The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Runaway Raindorf - Part Six by playmobil_is_my_life
Before we walked through the small opening I shook the snow
off my white wings. We had just taken two steps inside and already Luna was rummaging
through her Faerie Back Pack. I couldn't see her too well since it was pretty
dark, but her paws were flipping through various items until she found what she
was looking for.
A beam of light illuminated one of the icy walls.
"A flashlight?" Damien grinned. "Now that's
Luna rolled her eyes. "Seriously, am I the only
one who thought of bringing one?"
"Probably," I admitted, and then added, "the
rest of us never thought we'd end up in a deep, dark cave searching Terror Mountain
for a Raindorf that won't come when he's called."
"Shh," said Charlie sharply, like he was trying
to shush a yapping Puppyblew. "Let's just find Comet."
That wasn't going to be too hard. The
Raindorf had left us a faint trail of hoof-prints to follow. We pressed further
into the cave, the temperature growing a bit colder. The beam of Luna's flashlight
stayed on the ground and was careful not to stray from the only evidence that
Comet had been here.
"Wonder what cave this is," Luna thought aloud.
"I didn't think there was a cave marked on the mountain top…"
"Maybe we traveled further than we thought,"
said Charlie. Damien was holding the pea Chia in his upraised paw.
I found it hard to concentrate on Comet. Everything
around me was beautiful--glazed with ice and sparkling under the flashlight's
beam. Frozen stalactites occupied the ceiling and my breath looked silvery in
front of my beak.
I almost ran into Damien because Luna, who was
leading the way, stopped. I looked up to see why. In front of us were two paths.
I knew we were bound to run into a fork sometime. I looked at Comet's hoof-prints:
it seemed like he paused too because they were deeper in that spot. The trail
picked up on the tunnel to the left.
"Then left it is," I decided and the group started
A few minutes later, Damien made us all stop.
Luna wheeled around to face him and said seriously, "What?"
Damien's eyes were squinted in concentration.
"I hear air flowing in to us. Don't you feel it?" Since Aishas have an extra
set of ears, Damien was the first to notice the soft whooshing sound of air.
He looked over at Luna and I. "That means that we're about to go into a big
"Good," I sighed. I was starting to feel a little
claustrophobic in this tunnel.
Damien was right. The tunnel opened up into
a large room that seemed as tall as the Meridell castle. The ceiling was vast
and the floor wasn't snowy anymore, but it felt hard like ice. I wanted to yell
and hear my echo bounce of the walls, but thought better of it.
The coolest thing was a faint beam of light
shining down on a large pile just up ahead. It was silvery and kind of majestic
looking, how it shone at a diagonal angle. The beam came from the ceiling, meaning
that there must be an opening at the very top of the cave. Perhaps if we found
Comet, that would be a quick escape.
"Look at all those things on the ground," Luna
pointed with the flashlight. "They sure are colorful."
Curiosity got the better of the four of us because
we started over to the pile, excitement and bewilderment growing. The colors
were easy to see now: blues, reds, greens, purples, yellows, and pinks--all
of the colors of the rainbow at the Rainbow Pool and many more.
"Oh my gosh!" exclaimed Damien, who reached
the pile first. "These are Neggs!" He held up a red and blue Negg with a lightning
bolt on the front.
"Neggs?" I echoed. "But… what are they doing
in a cave? Whoever they belong to, he or she was really keeping them hidden
from other Neopians."
"Hey, look who I found!" Luna reached into the
pile and pulled out a thin Raindorf who was nibbling on a Negg.
"Comet!" Damien sighed with relief, taking Comet
in his paws. "The poor little guy… he must be starving."
We didn't have much time to be relieved about
the Raindorf or look around at the many Neggs because the ground started to
tremble. It wasn't very strong at first, but then it got harder. My white paws
started to shake on the icy floor.
"What's happening?" yelled Charlie, holding
onto my ears to keep from falling off my head.
"Oh, no," Luna began.
Damien and I glanced towards each other, trying
to locate which direction the rumbling was coming from, but it looked like Luna
knew. She was standing petrified, her mouth frozen open in terror and her eyes
wide. The flashlight beam was wobbling as the floor shook louder. The three
of us turned to where Luna was looking.
"He's coming," she managed to say, "he's coming--run!"
"Who's coming, Luna? What is it?" I asked urgently,
putting my paws on the Yurble's shoulders to look her in the eyes. "Tell us."
Luna tried to say something but she was much
too scared. Instead, she just pointed in the direction of the long, icy archway.
Through the gap slithered a monster-like creature
with a sleek body and glowing red eyes. He rose up as tall as could be and looked
down at us. I felt all of the feathers on my back stand up and my paws became
glued to the ice.
Luna managed to find her voice, "Snowager."
"Holy Tyrannia," I mumbled slowly, not taking
my eyes off him.
