Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 192,587,388 Issue: 653 | 11th day of Swimming, Y16
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Short Stories


As he was applying some purple to the edges of the sky, a Scriblet climbed onto his shoulder, its antennae twitching as it studied the drawing.

by goodsigns
Catacomb Calamity

"You are to go in there and bring me back the finest treasure your little paws can get a hold of..."

by testrachelamy
Tales From the Desert: An Origin Story

Since he had been a small Neopet, all he could see himself doing was become a great chef.

by ibeth602
Patience Makes A Dream Come True

"I can't believe it, Mostoff, he's asleep, he's actually asleep!" the Hissi whispered to his Melton...

by paranoidnarcissist
Pay It Forward

A little kindness can go a long way.

by jarm9
A Gift Called Hope

It was a cool Friday evening when the small Blue Krawk's case was finally seen before the Faerie court.

by valianttsadhe
The Story of a Plushie

My name is Meta... or it used to be. I haven't had a name for a long time now.

by reiqua
Event Horizon

Commander Hyren's bare feet compacted the starch-fine layer of sooty dust covering the desolate planetoid, tagged in his helmet's heads-up display only as Calixto Sigma-3204...

by cosmicfire918
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"Drawing" by goodsigns
As he was applying some purple to the edges of the sky, a Scriblet climbed onto his shoulder, its antennae twitching as it studied the drawing. Quite suddenly, it leapt into the air, its blue-and-red beetle wings buzzing, aiming for the canvas...

Other Stories


The Many Fabulous Uses of Jelly!
Jelly is a food with many wondrous uses, which ought to be listed among the greatest aspects of Neopia, rather than condemned to live out its days as a relatively overlooked novelty item.

by geckolord


Alternatives to the Everyday Omelette
Would you like to eat egg for all your meals? I certainly wouldn't.

by snowpuffcookies


Saving the National Neopian Bank: Part Four
Golgoth stood up. "Then why not simply close the shop there and move out? It's clear that these decisions are damaging the company, and are so damaging the shareholders who the company exists to serve. Why haven't we already done this?"

by rider_galbatorix


Those Left Behind: Part Six
When we returned to our positions around the table on the deck, all eyes turned to Mellis. "Bren already said he was last," Lapnir said, "so that means you're next."

by frazeocity


Life Is Hard 5.0
You get all dressed up...

by scathachs


Easy as Stealing Candy From a Baby?
Never has it been easier!

by littlegirlydude

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