Brought Together II: Part Two by springsteen0991
Fyora had spent most of the hour telling the legend of the
Amulet to Smatty, which was a bore to Strophagus since he knew all about it already.
The Royal Quiggle had simply stood and smiled as the red Kyrii had listened intently.
Strophagus liked and respected Fyora, but he honestly thought she got too caught
up in her history lessons sometimes. He supposed Smatty enjoyed learning about
Faerieland, though, so he kept his opinions to himself.
"The Amulet contains an ultimate, evil spirit,"
Fyora had said. "It will consume and possess anyone who dares to wear it around
their neck. Once you put it on, you lose control, and the spirit commands your
every move. Your body, your mind, your soul...you no longer become aware of
those. They are all replaced with pure evil."
"Whoa...and why is this thing only locked up
in a small transparent box in your basement?" Smatty asked.
"The box may not look like it, but it is one
of the most impenetrable safes in Neopia. It's magical," Strophagus answered
Smatty laughed, and said, "Awesome. But why hasn't
it just been destroyed? It seems like something this awful should just be thrown
into a pit of lava and never seen again. And isn't the Amulet of Ascendence
an item that's sold in the hidden tower? That really doesn't make sense, if
this one is so special...."
Fyora chuckled. "You're thinking of the Amulet
of Thilg. Well, while I'm on the subject of that amulet, the ones sold
in the hidden tower are mere replicas. They're supposedly powerful, but really
useless compared to the real Amulet of Thilg. But don't tell my customers that
- they think they're buying powerful artifacts when the amulets are only expensive
pieces of jewelry. But I would never experiment like this with an amulet such
as the Amulet of Ascendence. It is much too powerful."
"And the Amulet of Ascendence cannot be destroyed,"
Strophagus added. "Fyora has tried every magic trick in the book to banish it
from Neopia forever, but there is no use, I'm afraid. It's here to stay - but
luckily, in good hands. For if it was to ever fall into the wrong hands, or
if someone were to put it on...."
"That would not be good." Smatty folded her arms
and grinned.
"Agreed," Fyora said. "Well, I think I've kept
both of you down here in this dark room long enough. Go on, go explore Faerieland.
Have fun!"
"I promise that we will, Queen Fyora," Strophagus
said with bow.
"See you later, Queenie, and thanks for the history
lesson!" The two of them then ran up the steps as fast as they could. Strophagus
almost tripped and fell back down, but that was nothing unusual.
Strophagus and his friend emerged out from Fyora's
office and into the bright hidden tower corridors, and immediately Smatty began
to chuckle.
Strophagus looked puzzled, but then understood.
He had always had trouble figuring out humor, but Smatty had helped him with
those issues in the past. Now he could at least take a joke. "You're laughing
about Queen Fyora, aren't you?"
"I guess. I'm just surprised that she was so...cool.
That's all I'll say." The Kyrii nodded.
"Queen Fyora is indeed an interesting person.
I myself admire her a lot."
"Me too. She isn't arrogant at all; she's actually
nice," Smatty said with a small hint of disbelief.
Strophagus gasped dramatically, made his eyes
unusually large, and said with short pauses in between each word, "I can not
believe it."
Smatty laughed for the millionth time that day.
She and Strophagus got along very well. "I'm glad to know you haven't lost your
sense of humor, Strophy."
"My name is Strophagus."
"Of course it is. Come on, you have to show me
around the tower." Smatty grabbed him by the arm and pulled him down the halls,
and Fyora watched happily as the two pets frolicked away. She was surprised
they hadn't noticed her listening on their entire conversation.
"Smatty," the Queen said to herself. "She's quite
the character."
Smatty and Strophagus had ended up having a wonderful
day. They had gone on a tour of the tower, during which Smatty got to meet all
sorts of new and interesting faeries. However, throughout the entire day, one
thing still remained extremely clear in her memory. It was impossible for her
to forget how the Amulet of Ascendence had drawn her toward it, and how compelled
she was by it. It was impossible for her to shake it out of her thoughts, as
if the Amulet permanently haunted her.