The Snowager looked at us peculiarly, then his
eyes narrowed. He roared and shards of ice shot from his mouth. I raised my
paws to protect Charlie and myself but felt a few pieces hit me in the chest.
Damien and Luna seemed okay, so thinking fast, I yanked them onto my back and
told them to hold on.
Everything after that was a blur. The Snowager
roared again and ice blasts showered my wings and feet. We rose up into the
air towards the ceiling: aiming for that burst of light to escape. I felt Damien
and Luna holding on for dear life and Comet's hooves dig into my back. Ignoring
it, I made a beeline for the opening. When I reached it I almost smashed into
the ceiling. A layer of ice was covering it-- preventing our escape!
Frantically looking back, I saw the Snowager
preparing to attack again. Thinking fast, I dodged to the right, just as his
nose hit the ceiling. I heard a loud crack and realized that he had chipped
some of the ice blocking our exit. Desperate for an escape, I clawed at the
remaining pieces and pushed my way through.
I could barely feel the Snowager's hot breath
on my tail when the five of us (Damien managed to hold onto Comet) burst through
and rolled down the hill. We broke apart and slid the rest of the way down.
Charlie was still on my head; Comet was shaking
like a leaf in Damien's lap and Luna was breathing heavily across from me. We
made it. We escaped the Snowager's cave unscathed. All of a sudden I looked
around and felt giddiness rise up in my chest. I started to laugh.
I couldn't help it--my paws were shaking and
I was missing some feathers, but we were safe. It was a nervous laugh, mixed
with excitement and relief. The sunlight was warming and welcoming on my face.
I could hear the wind and feel the soft breeze.
Damien sighed heavily and chuckled, too. The
royal Aisha lowered his head and when he looked up at me, I could see he was
laughing as hard as I was. Even Charlie was grinning. It was a really good feeling.
When I stood up, Luna smacked me on the side.
"You guys have a weird sense of humor."
"I can't help it," I began, still shaking a
little. "I'm just glad we made it out!"
Luna rolled her eyes. "We almost get killed by
the Snowager himself and you're still over here giggling like a maniac." I laughed
hard on that comment. To me, the situation was funny… especially since we all
were safe.
"That was quite a save," Damien winked at me
and clapped me on the shoulder. I grinned, enjoying the praise.
"Yeah," said Luna as we started to walk down
the slope. "Thanks, Marlo."
That night at the Snowy Inn, Luna came up to
our room and we continued to share theories about what happened on the 14th
month of Awakening. After our little run-in with the Snowager, it felt good
to relax under the heating system in the Snowy Inn.
Comet had been returned to Sabra the minute we
reached Blizzard Lane. The Cybunny was ecstatic. Even Comet looked happy to
be home! I was about ready to go home myself, but the Neopet who broke into
Sabra and Kara's house was still out there, and we needed to find him or her.
"What if…" Charlie began. It seemed as though
the whole night was filled with 'what ifs'. "What if Terrak the snow shoveling
Innkeeper was shoveling snow that morning for Sabra? He could have easily put
some Slumberberry Potion in the Achyfi, causing Kara to collapse. If he's been
shoveling snow for the sisters for a long time, he could probably figure out
their routine and know that Sabra was gone that night to get a Slushie and Kara
was left alone with Comet. We already know that Terrak doesn't like Comet..."
"One thing," I interrupted. "That doesn't explain
why the door was open."
"Maybe the Neopet responsible for Kara's exhaustion
left it open by mistake," Luna suggested, scribbling down our ideas in her notepad.
We didn't have much time to think about it more, because there was a knock on
the door.
I answered it. In the doorway stood a green Kacheek.
"Teagen," I said, surprised, "come in." I almost
forgot when Luna and I went to visit him. I introduced him to Damien and Charlie
and then asked why he was here.
"Well, uhh, last time we talked, you said if
I f-found the receipt when I was out to dinner I should give it to you." He
handed over a crumpled piece of paper.
I smoothed it out and skimmed through it: 'The
Snowball Café. 14th day of the month of Awakening.' 'Time of arrival: 5:51pm
NST'. Under that, 'Time of Departure: 6:48pm NST'. And under that was what Teagen
ordered and how much he paid. I turned to the Kacheek,
"Thanks. This makes our job a little easier."
"You're welcome. If you don't need me for anything
else, then, uhh, I'll just get going." I nodded and held up my paw to say no;
we were finished with him.
Teagen turned and exited as I shut the door.
I looked over at the group, "Teagen was telling the truth. He was at the restaurant
at the time of Sabra's incident and this receipt proves it. His story checks
"That just leaves Terrak," answered Damien slowly.
"And Sabra," advised Charlie. "Don't think for
one second that she isn't a suspect. It would have been easiest for her to put
the Slumberberry Potion in Kara's drink and frame her with the Raindorf-covered
He's right, I thought. With Teagen out
of the way, that left Terrak and Sabra.
To be continued...