Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Shades of Darkness - Shadow is Arising: Part One

The barrier is breaking, and there is no Guardian to protect it. The faeries are failing. Nothing can stop them.

by jesse12_3
Darkness Binding 4: Part One

"Darkness only lies in my nightmares, even when I am awake. I am here on a more serious matter."

by nomad2
The Wand of Supernova: Part One

Roxie couldn't believe it. A Wand of Supernova had appeared in front of her! It was too good to be true. She had heard that those were really rare. It would make a good Christmas present for Martin.

by lavender_summer
The Odd Egg Out: Part One

The owner, a young boy, of about 12, was staring at the egg, staring, staring. It was as if he hoped that his staring would heal whatever haunted this egg.

by legilis
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"The Ancient Prophecy" by dudetti
They knew who it would be, but they also understood that they could not do much about it...

Other Stories


The Ancient Prophecy
They knew who it would be, but they also understood that they could not do much about it. However, it was also foretold that a protector must be assigned to this certain pet, and that certain protector would be his brother.

by dudetti


The Great Prank War
I am a handsome red Wocky with a great sense of humor. Oddly enough, others don't always seem to think so, usually when they are on the receiving end of one of my many practical jokes… Oh well. It's their loss.

by acexofxspades


Neopian Spotlight: The Fountain Faerie
What is the Rainbow Fountain? It's a Fountain that every Neopet dreams of, a Fountain that is most rare when you can bathe in it.

by get_a_life10


The Neopets TCG: Hannah and the Ice Caves
This expansion introduces new cards called Fate cards. There are two types of Fate cards, Quests and Curses.

by slickninja


Troublesome Moments

by kristy_blue2001


Faerie Woes
Woe #2: Bad Weather

by roller_coaster26

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