Never Trust A Chicken Man: Part Three by chocolateisamust
Also by extreme_fj0rd
"I thought you said it was fifty Neopoints!" Bo yelled,
pointing at the NeoCola can.
"No, I'm sorry, it's 51," said the annoyed shopkeeper,
waiting for his last Neopoint.
"How'm I supposed to help take over Neopia if
penny-pinching shopkeepers like you take away all my Neopoints?" Bo demanded.
"I'll, uh... what's that word... baggus... haggus... hag... hagger... hagbag..."
"That's the one! Haggle!" Bo said, pointing at
the shopkeeper. "Okay, okay, anyway, I'll give you 49 for this can of Neocola."
"Deal." Bo gave the shopkeeper 47 Neopoints,
and the shopkeeper gave him the can of NeoCola.
"Have a nice day," said the shopkeeper.
Bo wandered away down the street, sipping the
NeoCola and composing a sad song in his head about how a green-skinned, chicken-headed
villain had kidnapped his pet. He didn't even notice the sinister creature who
was creeping along behind him and whose name was Harriett and who is now becoming
slightly more important in this story.
That is, until he wistfully turned his head back,
crashed into a wall, and Harriet came rushing to see what was wrong.
"Owwwwww," Bo groaned as he fell to the ground
and spotted a small blue Wocky rushing over to him.
"Are you okay?" gasped the Wocky, Harriet, who
was really sinister but for a moment forgot that and decided to aid Bo.
"Yes," muttered Bo.
"Are you sure?" asked Harriet.
Bo nodded and meekly stood up. "I'm fine," he
"Oh, okay then," replied Harriet, and she walked
away. Well, not really away. Just far enough back on the path Bo had been trekking
along to be unnoticeable once he began walking again.
Except, this time Bo did notice her. "Hey!" he
called back, noticing that Harriet was slinking behind him merely six inches
away. "What are you doing?"
"Oh, just stalking you!" replied Harriet nervously.
"Oh, okay then!" shouted Bo. "Continue!"
And the harrowing search for Yasha went on.
And on.
And on.
And on.
And on some more.
And then Bo got bored of searching and fell asleep
under a tree.
Harriet glared at the sleeping Bo. "How am I
supposed to be in this story now?" she muttered, shredding a perfectly innocent
leaf to pieces. "I mean, really!"
Bo snored.
"That's it!" Harriet shouted. "I'm going to --"
But Bo woke up quickly at her shout. "What, what?
Where am I?" he asked, sitting up. "Why is there a tree?"
"There are no trees! I mean, there is no tree!"
Harriet said quickly. "And I don't exist either! Go back to sleep, this is...all
just... a dream!"
"Okay," Bo said happily, curled up, and went
back to sleep.
Harriet went back to glaring at him. "I am going
to kidnap him!" she shouted. "And take him to..."
"Me!" said a very familiar green-skinned, chicken-headed
villain, popping out of nowhere and holding a ray gun. He tossed the ray gun
to Harriet. "Kidnap on, Harriet!" He vanished again.
"Aye, aye, sir," Harriet said, but she failed
to catch the ray gun; it fell into Bo's hand.
Bo woke up and quickly jumped to his feet. "Okay,
you're all under arrest for... uh... being evil!" he shouted.
Harriet shrieked and snatched the ray gun. She
then pointed it towards Bo and said, "You can't arrest me! You're my first hostage,
after all, for when I take over Neopia!"
"Hey, you can't do that!" exclaimed Bo. "First
you randomly appear in this story, just like that Marco dude, and now you steal
the former plot! If you're gonna kidnap my story - no pun intended - then at
LEAST think of an original plot!"
Harriet narrowed her eyes and waved the ray gun
frantically through the air. "Come with me, young tree-sleeper!"
"YES!" Harriet then blasted the ray gun, and
a zap of bright yellow light went flying through the air, narrowly missing Bo
and instead crashing into the tree that Harriet had said didn't exist but really
did exist.
"Hey…" whispered Bo slowly as the tree cracked
and leaned over slightly from the damage. "You said there was no tree."
"I lied!" said Harriet.
"Hey, she lied!" Bo screamed.
"Who lied?" asked Mr. Chicken, reappearing briefly
before being gone once more.
random Yurble suddenly, throwing himself back into the story.
"I thought he was written out?" asked Bo, confused.
"Not anymore," replied Harriet, laughing maniacally.
"Because this is my story now, and I choose who stays and who goes. And
he stays. But you go."
With the blink of an eye, Bo was utterly gone.
"Why'd you do that?" Marco asked.
"I dunno," Harriet said, shrugging. "He annoyed
"Well, where is he?"
