Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,465,024 Issue: 649 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y16
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New Series

The Unexpected NC Mall Journey: Part One

Maggie slowly opened her eyes, just as the sun began shining through her window and lighting up her room. It was a beautiful morning! At least, it should have been.

by navygreengolf
Where the Wind Blows Wild: Part One

So what was a priceless statue doing in the hands of the two-bit mayor of this two-bit little place?

by saphira_27
The Persecution: Part One

Some people would be very taken aback at learning that vampires openly lived among the mortals, but here in Neovia, it isn't much of a big deal.

by racerfishy
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Interview With Keetra

Ever since the first modern Altador Cup eight years ago, Keetra Deile, the captain of Team Virtupets, has dazzled yooyuball enthusiasts all over Neopia with her tenaciousness and style, both on and off the pitch. This young Cybunny's effort paid off when she led Virtupets to their first ever Altador Cup championship in Y9...

Other Stories


Fel and the Omelette Adventure
It was a cold and terrible day in Tyrannia, which was strange, I thought. Usually Tyrannia is all sunny and happy...

by scathachs


There were two things that Nibs Alabaster never left his neohome without: a working retractable pen, and a small notepad that he kept in his jacket's pocket.

by psychedelicreature


Mid-Altador Cup Crisis?
There are two ways to go about getting yourself back on track with the motivation to finish through to the end of the Cup and I'll go through both of them.

by usukii


High Anxiety: An Interview with Xana DiLanche
On behalf of all of us here at the Neopian Times, we'd like to welcome Xana DiLanche, goalkeeper for the Shenkuu Ninjas.

by justnobody


Mauwee and The Mysterious Egg Part 8
Dejected, Mauqee slowly walked away...

by reantimate


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
It's time for the Altador Cup!

by trivialarzt

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