Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 176,435,056 Issue: 337 | 4th day of Eating, Y10
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New Series

Fine Line: Part One

The camouflage Kougra silently celebrated his victory. After weeks of hard work and good lies, he had managed to infiltrate one of the Great Gebmids...

by reggieman721
The Warden's Tale: Part One

"By the Founders, Vex! If I didn't know better, I would say that you were falling into a certain trap!" the Grarrl grunted, scratching a small "3" on the table...

by torkie10
Lost Memories: Part One

In a field of grass just under the plateau, a herd of Tonu mothers tended their eggs...

by zafaracutie4
The Zap that Changed it All: Part One

He had spotted something caught on a nearby bush, blowing and fluttering in the breeze. He pulled it quickly from the leaves and let his eyes run over it. He recognized it immediately as a piece of the secret laboratory map...

by adoption_rescues
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"How A Pirate Blumaroo Found Her Greatest Treasure" by indulgences
She had even sold the gold earring she had gotten after being painted with a Pirate Paint Brush for a profit. Yes, she was quite ambitious, this Blumaroo of ours. She began jingling the Neopoints in her purse, reassuring herself of their weight. Her eyes glittered with avarice and desire. Soon she would be rich. It would only take a week to...

Other Stories


Dream A Little Dream
"You have to drink your Potion of Containment. The Neopian Hospital said that it is the perfect cure. You will be able to sleep..."

by lizzex8


No More Contraptions
They had toiled away at their top secret project for months. They had gone through countless thingamajigs and whatchamacallits. Suddenly, Leon shrieked, "I got it! I finally got it!"

by kms42482


Guide to Imperial Exam
The game is pretty easy to play. Look at the thought bubble of each pet. If the word is spelled correctly, press the up arrow key to let them enter the exam.

by iloveharrypotter8989


Caring for your Cloud Racer
There are many means to oil your Cloud Racer and each Faerie swears by a different way. The Space Faerie insists on using the finest Grundo drool, though, understandably, many people are disgusted by this.

by little_gothic_wowen


Feepit Frenzy #10
I only want to ask you a question...

by fariy287


The Ruki Army
Atticcus visits the NC mall (CLICHES!!!)

by popolopolis_the_3rd_

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