By the end of the day, both of the pets were
exhausted. After eating a rather fancy dinner consisting of food Smatty had
never even known existed, the two of them retired to bed. Smatty was about to
pull out her sleeping bag, but then she remembered she had a bed the size of
her own house to sleep in, and put it back in her back with a nostalgic sigh.
It was the same sleeping bag she had slept in during her four day adventure
with Strophagus the previous month, in Terror Mountain. The Kyrii shook her
head and crept onto the extremely comfortable mattress, pulled the covers over
her, and shut her eyes.
Immediately, a mental image of the Amulet of
Ascendence flashed before her. Come to me, a voice whispered raspily
in her head. She yelped and sat upright, holding the covers tightly. That image
had been so vivid in her mind, with the dark-golden gem glowing in her face,
and the voice speaking to her. She glanced sideways to see Strophagus turned
over peacefully in his bed; he obviously hadn't heard her yelp.
"I'm going nuts," Smatty said to herself a moment
later, with a quiet laugh. "Today must have been a little too exciting
for me to handle."
With that, she closed her eyes again but opened
them back up instantly. The Amulet had flashed before her as soon as her eyes
had shut. Beads of sweat were now running down her face, as she wondered what
was going on.
Smatty, the voice called in her head.
The Kyrii tried covering her ears, but it was
no use. The voice continued to call her more and more, and eventually she gave
into it. Reluctantly, her small feet hopped off the bed and marched up to the
door of the room. She twisted the knob and peered outside, making sure the coast
was clear. A small voice in the back of her head was asking her what she was
doing, but some other power seemed to be controlling her.
Completely intrigued, she marched up the hidden
tower's steps made of the cloudy substance, and without any further thought
she was standing in front of Fyora's office. Before Smatty could even put her
paw on the knob (which was locked anyway), the doors swung open before her.
With a puzzled expression, she walked thoughtlessly through the dark office
up to the purple curtain, which was almost invisible to her in the darkness.
Just like the doors, the curtain flew off the wall magically, leaving the entrance
to the gray and uninviting basement unguarded.
Smatty marched down the steps in a robotic manner,
unaware of herself. She reached the bottom of the steps in no time, and she
could now see the Amulet of Ascendence. The gem was glowing so brightly that
the entire room was illuminated; the light passed right through the transparent
box that contained it.
Hello, Smatty, a voice coming from the
Amulet whispered in the Kyrii's head once more. Dazed, Smatty approached the
transparent box, slightly staggering. She was beginning to completely lose control.
She squinted and pressed her face against the box, staring deeply into the gem
of the Amulet.
Without any notice, an orangish-red beam of light
came from the top of the Amulet's gem, and burned a hole through the top of
the box that was supposed to keep it so well contained. For a moment after that,
the gem ceased to glow so brightly and Smatty fell back in shock.
"What am I doing here?" she asked herself, coming
to her senses. She had no memory of getting up out of bed, or coming down into
the basement of Fyora's office in the first place. How had it all happened?
She didn't get much time to think it through.
The Amulet had raised itself out from the box, and was now floating in midair.
The dark-golden gem seemed to look straight at Smatty.
"I better go get Fyora," Smatty said, not wasting
any more time. This Amulet looked like it meant business and there was no way
Smatty would let it do anything to her. As she turned around and sped up the
stairs, the Amulet flew through the air and followed her with amazing speed.
It went behind her, completely unnoticed, up into Fyora's office. Panting, Smatty
stopped for a moment at the door. Something felt eerie. Slowly, she moved her
head to look behind her.
The Kyrii's eyes opened wide as the Amulet's
gem shined directly into her face. Before Smatty could think to do anything
else, the Amulet charged into her and latched itself around her neck.
"No!" Smatty yelled, trying to pry it off of
her. "Get off of me!"
With great difficulty, she tried to run up to
Fyora's room, but soon found out it was becoming more and more difficult to
control herself. The Amulet was beginning to possess her...beginning to take
control. First, she discovered she could no longer use her voice. She tried
to open her mouth, but it wouldn't. Then, her legs, arms, and eventually her
entire body fell out of her command. Her lips curved into a smile, but she wasn't
really the one smiling.
The Amulet had taken over.
To be continued...