Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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Unfortunately there will be no editorial this week. We have been extremely busy and I don't want to hold up the news any longer. While I cannot do an editorial, I will try to give you a little update on a few things (as much as I can without out legal department screaming at me that is).

Yesterday we went to see how the PS2 game is shaping up and I can tell you it looks and sounds amazing. There are some very cool people doing voice overs (you will have heard of a lot of them I am sure) and the characters look great. I can't give any specific details as to the release date or story line, but the game plot is (in my opinion) our best yet with plenty of things to keep you occupied. Things do seem to be shaping up really nicely and I wish I could show you screen shots or give you more details but until Sony make the official press release I am afraid I cannot.

You may have heard about some other rather exciting news that we announced this week. Neopets is going to be making a movie!!! We will be working with Warner Brothers on this so it should be a really professional, exciting film. Adam and I will be doing everything in our power to make sure the film is as true to Neopets as possible and that the story is top notch.

Maraqua is now open for you to visit although there isn't much there right now. As the storyline progresses more things will be added including shops, games and a restaurant!

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the plot and I will be back with an editorial next week.

Have a great weekend!

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