Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 192,522,755 Issue: 652 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y16
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Short Stories

The Most Peculiar Customer

My shop, Xwee Boutique, is located in Neopia Central, among the many others in the Neopian Plaza. It's a clothing store, a popular one at that...

by psychedelicreature
Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter XVIII

"Outside of such important social events, backstabbing is perfectly acceptable," Sloth said. "Really, one would think you would do more research on such things."

by kristykimmy
Misadventures of an Innocent Bystander 3: Taelia

Around springtime, tourism took a sharp drop as most people were relieved that winter was behind them at last.

Not us.

by flufflepuff

April Showers

"Aren't they precious?" Kari said.

Inside the box were several pink baby Faellies...

by goodsigns

How I Moved to Krawk Island

I've lived on Terror Mountain. It's cold and difficult, but it was affordable for a new player and it's home for me and my pets. At least until today.

by legolassie85
The Machinist

The roars of the Moltaran machinery that had boomed so greatly had dimmed to a series of rumbles and vibrations, and Dessin sighed in relief.

by ohllox
The Age Old Question

"Paper or plastic?"

by jarm9
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"How I Moved to Krawk Island" by legolassie85
A roar of pure fury woke the household up. A chorus of groans and whining eventually managed to roll out of my holly patterned bed and onto the cold floor. Time to make breakfast. Fyora knows if I didn't, I'd have to deal with whining pets for the rest of the day. I dug through my hamper, trying to find something resembling a clean outfit....

Other Stories


Faerie Abilities Guide Series: Level 5
Hello again, Neopia! Welcome back to our comprehensive, in-depth series examining the different Faerie abilities released in Y15 to supplement the new Battledome!

Also by woccawoccawocca

by dragonsfriend1021


Eggcesorizing Your Egg
Neopoint trinkets, accessories, and pointers to get you started on making your egg stand out from the crowd.

by ondore_


Those Left Behind: Part Five
"And Hephen, what is his story?" I wondered.

Torpin shrugged. "Dunno, I've never heard him talk about it. All I know is, he's been a--a traveler for a long time."

by frazeocity


One Route to Altador: Part Two
Sugarchick and Climene began to race towards Faerieland, ignoring the cries of their owner, Éclair, to come back.

by _torchic__


Neopets Go! #1
"Super important" is a relative phrase!

Art by milkbear

by iara_purity


Terrible Avatar Petpets...
At least it's temporary, right?!

by snoleopard

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