reason that they're going to need a very special Petpet to help them with all their adventuring and good deeds. Here is my helpful short list of the top seven heroic Petpets in Neopia, all of which would prove to be the perfect companion for any warrior of the peace!

Other Stories


Defenders Origins - Judge Hog
The muscular Moehog stared at the blue lantern in the center of the room as it gently flickered.

by herdygerdy


It Takes a Hero
On a quiet, ordinary summer's day, a white Usul sat crossed-legged at the library's circulation desk...

by parody_ham


Heroes - Dressing the Part
Artifacts that will rouse your questing spirit, carry you onto adventure, and help you smite evil!

by dianacat777


Making Your Choice: Team Villain or Team HERO!
The top six reasons why you should in fact resist temptation, fancy Neocash outfits, and the Meepits' evil stares in order to follow the path of the Hero!

by shadow717


Repeat Offense
Here to try for the avatar?

by eychelles


Superheroes Have to Start Somewhere

by trixinadia

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