Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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Short Stories

Jhuidah and the Cooking Pot

The young faerie looked around, and saw a huge amount of tropical plants. Then she spied what would be her life's work. A big, green, mean pot shone in the bright sunlight.

by shadowcristal
Jhudora's Bottle

Shara frowned and tried to figure out what to do with the bottle. The Ruki had talked about Faerieland, that made her careful...

by ssjelitegirl
Cafeteria Blues

Penny could not believe it! She was the new class president for the year of 2005. All of her hard work for the past two months had really paid off.

by ilar210
Aisha Goes Cold

Her daring and courageous exploration throughout the Neopian terrain always left readers with a magical tingling feeling at the paws or toes or talons - depending on your species - that made them want to shrug on a coat, and do a bit of travelling around themselves...

by cyberthread
The Cove

Bad luck concerning money was the worst thing that could happen to a Neopet, according to Beyla. She had her reasons, which she kept to herself. ..

by sara_mossflower

It's all his fault. I have no friends at Neoschool, and they're all scared of me. They know I'm Loa's sibling and I'm sick of it. I want friends, and he ruins it for me...

by dragoneyeneo
The Girl at the Cork Gun Gallery

"Oh, come on, is that the best you can do?"

by cruzerchic123
The Poor Life

"I'm sorry that I have good fashion sense. I'm sorry that we are rich and can afford to buy thousands of purses at that price. But is that my fault?"

by getto_agent
Fated: Merry Meet Again

Kiliaresetar and Shalaresilv had been the ones to save the world when Sloth threatened to destroy it. The two Kougras were as different as night and day, and yet they were the best of friends...

by jade_steel

"Both sisters could foresee the future - Isca in her dreams, and Caylis in her nightmares."

by eternally_forgotten
Blumaroom Service

"Oh, just call me Von!" cackled Count Von Roo. "I sound cooler with that name!"

by blubblub317
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The Botanist's Alphabet

Have you ever visited your Aunt Margarie's house? If so, did you ever go out to the backyard to have a picnic? If so, was your mind boggled by all the strange-looking foliage surrounding you? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then this article is for you...

Other Stories


So Ye'd Like ta be a Pirate...
Arrr, so ye scurvy landlubbers've come ta hear Cap'n Threelegs's first-class rules fer actin' like a pirate, eh? Haharr, well, pull up a chair an' open up them ears...

by hermionechochang


The Woes of Being Jelly
"I feel like the Jelly Chia," I mumbled as we walked home, "just as ugly and just as... mouth-watering!"

by 3dcourtney12044


Rage Alone III: Ambitions - Part Four
Just when he thought he wouldn't see anyone again, two mutant Grundos armed with energy rifles walked through the doors...

by nomad2


The Beauty Shop of Horrors: Part One
"Oh honey, you sure do look like you're exhausted," Tine pointed out as the two made their way towards her home. "I mean, look at the lines under your eyes. They're the size of apricots! And look at this filthy hair. EEE! Your skin! It's so greasy!"

by blubblub317


Castle Battles
At least Skarl and Hagan got their exercise!

Art by ghostkomorichu

by patjade


Freshly Tinned Carrots
One cup breadcrumbs...

by violajunky

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