"Like I said, I don't know!" Harriet said. "And
you're starting to annoy me too, so if you don't stop it, you won't be here
either!" She blasted the ray gun at Marco, who jumped aside. It hit the tree
again, blackening most of the brown branches and browning the ones that were
lucky enough to have been not hit the first time.
"Hey!" Marco said. "Stop shooting at me!"
"No luck, pal!" said Harriet, shooting at him
again and once more missing.
"You can't even aim right, why don't you aim
for the tree and then you might hit me!" Marco shouted.
"Good idea!" She aimed for the tree.
One of the branches fell off. Onto Harriet's
head. She fell to the ground. And since the story was no longer Harriet's, Bo
appeared again.
"Wow, what happened?" asked Bo as he popped back
into the story out of seemingly nowhere; the human was glancing down at Harriet,
who was sprawled out on the grassy ground below.
"She shot a tree branch with a ray gun, and it
fell onto her head," replied Marco, shrugging. "Anyway, where did you go after
you were, you know, written out of the story? I mean, I was written out before,
but I don't remember where I went."
"It was really cool!" Bo explained cheerily.
"There were all these really cool people and pets there, and my neighbor Pauddman,
who showed us where the Minion Union was, gave me some tea."
"Why was your neighbor there?" asked Marco.
"Oh, he was written out within the first 530
words of the story," said Bo.
"Oh," replied Marco.
All of a sudden, Mr. Chicken appeared, his ray
gun in hand. "Which one of you is Marco!?" he roared.
Marco raised his paw. "Me! Me! I'm Marco!"
Mr. Chicken smiled, his eyes glinting with evil.
"Come with me then, Marco. Yasha the Lupe calls for you."
"Yasha?" gasped Marco as Mr. Chicken grabbed
his arm.
"Yasha?" echoed Bo, gasping as well.
"Yes, Yasha!" explained Mr. Chicken, and then
he and Marco disappeared into nothingness.
Bo was left alone, so very alone, so he began
to compose a song about his loneliness, and in it, he had a Meepit singing in
Meepit-language about how he was the loneliest person ever. It was actually
a really cool song, you can pick up the album at the Toy Store in the bazaar.
It's entitled 'Meepit and Bo Sing About Being Lonely'.
After Bo finished composing and singing his song,
he went back to the tree he'd been sleeping under earlier and sat down.
"Where's my ray gun?" an irritated voice demanded
after a moment.
"I think Mr. Chickenhead took it," Bo replied
absently. "Why, do you need it?"
"Yes-- well, no-- well, yes," said Harriet, scrambling
up from under the fallen tree branch. "We must avenge the stolen ray gun!"
"What?" Bo asked. "Hey, I thought you were unconscious..."
"No, not anymore! We must now go to the Space
Station and rescue my poor ray gun from the evilness of Dr. Frank Sloth!"
"Mr. Chickenhead," Harriet amended.
"Oh, him." Bo nodded. "Okay, why not? Maybe while
we're there, I can rescue Yasha and Marco."
"My pet," Bo said. "And a friend."
"Okay, as long as it doesn't take too long,"
Harriet said cheerfully. "Come on, I parked my spacecraft right over here."
"Okay," Bo said, and he followed Harriet away
from the tree to her spacecraft, which was designed in the Space Station due
to its immense technology that only comes from the Space Station.
Inside the spacecraft, there were buttons and
levers that Bo was tempted to pull and push and touch. "What does this button
do?" the human questioned, pressing down absentmindedly on a big red button
that clearly stated 'DO NOT TOUCH!'
Harriet shrieked and lunged at Bo, knocking him
out of the metallic chair he sat down in. "What did you do that for?" she cried.
"Do what for?" Bo replied.
"Press the cliché red button that's always pressed
in stories and clearly states 'DO NOT TOUCH!' Why'd you press that button!?"
Harriet was fuming.
"Oh, that?" Bo shrugged, as the spacecraft spontaneously
roared into the air due to the fact that he had pressed the forbidden button.
"Yes, that!" said Harriet. She then heatedly
began to pull random levers and push buttons, but alas, nothing worked; the
spacecraft continue hurtling itself into the air.
"What does that button do, anyway?" Bo questioned.
"It sends the spacecraft, unguided, through the
universe! We'll be lost forever!"
"Oh, that's too cliché to be written in," replied
Bo, smiling. "Our authors aren't that bad."
"How do you know that!? They're the ones who
thought of this stupid plot in the first place!" yelled Harriet. "Plus, the
one wearing blue pants with an odd, yellow sponge-man on it is writing this
AS WE SPEAK! They ARE that bad!"
Bo sighed. "So maybe they are," he whispered.
"But we're stronger."
With that statement spoken, Harriet nodded at
the stupid human, and she began to try to get back control of the spacecraft.
To be continued…