Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 193,472,657 Issue: 692 | 31st day of Swimming, Y17
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Continued Series

The Fire Within: Part Ten

There’s a curious fact about revolutions. They all go well until it seems like you’d be better without the people in charge of them.

by herdygerdy
Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Eight

“Forgotten what?” asked Brillare. “Is it something important?”

“Yes, and it’s our biggest clue yet!” Illere insisted. She took a few deep breaths before she began her explanation.

by downrightdude

Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Two

I took the paper and read it. "Join the Sway or face the consequences," the note said.

by chasing_stars44
Mother's Balloon: Part Eight

Joyful sounds of laughter were carried in on the wind, but it was the wafting smell of a chocolate cake baking slowly in an oven that awakened Reyela's senses, and alerted her of the fact that the day had started without her.

by dewdropzz
The Adventures of Trina: The Awakening: Part Three

I can see everything you experienced, your past and feelings. I know where you have been, and what you are trying to do next. By just taking one look at you, I know all of your strengths and weaknesses.

by ummagine3284
The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Four

King Skarl stared at the letter in his hands. He couldn't quite believe what he was reading. It was completely unexpected. They hadn't conversed in years, but now he wanted to write to him? This was odd. Something didn't quite add up.

by dudeiloled
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"The Great Cookie Caper" by xpninja
IIn the garden of number forty eight, Rainbow Lane, Neopia Central, stands a tree house. But this is not just any treehouse. This treehouse is the headquarters of the Super Secret Club. It’s Super (of course) and Secret (naturally) and the Club risk their lives on difficult, dangerous missions, like retrieving the ball that fell into Mrs-Jenkins-Next-Door’s garden, and taming the wild Warf that somehow managed to crawl through the hedge. There’s no mission too big, no task too terrifying. They will work tirelessly to ensure that justice prevails in the garden. Until nap time, that is.

Other Stories


Super Secret Club: The Great Cookie Caper
The Kacheek prances off, towards the kitchen, where Al knows the magic happens. Seconds later, a loud cry of horror interrupts the quiet hum of chatter in the quiet bakery. The Super Secret Club leap to their feet, racing to where the Breadmaster is standing in the doorway.

“My famous cookie recipe! It’s …It’s gone!”

by xpninja


Trouble's Brewing
Deep within the macabre wetland of the Haunted Woods, hidden by the swamp gases and crooked trees shrouded in tangles of spongy moss, there was a foreboding abode that stood on the muddy river bank. Composed of rotten-looking shambles of wood, it looked like the slightest gust of wind could knock the entire residence on its side. But it was the enigmatic ixi that called this dingy shack home that really gave rise to the mysteries.

by flannelle


Even More Holiday Proposals!
I think there are a lot of aspects about Neopia that deserve their own special holidays!

by indulgences


5 Super Easy Game Avatars
Those exclusive game avatars. Most people wait until the end to get those because they are stereotyped as being the most difficult to obtain. Well here are some easy games that will let you get the avatar in no time.

by yashasvika


Color Fail #4
Kiko Swimming Competition

Also by susy_ti

by sppyder2


How to Embarrass Yourself in Public
Volume 1 / 1,000,000.

by ghostie_of_the_fc

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