Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Short Stories

A Trio of Evil - The Leak

It was as if there was this tiny little rainstorm right above my chair.

by aminionofevil
The Clandestine Daughter

"I've put plenty of food and fresh water in there, enough to last you months at least. As soon as I conquer Meridell I'll come and get you, alright?" Iska remained outside, arms crossed in front of her chest.

by battlesunn
Coming Clean

"Come on Alyai! It'll be fun; we won't stay too long. We'll just race there and then go straight home. Griff will never know."

by griffiane
Of Wockies and Rukies

"Well, uh," Sapphire replied, "I've never seen a Ruki before!" she blurted out. "What are you doing here in Neopia Central? I thought you were a Lost Desert pet!"

by dan4884
The Saga of Two Pirates

Wendy pouted and turned away. Nevertheless, escape was useless due to the fact that they were bound tightly next to each other inside a boat that could barely fit a loaf of bread....

by cheopspyramid
The Day I Taught at Neoschool

"'Dear cosmicfire918, our resident art teacher, Mr. Lupid, has just informed us that he has come down with a sudden case of NeoFlu and will need to stay home tomorrow to recuperate..."

by cosmicfire918
End of the World

When Silara went to sleep that night her life was made perfect. She didn't know this immediately but the fact was there, buried deep within her subconscious for when she woke up in this new world...

by child_dragon
What REALLY Goes On Inside the NT Submission Form

"Hello Miss," said the Zafara, waving at Rachel. "I'm Nigel Randonon. Would you like to buy some of my Juppie Juice Ink? It's not real juice, it just smells like it! All your friends will love receiving letters from you!"

by jesse12_3
Secret Worries of the Tooth Faerie

I was walking on a beautiful summer day trying to find a poison snowball for my older brother when I saw an ad taped to the front of a store...

by august_chic
Melodramatic Stories and Tales: The Final Chapter

Erika flipped through the book quickly with her eyes closed, stopping only when her finger was lodged (slightly painfully) between pages 798 and 799. "Jhuidah and the Cooking Pot," she announced.

by erika_idle
Autobiography of a Balloon

I look just like any of the other balloons in the shop, but perhaps by some strange Faerie magic which even I am unaware of, I am unlike them. For I have a mind of my own.

by scarletrhapsody
Of Kidnapped Pets and Crossword Clues

"Faerie Crossword. They give you clues and you have to go and find the answers, and then if you get them all soon enough the faerie gives you NP."

by extreme_fj0rd
Sincerely, Luna

Urgh, all this writing is making me sick to my head. I don't know what to write about!

by blubblub317
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"The Saga of Two Pirates" by cheopspyramid
Wendy pouted and turned away. Nevertheless, escape was useless due to the fact that they were bound tightly...

Other Stories


The Deserted Fairground: Freaky or Fun?
They say that a change is as good as a holiday, even if it is only for one day. So why not try something different? How does a day at the Deserted Fairground sound?

by neo_april


Petpet Employment: Species Appropriate Jobs
Have you ever seen a Petpet and thought, “That Petpet would make a great addition to my traveling band of banana jugglers!”?

by jakeohman


Midwinter War: Part Five
"Thank you, my lord," Philip snorted as he walked off, dragging Charmond after him. "We'll be sure to return with that faerie!"

by shadowcristal


Mordegan: Poogle Rights Advocate - Part Four
The Lupe gulped, glancing nervously at Number Four, who had seated himself in the front row. The Poogle smiled encouragingly at the Lupe, and Mordegan felt a small pang of guilt. He would have to improvise.

by battlesunn


Trophy Troubles
Monsters are attacking!

by precious_katuch14


The Pet Patrol Revolution - Monotony
Boredom gone wrong...

by neo_tomi

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