The Return of Celia Synoptics: Part Four by appaloosa500
DeSoni woozily woke to a painful yank on his earstalks,
any Aisha's most sensitive area.
"I'd personally rather not, but Green here insists
the only way to keep you conscious is to give you this potion. No faerie magic
in it, obviously-I read up on that magic-invulnerability glop incident." Celia
glared at him angrily, though somehow with a touch of satisfaction. Well, why
not? She knew her plans would soon succeed. If DeSoni had been able to see clearly,
he would've seen her smirk and leave the dark maintenance vent.
"Here ya go," said Green, gently helping the
short Aisha upright and handing him an open potion bottle. DeSoni weakly reached
out and took it. He swallowed, then allowed his feet to collapse under him.
Green helped him into a sitting position.
"You'll be okay," the giant explained. "Miss
Synoptics shot you on a lower level then your friend. She'll be a while. Reconnaissance
or something."
DeSoni wearily rubbed his short ears as things
cleared up, then looked at the potion bottle. "CR19Z?"
"How in the world?"
"One of my creations. A stimulator to keep the
brain from putting the body to sleep in the aftermath of a traumatic incident."
Green chuckled. Guess he wasn't as dumb as he
looked. "Bet anything Celia didn't know that. Dunno why, considering all I've
heard about you, but you don't seem like a bad guy."
DeSoni smiled and rubbed his chest, which ached
a little like a bruise, but nothing more. It must've been only a level two.
From the energy ray he'd seen, he'd bet Rocky had been hit with a five at least.
Why, oh WHY, had he pulled him into this…?
"Glad you think so," said the tiny yellow Aisha.
"How'd you get roped into this anyway?"
"My job. Just what I do." The giant green Alien
Aisha shrugged.
DeSoni nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
"At the risk of sounding selfish, what are you guys going to do to me?"
Green shrugged again. "Dunno, really. She just
said she was going to kidnap you for revenge. I'm just muscle."
"You must have some idea. What type of transport
did you two use? Did you store any food or plan on pilfering? Did she bring
any unusual items?"
The giant frowned, the bent over towards a bag
half-hidden in the shadows. He ruffled through it and yanked out some sort of
map. "I don't know what this is, but she takes good care of it and stares at
it for hours." He handed it to DeSoni.
DeSoni reached over and laid it out flat on the
floor of the vent. "This is a topographical map of Kreludor, and not the inhabited
side either!"
"And… what?"
"Oh man, see this image here?"
"Yeah, but it doesn't make much sense to me.
No schooling and all that."
"See these lines? This type of map uses them
to represent elevation," explained DeSoni, easily slipping into 'teacher' mode.
"Closer together generally means less of a rise, or drop as the case may be.
Farther apart, such as this image here…" he stopped and gulped. "That thing's
as deep as a mountain is high, and easily five times as steep as the worst cliff
I can think of. Celia drops me in there and-" He stopped and gulped.
"And you're never coming out."
"Got it, big Green. See these tiny numbers? They
indicate the degree of incline. This pit is roughly 90 degrees, or a straight
The huge Alien Aisha twitched his earstalks.
"Why are you helping me?"
DeSoni shrugged ruefully. "What do you think?
I though maybe if I explained what Celia plans to do to me, just maybe you'd
help me out of this mess."
"I can't. It's my job. If I wreck this one, I'll
never get another."
"Green, at least listen to me! I can tell-you
aren't really a bad guy! You can't seriously want me dead. Even if I don't die
from the fall, I won't have anything to live for in a giant hole in the ground!
No one would look for me on the moon!"
Green stared at DeSoni for a long moment, his
eyes touched with sadness. "I can't."
Before DeSoni could respond, Celia returned.
The red Alien Aisha glanced at the Kreludor map,
then up to Green's face. He closed his eyes guiltily.
"You ARE working for me, correct Mr. Green?"
"Yes, Miss Synoptics."
"Get my map out of Sonix's paws and give it here.
DeSoni's earstalks drooped miserably. It was
obvious from the familiar maniacal glint in her eyes-the same glint that had
haunted him as a child. She was moving ahead with her plan, and she had every
intention of seeing him suffer.
Green did as ordered.
"Now tie him. Here's a coil of rope."
The giant Alien Aisha bowed his head. "Yes, Miss
Synoptics." And he roped DeSoni up well and tight, arms to toes.
DeSoni stared at Celia until their eyes met.
"Why don't you just knock me out? Never had any qualms about that before."
She smirked. "I want you to see firsthand what
I have in store for you. You probably know the basics," she gestured with the
paw holding the map, "but seeing your doom firsthand will turn a coward of even
the great Derek Sonix."
Meanwhile, the Space Faerie was barking orders.
She pointed at officer after officer, spouting commands such as "You guard exit
pods in E6," and "You scan vents A33 through D69," as well as "You run down
to ops and check for unusual-" well, I'm sure you get the picture.
The two Alien Aisha emissaries sat in a corner
by the limp form of a red Ruki. Both anxiously looked from each other to the
Ruki and tightly held paws.
Rocky stirred. His antennae flicked and he mumbled
something sounding like, "Stupid DeSoni." His claws clenched into fists and
his huge eyes flicked open. He levered his arms to lift himself up.
DeSoni's father caught his shoulder. "That's
not such a good idea, young lad. You need to rest."
"I've rested enough," grumbled Rocky, shaking
off Mr. Sonix's paw and sitting up.
"And you!" barked the Space Faerie, twirling
on her heel to face them. "You three are to stay here, out of my officers' way."
With another deft spin she twirled back and resumed her ordering.
Rocky's face hardened rebelliously. "I am not
staying here, sitting or sleeping passively, while my best friend is in mortal
danger," he whispered, then tried to gather his feet under him to stand. He
gasped and almost tumbled flat on his face. His eyes shut tightly as he tried
to block out the renewed pain suddenly flashing up and down his back.
"You took a direct hit to the center of your
spine!" exclaimed Mrs. Sonix quietly, trying not to draw the Space Faerie's
"I don't care!" The red Ruki gritted his teeth
and clamored to his four legs clumsily.
"Mr. Rocker!" scolded DeSoni's father. "Your
body won't stand that kind of strain very long! You need to rest, at least until
we can get a water faerie to see to you. You shouldn't even be standing for
another three days!"
"Fat chance!" growled Rocky, being remarkably
straightforward for perhaps the first time in his life. "I'm going to save DeSoni,
are you coming with me or not?"
The two yellow Alien Aishas met eyes, then stood
up quietly.
"We're in," whispered DeSoni's mom.
"I have an idea too," contributed DeSoni's dad.
"Space Slorgs!" shouted Celia angrily, slamming
her fist against the computer console she had hacked into. "They're covering
the space pods! And all vents are being covered at the entrances!"
"Give it up, Celia," said DeSoni bravely. "Let
me go, and I'll even let you and Green here get away free. I'll even help you
past the guards."
"NO!!" screamed the red Alien Aisha. She snatched
off her pack and yanked out blueprints of the Space Station. Her eyes scanned
them in deadly earnest, then she tapped a section with a delicate paw as her
sudden grin grew.
"Yes! There's a vent that leads to the luggage
compartment beneath the Kreludor shuttle. They'd never think of that!" She'd
cheered up considerably and slipped the blueprints back in her pack when she
checked the shuttle times on the console.
"Busted energy crystals-there isn't one for another
hour. We'll just have to wait."
DeSoni couldn't hide his relief. Another hour
for someone to find him! Celia glared at him angrily.
"Drag him this way," she ordered, and stomped
off down a vent. Big Green met eyes with DeSoni silently and sadly, but followed
orders, hefting the small bound body with one massive arm and pulling him along
after his employer.
Two yellow Alien Aishas in sleek silver uniforms
and one undressed, fairly normal red Ruki, not looking to healthy, stood in
a darkened, seldom-used hallway.
Mr. Sonix pulled out a small handheld computer
and began fiddling with it. After a few grunts, he twirled a small dial. A long
list appeared on the small screen. "Got it," he whispered, and showed it to
The red Ruki started down the list and whistled.
"That is one seriously messed up girl."
"Jealousy brings out the worst in anyone," said
Mrs. Sonix, politely shrugging.
"As you see," said the master engineer, completely
in his element, "I accessed Celia Synoptic's transcribed verbal psychoanalysis,
though basically it's just a long list of incredibly complex and disturbing
threats regarding Derek. Notice the most common one… it's repeated several times."
He fiddled with a few buttons and several lines were highlighted. "She wants
to drop him screaming into a bottomless pit, or one that will trap him forever,
or here one that he'll never escape from… it goes on."
"At least it's original," gulped Rocky, horrible
visuals running through his head.
"It's psychotic, that's what it is!" exclaimed
Mrs. Sonix.
Mr. Sonix clipped his mini-computer back on his
suit-belt. "My guess would be Kreludor. With the pods blocked and the vent exits
guarded, I'd bet anything she'll go for the Kreludor shuttle. There's a barely
known vent exit directly below where it clamps in place."
Mrs. Sonix yanked a long roll of paper from a
pocket and skimmed it lightning fast. In about two seconds it was re-rolled
and back in her pocket. "We have a space of 53 minutes before the arrival of
the next shuttle. Shuttle Bay 59."
"Of course, we have to get there before either
Celia or the shuttle gets there," added Mr. Sonix.
"I don't think we can do it without being spotted
by the Space Faerie or one of her officers," despaired Mrs. Sonix.
"Sure we can," said Rocky, bending forward. "Climb
on. Thanks to DeSoni's potion way back, I can easily speed to this Shuttle Bay
59 with two Alien Aishas on my back."
"But, honey, what if-"
"Now, Rickster, you know full well-"
"Just get on! We need to get there before Celia,
that giant, and my best friend-your son!"
Mrs. Sonix chewed her lips nervously, then swung
up. Mr. Sonix was right behind her.
To be continued...
Author's Note: Stay tuned for the thrilling climax. Well, I hope it is.
:P Really, I don't know if this OR the next part is very good--that's where
you readers come in. PLEASE let me know what you think, or if I left anything
unanswered, or whatever!